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Everything posted by Traixz

  1. h formal ta spy xD... anyway imperial ftw den xriazete yaximo auto pou dixneis einai custom kalitera na dixeis official pragmata :) edit: to post einai tou 2010 -.-" eleoc lock it modz
  2. c'mone man ma cat looks more creepy and scary xD for now slender is one of the most scary games close the lights and play
  3. ill try again ;p
  4. sto 2:25 xekinaei ena tragoudi mipos to xerete?
  5. looks great man! everything looks smooth on my eyes!
  6. looks great! ;D ;D
  7. like it?
  8. what missing its just an html/xml/sql file not something special :O
  9. i dont know :\ maybe the icons won't be available and you must remake the sql file the scripts are the same for the html commands :)
  10. ti mou thimises twra :) to eixa auto sto pic me to super mario xD kalh fash tote!
  11. i guess you are right!
  12. do you like something like this?
  13. xerome :3
  14. this one? pires kai sub apo www.youtube.com/user/TraixzTv ade :P
  15. obse kane edit channel backs me auto edw einai oti kalitero http://www.mediafire.com/?fjcbb94s35fg7ca psd morfi tou kanaliou leptomeri egw me auto kanw backgrounds
  16. koita mpenw sto pexnidi olla kala meta apo 10 lepta pexnidiou panta peftei to internet xanete h sindesh apo thn hol m eipan oti kolaei to router omos kolaei mono sto sigkekrimeno pexnidi den katalaveno to giati ;\ to ekana report to provlima sto support sto site alla tpt tecpa se euxaristw pou asxolithikes :) kalh sunexia...!
  17. tpt ekei p pezw apla peftei to internet alla to kanei mono se auto to pexnidi :|
  18. kalhspera pedia, exw ena problhma me to call of duty MW3 otan mpenw sto game olla kala kai agia mesa sto 10lepto/tetarto tha m rixei to internet stade omos! ti mporei na fteei den vriskw plirofories pouthena omos...!
  19. re file na paw na eggrafw gia doulia thelw akousa oti to kratos xrimatodotei ergodotes gia na paroun kosmo sthn doulia twra den xerw kata poso isxiei auto alla den mporei na teliwse h prothesmia lol vasika den nmz na exei kan prothesmia kati tetio pou zitaw egw apla thelw na xerw an mporw na paw na eggrafw logo tou oti den exw paei akoma na ektelessw thn stratiotikh mou thitia tecpa egw tha paw deftera na rwthsw kai na dw analoga an xerei kapios allos kati kai mporei na m pei euxaristw...!
  20. pedia kalispera ithela na rwtisw eimai 18 etwn teliwsa to sxolio kai telos pantwn exw yaxei gia doulia den exw vrei kati allei lene gia IKA staa ergostasia theloun na exeis teliosei tin stratiotikh thitia sou kai telos panton hthela na rwthsw ston OAED egw pou den exw paei strato mporw na paw kai telos panton na zithsw doulia? an exete thn kalosinh pite mou euxaristw pou to eidate...! mexri stigmhs den xerw pote parousiazome... den m exei erthei kapoio xarti
  21. thank you very much ill try again! later :)
  22. do you like something like this?
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