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Everything posted by TreVor

  1. Hello I use vote reward on l2jhidden , how to make only reward for player's vote ? no offline shop and shop and dual box
  2. hello member's this project no auto event's ??
  3. This event engine work on h5 ? please send to me link :) sure
  4. [PL] Asuki napisałem ci pm'a napisz jak znajdziesz czas. Dziękuje
  5. Mhm What exactly the problem with the dagger? i fix no problem
  6. Website | Forum Today open beta test phase (26.06.2012r) end beta on friday and start 30.06.2012 6:00 PM GMT+1 Exp: x600 Sp: x600 Drop: x1 Adena: x100 PartyXp : x1.5 PartySp : x1.5 Rates enchant: Safe Enchant : 4 Max Enchant : 13 Normal Enchant Chance : 70% Blessed Enchant Chance : 80% Element Enchant Chance : 80% Custom elements of enchant: -for vote +5% bonus enchant! -Maxlvl Attributes : 4 -Main Town Gludin -Full GM-Shop -Max lvl enchant skills +20 -Buffer 2h with scheme and buffs on +20 -Mana potion (400mp) reuse time 2sec -Auto learn skills -Max buffs: 34 -Max Songs/Dances: 14- -Max Subclass : 3 -Subclass LvL : 85 -Geodata -brak Kar Clanowych -Olympiads start 6:00 PM , end 11:00 Pm , wait for battle 60sec -Oly enchant +4 -allowed DualBox 1+1 -Shift+Click on player's. Maszyna: CPU: Intel i5 4x 2.66+ GHz RAM: 16GB RAM DDR III NET: 100Mbps Location: Germany Team: 1. - [GM]Schamer 2. -[Dev]Thelio -----> system for connect http://www.speedyshare.com/bePBH/System.rar
  7. Ok this mod in inmpleted on my source , how to disable ? This op?
  8. I have problem , normal players start game paralized , mhm please disable this op , i have source l2foru , mhm anty pk manger ;/
  9. Hello a i'm download L2jServer repo , and compilation problem ;/ please help Buildfile: D:\workspace\L2j\L2J_Server\build.xml clean: checkRequirements: getChangelogDateVersion: BUILD FAILED D:\workspace\L2j\L2J_Server\build.xml:183: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, Nie mo?na odnale?? okre?lonego pl Total time: 1 second //closed Work :)
  10. Mhm nice Tryskell :) my question how to fixed damage (power) lethal and chance :) chance is 100% :) please help me ;/
  11. /** * Calculate value of blow success * @param activeChar * @param target * @param chance * @return */ public static final boolean calcBlow(L2Character activeChar, L2Character target, int chance) { return activeChar.calcStat(Stats.BLOW_RATE, chance*(1.0+(activeChar.getDEX()-20)/100), target, null)>Rnd.get(100); } /** * Calculate value of lethal chance * @param activeChar * @param target * @param baseLethal * @param magiclvl * @return */ public static final double calcLethal(L2Character activeChar, L2Character target, int baseLethal, int magiclvl) { double chance = 0; if (magiclvl > 0) { int delta = ((magiclvl + activeChar.getLevel()) / 2) - 1 - target.getLevel(); // delta [-3,infinite) if (delta >= -3) { chance = (baseLethal * ((double) activeChar.getLevel() / target.getLevel())); } // delta [-9, -3[ else if (delta < -3 && delta >= -9) { // baseLethal // chance = -1 * ----------- // (delta / 3) chance = (-3) * (baseLethal / (delta)); } //delta [-infinite,-9[ else { chance = baseLethal / 15; } } else { chance = (baseLethal * ((double) activeChar.getLevel() / target.getLevel())); } return 10 * activeChar.calcStat(Stats.LETHAL_RATE, chance, target, null); } public static final boolean calcLethalHit(L2Character activeChar, L2Character target, L2Skill skill) { if (!target.isRaid() && !(target instanceof L2DoorInstance) && !(target instanceof L2Npc && ((L2Npc) target).getNpcId() == 35062)) { //activeChar.sendMessage(Double.toString(chance)); //activeChar.sendMessage(Double.toString(calcLethal(activeChar, target, skill.getLethalChance2(),skill.getMagicLevel()))); //activeChar.sendMessage(Double.toString(calcLethal(activeChar, target, skill.getLethalChance1(),skill.getMagicLevel()))); // 2nd lethal effect activate (cp,hp to 1 or if target is npc then hp to 1) if (skill.getLethalChance2() > 0 && Rnd.get(1000) < calcLethal(activeChar, target, skill.getLethalChance2(),skill.getMagicLevel())) { if (target instanceof L2Npc) target.reduceCurrentHp(target.getCurrentHp() - 1, activeChar, skill); else if (target instanceof L2PcInstance) // If is a active player set his HP and CP to 1 { L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) target; if (!player.isInvul()) { if (!(activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance && (((L2PcInstance)activeChar).isGM() && !((L2PcInstance)activeChar).getAccessLevel().canGiveDamage()))) { player.setCurrentHp(1); player.setCurrentCp(1); player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.LETHAL_STRIKE_SUCCESSFUL)); } } } activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.LETHAL_STRIKE)); } else if (skill.getLethalChance1() > 0 && Rnd.get(1000) < calcLethal(activeChar, target, skill.getLethalChance1(),skill.getMagicLevel())) { if (target instanceof L2PcInstance) { L2PcInstance player = (L2PcInstance) target; if (!player.isInvul()) { if (!(activeChar instanceof L2PcInstance && (((L2PcInstance)activeChar).isGM() && !((L2PcInstance)activeChar).getAccessLevel().canGiveDamage()))) { player.setCurrentCp(1); // Set CP to 1 player.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.CP_DISAPPEARS_WHEN_HIT_WITH_A_HALF_KILL_SKILL)); activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessage.getSystemMessage(SystemMessageId.HALF_KILL)); } } } //TODO: remove half kill since SYSMsg got changed. /*else if (target instanceof L2Npc) // If is a monster remove first damage and after 50% of current hp target.reduceCurrentHp(target.getCurrentHp() / 2, activeChar, skill);*/ } else return false; } else return false; return true; } This is my code on formulas.java please check :) mhm how to disable lethal on raidboss?
  12. Mhm please send to me :) tutorial on edit power and disable on raid boss ;/ Very Thanks Tryskell
  13. Mhm ok i'm check :) how to disable on raid boss? <skill id="344" levels="1" name="Lethal Blow" enchantGroup1="6" enchantGroup2="6" enchantGroup3="6" enchantGroup4="6" enchantGroup5="6" enchantGroup6="6" enchantGroup7="6"> <!-- Confirmed CT2.5 --> <table name="#enchantMagicLvl"> 81 81 81 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 85 </table> <table name="#ench1Power"> 6502 6535 6568 6601 6634 6667 6700 6733 6766 6799 6833 6866 6899 6932 6965 </table> <table name="#ench2CritRate"> 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 </table> <table name="#enchelementPower"> 3 6 10 13 16 20 23 26 30 33 36 40 43 46 50 </table> <table name="#ench7Duel"> 5880 5986 6092 6198 6304 6410 6516 6622 6728 6834 6940 7046 7152 7258 7364 </table> <set name="baseCritRate" val="20" /> <set name="blowChance" val="30" /> <set name="castRange" val="40" /> <set name="condition" val="16" /> <!-- Crit --> <set name="effectRange" val="400" /> <set name="hitTime" val="1800" /> <set name="lethal1" val="5" /> <!-- Half-Kill --> <set name="magicLvl" val="76" /> <set name="mpConsume" val="77" /> <set name="nextActionAttack" val="true" /> <set name="operateType" val="A1" /> <set name="overHit" val="true" /> <set name="power" val="5000" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="4000" /> <set name="skillType" val="BLOW" /> <set name="SSBoost" val="1.5" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_ONE" /> <set name="trait" val="DEATH" /> <enchant1 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant1 name="power" val="#ench1Power" /> <enchant2 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant2 name="baseCritRate" val="#ench2CritRate" /> <enchant3 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant3 name="element" val="0" /> <!-- Fire --> <enchant3 name="elementPower" val="#enchelementPower" /> <enchant4 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant4 name="element" val="1" /> <!-- Water --> <enchant4 name="elementPower" val="#enchelementPower" /> <enchant5 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant5 name="element" val="2" /> <!-- Wind --> <enchant5 name="elementPower" val="#enchelementPower" /> <enchant6 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant6 name="element" val="3" /> <!-- Earth --> <enchant6 name="elementPower" val="#enchelementPower" /> <enchant7 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl" /> <enchant7 name="pvpPower" val="#ench7Duel" /> <cond msgId="113" addName="1"> <using kind="Dagger,Dual Dagger" /> </cond> </skill>
  14. Hello , how to fix lethal power , chance and disable on raid boss? I'm based on L2Squid files
  15. Hello , how to fix lethal power , chance and disable on raid boss?
  16. Mhm yes , any this is server thats ok , i'm join and ok , administration really nice , nice update.
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