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Everything posted by L2-Country

  1. No, I am server's GM Annie :) However, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. ChangeLog of tonight's update: 2012.05.12 Fixed an issue when pet would not recveive buffs if it casts them itself to its owner. Added missing ability to dispel pet/summon buffs. Fixed an issue when observers could target force target players. Fixed exclusive_spawn maker errors. Npe fixes. Removed obsolete region BBS code for more performance. Removed player object references from clan member object. Updated witch athrea,klodekus, klanikus AI. Fixed soul mastery issues while in party. Fixed party/clan attacked range calculations.( ex: queen ant issues) Fixed an issue when cubic debuff end_effect would debuff owner itself. Allowed to refresh cubic it they're same level. Reconfiguerd siege fame bonuses while dead. Fixed party only buff usage on pets. Fixed buffs with class checks not working on pets.( ex: mana gain) Improved target selection for aoe rush attacks. Fixed ch loading issues. Rated these quests: No More Soup For You Only What Remains Expulsion of Evil Spirits Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1 Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2 Little Wing Gather the Flames The Finest Ingredients - Part 1 Seekers of the Holy Grail Ghosts of Batur Influx of Machines
  2. 2012.05.11 Fixed seven signs festival Updated with newer AI decompilation ( less bugs): queen ant,baium,frintezza,dawn/dusk festival npcs,some monster superclasses. Fixed daily recommend reset task. Fixed an issue when recommends could be lost on disconnect, crash or simmilar event. Fixed stack overflow issues which lead to frozen knownlist updates. Npe fixes Cleaned up skill effect removal code. Added additional checks to prevent Tabled of Vision AI from not working if summoned npc was killed not correctly. Fixed npc/summon temporary AI freezes when they're casting skills. Fixed pet disappearing issues.
  3. 2012.05.10 Npe fixes Fixed construct race weakness stats. Fixed an issue when player could not unlock some doors.( target too far issue) Fixed an issue when Good works reward quest npc Mark would not speak after someone already summoned npc. Added missing no-recall zones. Fixed exclusive spawn maker.( most commonly found @ triols, IT)
  4. 2012.05.09 Enabled VoteManager. More info in other news. Added AI outOfTerritory() support. Added AI DoorClanAttacked?() support. Minor drop optimizations. Fixed ssq spawns on boot issues. Fixed an issue when unlock skill could not unlock treasure boxes. Fixed Npc suicide event not giving any drop. ( For example treasure chests do suicide when unlocked) Improved i_delete_hate_of_me effect. ( trick and simmilar effects) Fixed an issue when resummoned pet would not refresh equipped item stat bonuses. Fixed an issue when herbs would show reuse delay. Improved tick effect manager security. Fixed an issue when end_effect would trigger on caster not on effected. ( Ex: lightning strike paralyze effect) Fixed an issue when NPCs would see spells they should not and because of that they would get aggro. Improved effect cleanup on log off. Removed delay from npc/pet attacks. ( there was ~0.5sec additional delay between attack due to desire mechanics)
  5. Today a new voting system will be added to our server, voting for the server can now get you the reward :) Currently it works for mmtop.ru only but we will think something about other top pages as well. More information in here. As you know, since we're using retail quest model, each quest item drop rate needs to be rated separately and rating them all one by one takes a bit of time :) That is why we would like to ask you, which quests item drop rate should be made priority. Please share your opinion in here. Thanks for the help :)
