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Everything posted by Arien88

  1. Work in last rev Hi5?
  2. TvT Vip ,Last Man Standing and Lucky Chest not found in h5 last rev.
  3. Problem in Eclipse....plzz help!
  4. Type:High Five All Quest 100% Working All Zones 100% Working Experience x20 RateDropItems = x15 RateRaidDropItems = x1 RateDropSpoil = x15 RateQuestDrop = x5 RateQuestRewardXP = 15 RateQuestRewardSP = 10 RateQuestRewardAdena = 1 RateQuestRewardPotion = 1 RateQuestRewardScroll = 1 RateQuestRewardRecipe = 1 RateQuestRewardMaterial = 3 RateDropManor = 3 RateQuestDrop = 5 RateQuestRewardXP = 12 RateQuestRewardSP = 10 Adena Rate:x25 Safe enchant: 3 Max Enchant 20 Normal Enchant :60% Blessed Enchant armor:70% ----------------------------------------------------------- NPC: Gk Global Npc Buff + Scheme Npc Clan Searcher Npc Rank Top Player (event) Npc Gmshop Npc Top Pvp/Pk Npc Siege-Informer ------------------------------------------------------------ Events: TvT TvT Round Last Hero Town War Npc Vitality ( only Friday, Saturday and Sunday) Npc Rank Top Player (Crafter, Arena, Tvt, Fisherman) Auto Reward For Vote Hitman Our need create the acount in the section new acount. http://l2spawn.tk/
  5. Sorry :( PASSWORD : EliteZone
  6. http://www.4shared.com/rar/vXzE4dYN/god_hero_weapons__freya__h5_.html Password :EliteZone
  7. Hi ppl , need change TW and Siege every week . Plz help me! Thx!
  8. Plz help , need territory war and siege every week.
  9. someone have that codes guyz ? add me on skype biser_9 or msn migel_mitev@hotmail.com
  10. Yes i am looking for a java vote script in game where you need to vote in the 1rst 3 banners and it will be forced and neccesary if they want to get the reward with command .getreward
  11. Hi guyz i am looking for a vote script where you need to vote for exemple in the 1rst 3 banners but if you dont make your vote correctly need to vote again and after 2 min make in the game .Getreward if someone have that code for java add me on skype biser_9 or MSN migel_mitev@hotmail.com
  12. Hi guyz i want to ask is someone have this patch for ppl online.With this patch in the community show you the number of ppl which you want to add for show it. And other thing how can i edit the login for make two servers with different chronicle thx
  13. http://l2apolo.com/ Server x500 Special Server events with lotery check the forum :P Events Each 30 min Daily TvT, CTF, TvT Adv, Last Man, Death Match Dominacion, Mass Dominacion, Lucky Chest Mini TvT, Korean, Party Fights, Single Fights Hide And Seek, Mini TVTs & Events GMs. Enchant: Safe +3 | Max +20 | Atribute Lv 7 Scroll: 60% | Blessed 100% Stone: 70% | Crystal: 55% Sieges and TW every Weekend Olympiads Every Month Start 18:00 End 00:00 Auto Account :)
  14. the farm is easy only is a little bit dfficult to obteid Giant codex mastery no more this is server x500 not x1000 something need cost to be farmed
  15. L2SixSense x500 http://l2sixsense.com/ Type:Freya Experience x500 RateSp = 500x RateDropItems = x1 RateRaidDropItems =x1 RateDropSpoil = x1 RateQuestDrop = x1 Drop Rate:x500 Adena Rate:x1000 Safe enchant: 4 Max Enchant 16 Enchat armor 70% Blessed Enchant Armor 100% --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L2SixSense x20 Type:Freya Experience x20 RateDropItems = x2 RateRaidDropItems = x1 RateDropSpoil = x2 RateQuestDrop = x1 Adena Rate:x20 Safe enchant: 3 Max Enchant unlimited Enchant armor:60% Blessed Enchant armor:60% Events---- Last Hero Team Vs Team Hide and Seek Raid event Event engine all vs all Mysterious ruins and in a future CTF
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