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About L2Serenity

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  1. oxi tipota... kai kati akoma.. enw pernaw item kai merika fainontai mesa.. mou emfanizontai ws NoItemName
  2. file sry alla otan pataw save to armorgp mou bgazei error .. gt?
  3. 1)l2jfrozen kai acis kai den bgazoun errors 2) interluce c6 client apeiraxto 3)ta pernaw ola den bgazei problhma .
  4. geia sas paidia. prospa8w edw kai meres na balw custom armors weapons etc alla panta katalhgei se apotuxia. ta pernaw ola sto navicat xwris error, bazw ta panta opws prepei , alla mesa sto l2 otan pataw create_item (ID) .. dn fainontai sto inventory parolo p leei pws ta eftiakse. m eipan pws ftaei to client , katebasa ksana to official kai pali dn fainontai. ligo help . euxaristw poly
  5. can this community board implemented in interlude>?
  6. thats very useful. thanks for sharing :)
  7. good work :) thanks
  8. when i am filling and writing L2CustomTeleporterInstance it says : CANNOT BE RESOLVED. there is no custom teleporter instance in Model.actor.instance. what must i do? thanks . the same does to creature say
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