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About Java-man

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  1. New date time api is already in java 8 and it is really cool. So you can use it right now. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/time/package-summary.html
  2. Learning is cool. But you use guice only few times for DI. I think it doesn't worth that. And netty is great framework. You precisely shall try it.
  3. Leluche, it is good coded, but you don't think using ioc and http for messaging are big overhead for this small system ?
  4. Ok. :( Guys, if you will see another developer battle then call me please. :D
  5. Jaxb won't give any advantages in acis. Writing new app with jaxb usage is cool, but rewriting to jaxb is pain in ass. Xmls in l2j are no more than config anyway. Just key-value pairs.
  6. Guys, good alternative to xml can be yaml, but not shit json.
  7. lord_rex, why l2jfree stop to rewrite l2j server ? :(
  8. http://i.imgur.com/yb9ZV.png :P
  9. Sido, stop to be retarted, my ip is too under stupid block...
  10. Already shared on l2jserver forum. 1 2
  11. Tryskell, don't do big commits, because it is stupid and hard to check.
  12. Tryskell, stop talking, my patches wait for you :). PS You favorite dev - Java-man ;D.
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