  6. 2012.05.08 Note: Since todays update mainly consists of rated quests ,( why it takes such a long time we explained already) tomorrow we will try to address most of newly reported bugs. Fixed monster teleportation issues in some regions. Groundwork for some future unique events. Rated item drop rate for these quests: Supplier of Reagents Alliance with Ketra Orcs Battle against Varka Silenos Alliance with Varka Silenos Battle against Ketra Orcs A Game of Cards Seductive Whispers Sword of Solidarity Sea of Spores Fever Spirit of Craftsman Forgotten Truth Jumble, Tumble, Diamond Fuss Elrokian Hunter's Proof The Ocean of Distant Stars To Lead and Be Led The Leader and the Follower The Name of Evil - 2 Temple Missionary Saga of the Doombringer Saga of the Soul Hound Saga of the Trickster Saga of the Phoenix Knight Saga of Eva's Templar Saga of the Sword Muse Saga of the Duelist Saga of the Dreadnought Saga of the Titan Saga of the Grand Khavatari Saga of the Dominator Saga of the Doomcryer Saga of the Adventurer Saga of the Wind Rider Saga of the Ghost Hunter Saga of the Sagittarius Saga of the Moonlight Sentinel Saga of the Ghost Sentinel Saga of the Cardinal Saga of the Hierophant Saga of Eva's Saint Saga of the Archmage Saga of the Mystic Muse Saga of the Storm Screamer Saga of the Arcana Lord Saga of the Elemental Master Saga of the Spectral Master Saga of the Soultaker Saga of the Hell Knight Saga of the Spectral Dancer Saga of the Shillien Templar Saga of the Shillien Saint Saga of the Fortune Seeker Saga of the Maestro Path of the Trooper Path of the Warder Certified Berserker Certified Soul Breaker
  7. Update Changelog: 2012.05.07 Since we're using retail quest model, each quest item drop rate needs to be rated separately. First quest batch ( others tomorrow): Tragedy in Von Hellmann Forest Inhabitants of the Forest of the Dead An Obvious Lie In Search of Cloth Find Glittering Jewelry Make a Sewing Kit Dragon Fangs Red-Eyed Invaders Help the Uncle! Help the Sister! Help the Son! Lanosco's Special Bait O'Fulle's Special Bait Willie's Special Bait Linnaeus' Special Bait Stolen Dignity Relics of the Old Empire Npe fixes. Reduced drop range from npc. Fixed npc clan ignore list. Fixed an issue when npcs would cast skills vaguely. ( Ex: pailaka) Fixed black swan multisell. Added support for npc/pet item pick-up. Improved pet follow desire. Fixed an issue when SOE from instance would still keep character in it. Fixed skill learning while transformed. Fixed Lematan,Latana AI. Fixed an issue when npc could start attacking himself. Added cleaner pet buffer AI. (improved decompile process) Fixed an issue when pets would stop auto-buffing after resurrection. Added missing buff restoration for newly summoned pets/summons. Fixed party buffs for pets. Fixed temporary title color broadcast. Changed npc party attacked range parameter. Fixed nickname change issues. Added additional buff checks before adding them to character to prevent effect list corruption.
  8. The counter has been added to our webpage. It shows how many player's are online in both servers. There will be no separate counter for each server :)
  9. Gandam, all the other rates are ok. Quist Item Drop Rate, I have already said, there were some unexpected errors with it, but our developers will fix it today so everything will be fine with the next update. I am sorry for the inconvenience :)
  10. Preluminary Changelog for today's Update. Update will be implemented to the servers in next few hours. 2012.05.05 Added support for pets that synchronizes their level with owners. Fixed an issue when mobs would keep attacking after paralyze. Added support for non hardcoded hungry limit for pets. Fixed an issue when mobs would keep attacking after paralyze. Added support for non hardcoded hungry limit for pets. Fixed an issue when hwid banlist would not reload removed bans. Fixed auctioneer npc type. Added missing htmls. Fixed shop adena amount calculation when buying more than one non stackable item. Fixed a rare bug when player could die in duel. Fixed newbie buff removal when entering instances. Fixed an issue when quest would show that all items are collected even when one item is missing. Fixed custodian mana consumption and max mana amount. Fixed telnet config loading issues. Added primeshop loggers. Fixed TW siege time setting for new servers. Fixed SSQ,Siege time set-up for new servers.
  11. And you judge the online a-beep-t according to the shops then majority of players is out there exping like crazy :D This Forum is called maxchaters, so do I really have to tell you how to check the server's online :)
  12. Yes, there ware some unexpected problems with rating quest items drop, but it will soon be fixed :)
  13. Important: Note before the start: if you already have our patch, do not forget to LAUNCH THE UPDATER! Otherwise you will not be able to log in :) If you do not yet downloaded the patch you can download it from here. Do not forget to lauch the game through the updater (patch automatically creates a desktop icon) :) P.s. less than 11 hours remain.
