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Everything posted by carax

  1. Ty mini i was about to buy from him:))
  2. Wtb vesper hvy set also
  3. Char type: berserker 77 Warcryer 72 10 e both 300kk + 2chars =15E
  4. Hello for you:)
  5. Atm in stock 200kk Pm for details Transaction via paypal
  6. L2net i give it for free
  7. Up 50e 1kkk I want 1.5kkk i send money first
  8. Slayrealm was on redphono also and i see no reason to make another maxcheater account unless you have something to hide from the other one where you were selling 2kkk, 500kk at least :)) nice trick but pple are getting smarter everyday Good luck selling the "Adena" I recommend to ask him to tab first the cash
  9. Im a scammer because i was willing to give you cash first and after you wanted to give me adena, no reason to make another account redphono was ok;)
  10. Dream on about me scamming i have done trades with kateeelife caat and others recently
  11. I asked to tab adena and he gave offline
  12. Hai termina cu prostiile ca ti-am dat pm pe skype si ai dat offline, vrei sa te gasesc in braila? I pmed him from phonoblabla and he gave me skype with same nick dont trust pple with 1 post
  13. Be carefull with him
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