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About Prevail

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    Not Telling

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. So u gonna convince us that all those archers with +25 or so cant one or two shot u ? Nice joke .
  2. Isnt he banned already for scamming ?
  3. Theres no such server out there nowadays .
  4. Prevail

    L2 OFF

    Simply cuz they gave away epics and stuff from the first day .
  5. Or it will be something new that would actually attract many ppl .
  6. Interlude ~x50 rates , retail like stuff . No custom shits and nerfing . Raw lineage .
  7. This is why lineage's community is considered as dead .
  8. Sounds cool . Wish u could launch it sooner lol .
  9. Are u trollin us ? This is definitely java .
  10. Tried to , but it didnt work . Both Spanish and English .
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