  14. Ok, as promised here is the info :) Prime Shop list: D-S grade Weapon and Armor Enhance Backup Stones (increase chance to enhance item by 18% (only if item is in a range of 3-9), does not work with blessed ew and ea scrolls). Escape scrolls to various Towns. A few transformation scrolls (all transformations last for 30min) Buff cocktails (1 hour buffs set for fighters and mages) Revita Pops (restores Vitality to full but does not have any time bonus to maintain it) Blessed Scroll of Resurection Blessed Scrolls of Escape (to various towns) Rune of Feather (increases weight limit for 24 hours (offline time too)) ~170 different Hats (without time limit and without skills) ~50 different Agations (without time limit and without skills) 3 -beep-table transformations (Lion, Horse and Beatle with time limits (7 days and 30 days online time)) My teleportation Item set (My teleportation Book where you can save teleport locations, flags to bookmark locations and teleportation book sheets consumed when teleporting) Potions (Mystery (makes you head big), facelifting (changes your face), dye (changes your hair color) and hair style (obviously changes your hairstyle)). Color Name. Weight loss ring (increases weight limit) Quiet Footsteps Ring (lets you avoid fist attack of the mob, lasts 400min) Shiny Couples Ring (you have to have set of two rings. Lets you teleport to the other player) 8 Hunting helpers (custom pets, which buffs you and fight near your side, they are different types, more info will be added later on if needed) You can find picture list (with prices) of the Prime Shop in HERE (I do not put in the post since it is kind of big). Available other functions: Blue Eva - increases your experience rate by x2 for 15min when used. You can turn on and off it's effect by using ".be" command. Autoloot - gathers the drop of monsters to your inventory. Single mode and Party mode available. More information ".autoloot" Nick Change (Donation Manager "Hipis") - 40 Blue Evas. S.ex Change (Donation Manager "Hipis") - 30 Blue Evas. Color Change (Donation Manager "Hipis") - Price depends on your choices. Banking System (".deposit" - converts your adenas to goldbars for easier keeping, and ".withdraw" - converst your goldbars back to the adenas)
  15. Yes, this time there are some webpage problems, however, they will soon be fixed so no worries :) Currently for the information I suggest you view our forum since it is working normally :) Or... our facebook page.
  16. Well, it was decided, that sub quest you have to do normally :) On the one hand, you are right that quest is annoying to do but on the other hand, those raids are the major pvp spots and to many players that is what makes the game interesting...
  17. Thanks for the opinion :) We will think something about those statistics. Here is the list of today's update changelog. 2012.05.04 Fixed various issues that stopped Dark Crystal Mansion from working correctly. Reworked level dependency formula for skill activation. Improved debuff resistance from base stats(CON/MEN/etc) Minor fixes for pets. Fixed ai object nullify function. mproved toggle skill handling for npcs. Fixed issues with buff override issues if old buff is longer that new one.( this rule should apply only for herbs) Fixed an issue when trigger skill would flag its owner. Added missing AI function calls when all npcs from zone are deleted. Added missing htmls. Improved GeoEngine movement calculations to prevent npcs moving through doors in some circumstances. Fixed AI event broadcasting issues. Improved AI Flee desire. Fixed an issue when instanced doors would duplicate with world doors in same place. Fixed FieldCycle step change code. ( Fixes SOI,SOD,HB stage increments/derecements) Added missing world_trap zones. Implemented VoteManager into loginserver to manage rewards per vote.( This feature will be announced when it goes live. At the moment disabled) Improved fake death and hide logic. Added world trap activation zones. Fixed World_trap visibility issues. Improved doorTable concurrency. Improved rush impact distance checking calculations and added appropriate system messages if check fails. Fixed champion fort captains. Fixed AI decompilation errors from spawn makers.
  18. Well, I do not know about the "last server" part since it is only up to you to decide but I can guarantee you the "long" part, server is no wipe so even if you decide to try your luck elsewhere you can always come back and pick up where you left off :)
  19. Well forum activity is not that much of a criteria to estimate the online in this case :) I have server topics in a few other forums (whole section in PmFun) and quite a lot of people are interested and discussions are active in those forums as well. We are very happy since a lot of international players are coming this time, at least a few cp from Russia (I've heard that the whole clan considers coming to play), at least a few cp of Spanish speaking players (btw one of our developers speaks Spanish), also Greek and Polish players :) Advertising is also not yet over so who knows.
  20. New Poll in our forum - what kind of Server Statistic you would like to see in our webpage :) You can express your opinion in here.
  21. Today's Update Changelog: 2012.05.02 Fixed an issue when login server would drop gameserver socket and would not reconnect. Improved drop location calculation algorithm. ( Will check for Z coordinate differences ,movement possibilities and geodata cell info before dropping item) Reworked random spawn selection algorithm. ( Same as above just for spawns) Added Dimensional Rift support. ( also fixed related AI issues with it) Added ingame FieldCycle management for better player support. Added some missing htmls. Fixed minor issues with Sentry spawnlist. Fixed fear effect interruption with skill casting. Fixed an issue when npcs/pets/summons would try to move closer to target even if skill can be cast from range. Fixed dodge skill formula. Minor fixes for effects per tick. Fixed some issues with npc despawn.
  22. I am not talking about L2Tower only you know... There are plenty of other programs, which will get you autobanned for sure. Many of them were tested and security system deals with them just fine :) Anyway, there is no point in arguing about it, you would like to bot - we will do our best not to allow it and that kinda concludes it all :D Have a good nights sleep and cya soon.
  23. It is not like we are going to hunt bots 24/7, our team is not that big and we usually have more important things to do, however, we are not going to allow players to bot legally :) Well, it is like "if you have managed to get your bot through the security - lucky you" but the majority will probably be banned while trying.
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