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About xFawkUx

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  1. Hello guys im looking server files Interlude with protection and some of good mods inside!
  2. xFawkUx

    Music Mix

  3. kalhspera...thelw na anoiksw enan server kai epeidi eimai monos thelw na sunergastw me kapion pou kserei esto kai ta vasika...opios endiaferete as mou stulei pm
  4. Wtb pack + source with protection for phx etc
  5. up 30 euro!
  6. 65 per month!I can not tell you how you can trust me!if you are interested add me on skype alexis.koukoumis to show you anything else you want from dedicated!
  7. what exactly did you not understand?
  8. Hello MxC i want to sell this dedicated: RAM: 16 GB CPU: 4-Core Intel Xeon E5 Disk Space: 200 GB SAS Internet Speed: 100 MB/s DDoS Protection: 160 GB/s 30Euro!
  9. I have full adena 2,147,483,647 and i go to buy a clan hall and i have this message you do not have enough adena!why?
  10. exw full adena kai otan paw na dhlwsw na parw ena clan hall kai vazw ola ta adena mou leei you do not enough adena!enw exw full adena!
  11. Geia sas paidia!exete na mou proteinete kamia etairia me 50-60 euro?
  12. geia sas paidia!exw kanei valei ena pvp zone ston server mou kai afto pou thelw einai otan paithenoun apo ta pvp otan patane to village na tous 3ana vgazei sto pvp zone kai oxi sto town...pws mporw na to kanw afto?
  13. pws mporw na valw egw tis wres pou tha 3ekinane ta sieges?
  14. geia sas paidia!pou mporw na vrw ena java code gia frozen otan paw na kanw new sub h change sub na vgainei to weapon?
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