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Everything posted by cont

  1. This looks awesome I went to the website and it really looks put together. I sent a e-mail to the HGM asking about how the economy will work, and he e-mailed me right back explaining how it will be in close relation to retail L2 xD im so excited tomorrows the launch
  2. I do not believe walker is able to do this superman on the other hand maybe
  3. well yeah obv they can detect useing ingame just as easily as oog, but the gms don't ban often now so I don't think you will get banned no matter what you use but there is always that slim chance just be smart about botting im sure u know what to do
  4. tested not working
  5. tsixla did you download the free version or the normal version
  6. i am bumping this because it is still 100% working retail it should still be on the first page this is prior to new udate tuesday
  7. I have fixed my problem, it it 100% working on retail now great guide
  8. Im not a newb walker user I know wat im doing something is wrong with this crack
  9. I tested today it does not work for retail no auto functions and the problem where you cant go to basic option tab I don't believe I am doing anything wrong could anyone help me a bit
  10. it's working for me I don't know what you all are haveing problems with but unedited everything is working for me thats on retail btw
  11. if you moved the l2info.dat then yes scorpius it works would the same type of principal work to get OOG working
  12. thanks for the response and if what you say is true, thank you for the share ill be back with feedback in a few hours
  13. what is this walker for, does it work on the hellbound ( the new retail update)
  14. www.towalker.com it has the new bot (I don't know if this is working LF confirmation)
  15. halva are you useing payed for OOG walker or a crack on it also make sure that you have all your settings right past that, test if hunting is working if it is then theres no logical reason it wouldn't be working
  16. great job and thanks, can I get a confirmation on this working thought, because as far as I knew the IG crack stopped working?
  17. theres a way to fish with l2walker check the settings
  18. oog does work im useing it, in game iv heard theres some ways to get it to work im gonna look into it
  19. update the OOG I said was working now too is getting a error message when you try to log in its login server verify failed with xzCrk crack and 10.9.0
  20. so you do know I tested it the OOG works fine on retail(at least before todays tuesday update)
  21. I heard packet size changed, just wait a bit inky for updated crack
  22. ya crack stopped working last night... besides what you said what was the cause
  23. try makeing a buffer duel boxing, im not sure what your saying btw
  24. this is for retail guys l2 official
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