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Everything posted by svxpl

  1. As tittle says. WTB Spoiler after 3rd class with 76+ lvl on rpg x7 Victory server. pm me here or skype "Daitsin payment in adena/paypal
  2. bump. some one could tell me why auto sos lvl doesnt work ? when i start script it only use pain of shilen, and doesnt atack wolf or nothing else, helppp :)
  3. I fully reccomend this seller ! Fast transaction and everything gone well. +1
  4. Good seller ! all went very quick, TRUSTED
  5. Wts: EE 85 full subs.(necro 85 full enchanted +30, bishop 85 full enchanted +30, all proper certs for oly) 5 vesper weapons with diffrent nuke augumentations, rising star +8 +1int for sub necro augu active reflect augu active refresh +10 olof 380dp +10 b. zaken +10 b. Freya +10 BELETH +10 Baium +10 aq +8 aq +10 recurve throne bow +10 eternal core sword +10 elegia robe set PVP +10 vesper heavy fund set +6 vesper heavy fund set wl 85 full subs(85 gladi full enchant, sagitarius 85 full enchant) auguments and olof +10 paypal gift only pm me on skype "Daitsin to negotiate prices.
  6. As tittle says... pm me on skype " Daitsin
  7. Baium +6 pm prices in euro. skype " Daitsin
  8. WTS: PK 85/85/85/85 all sub certs + all sub transformations all skills +15/30 30k fame Olof +10 Elegia Heavy Set +6lvl7 Vesper Cutter rare +7 focus 300 passive reflect Claw Of Destruction +7 rare health 300 Vesper Bow +7 rare 300 AQ Ring +6 Blessed Zaken +6 Tezza Neck oly ring/earring Vorpal Heavy set +6lvl7 Paypal only. skype: Daitsin
  9. As tittle says, looking for an script for cardi on l2adrenaline to make cleanse etc on pvp/pve mode. skype: "Daitsin
  10. Hi. For sale SpellSinger 85/75/75/75 ALL SKILLS +30/15 Olof +6 20k fame 50 Festival adena for name change Talismans for oly. Char fully made for pvp/oly, all you need is just gear it up and ready to fun ! Price: 10euro Skype: Daitsin
  11. WTB Adena price 0.2euro = 1kkk pm me on skype "Daitsin payment paypal gift
  12. As title says i've got to sale: Baium Ring +6 50e AQ Ring +6 25e Top Grade pvp P def belt S grade 14e Bzaken +6 15e Frintezza Necklace 0.6e Vesper Slasher +7 Focus 300ele 4e Doubletop Polearm +7 Health 300 earth 5e Vesper Stormer +8 fundation haste 300holy 4e Vesper Noble Heavy Set FUNDATION +6 1800att 12e Skull Carnium Bow +6 Focus 300holy 5e Dreadnought 85/85/85/75 10e Full Cert, all skills +15/30 Olof +6 Oly aq/zaken Pm me on Skype : Daitsin Paypal (gift, for friends) all for 55e
  13. WTS: 85/85/85/75 Phoenix Knight with subs TItan 85 (haste) Saggi 85(passive focus) sws(celestial) Char with skills mostly +25++ Olympiad AQ,Zaken 75k oly tokens Items: Olof +6 B. Zaken +6 Frintezza +4 Vesper Heavy Noble Set Masterwork +6 1800 att. Claw of Destruction Health Rare +6 300ele augu Passive Reflect Dammage Vesper Cutter +6 Masterwork 300 ele Vesper Thrower +6 300ele Vesper Slasher +7 300ele Icarus Trident +4 crit stun 300ele Also Have Sword of Miracles with Active Reflect And C grade Fists with Haste, augument PVP Might Price for All = 75e Payment method= Paypal gift for friends or bank transffer (Poland) Contact Skype= "Daitsin
  14. WTS adena 1kkk = 23euro price is negotiable. Accual stock= 2kkk Paypal gift Also selling: Tyrant 85/77wl/75sws Noblesse with oly aq/zaken 20euro Berserker 85/75/75/80(judi) 30e With some oe skills noblesse. SE 84/75 (celestial) Noblsesse 12euro with made oly last month period just need to go to npc and take oly tokens Skype me : Daitsin
  15. WTS GK 85 75% with sub WL 76/sws75 (haste, celestial) 11k oly tokens, oly AQ/ZAKEN (aq till end of march, zaken till end of april) 24 buff slots Zealot +18time Hurri assult +15 duel rest skills arround +15 quest for 7rb is not even started. Account without mail (mail change cost 250rur) Account belongs to me and i exp it from lvl1. Reason of selling is that i change main to other class. Payment in adena or paypal (gift) offers on skype. (Daitsin)
  16. good trader +1 got adena in 1minute
  17. all know that ViperTech, but still its profitable to buy plvl ! why tha fvck i would waste ~6-8h of exp on full vit to reach 75 if i can buy plvl and get it in 1.5h ?
  18. As tittle says paying in adena/$$ Pm here or skype me out - Daitsin
  19. Bought 100kk, we trade for 2 times so its safer. Good and Fast seller +1
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