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  1. Hello . I would like to buy dedicated server for l2off server . I havent been setting up server for ages so i dont rly know the prizes and best server for now one ... if someone can me send me some links with dedicated server i will ryl enjoy .
  2. Your

    Smite Account

    i start playin smart from yesterday and i have lvl 9... wtf.
  3. how much fail u have to be ... We are 30 members clan online and we are in top5 clans ... getting all russians smacked all the time with out any problems... all u need is just to know how to play lineage 2 ... also we are making aliance with greek clan in few days
  4. bullshiEt lots of eu clans ... greeks , polish , germans , SE , GB lots of them
  5. bump how to connect added .
  6. ddos atackers ? u mean the fat kids
  7. yep we got msg from gm he said that " they are getting the biggest ddos atack ever " but their developers are working all ready about that so lets give them time
  8. my main nick name is : lili x] Ps. i dunno whats going on but they have problem now in all server (lags) first time from a year so lets wait till they will fix it ( forum info is max 1h time )
  9. bump i will put some infos how to create account and instal patch in english today .
  10. TheMega.ru // Interlude PTS // Gelios x50 Start: 23.06.2012 RATES: Exp: x50 SP: x50 Adena: x50 SealStones: x5 Drop: x30 Spoil: x20 Quest Reward: X20 (only quests for adena, exp, sp) Raid Boss: X15 BUFFER: NPC Buffer - 5 normal buffs on lvl 1 for mage and fighter (the maximum lvl taking those buffs from npc is lvl 61 ) Buff Time - 20 min Dance & Song - 5 min Max buff slot - 24 GAMEPLAY: -Dual Box( 3 ) -Learning skills from npc with out books to 1st and 2nd class (3rd one u need books ) -7signs -RB drop retail (for all rb's) -Craft/Spoil Retail -Olympiad Retail - Main Town Giran & Aden -Offline shop coin Class Master: 1st - 10k. 2nd - 2kk. 3rd - 200kk. Server: RAM: 16 * 4GB DDR2 (64GB) PROCESOR: 2 * Quad-Core Xeon (8 * 3,5 GHz) HDD: 4 * 300 SAS 15k RAID 0 +1 + SATAIII 2 * 1TB Archiwizacja LAN: 1Gbit http://themega.ru/ http://forum.themega.ru/ Online : ~4000 online ================================================================ How To Connect ? Account Creation : http://themega.ru/register.html#top 1. Логин - login 2. Е-майл - Email 3. ICQ (необязательное поле) - ICQ (optional) 4. Пароль (Генерировать) - Password (Generate) * 5. Повторите пароль - Repeat password (Tick Box) Привязать аккаунту к компьютеру - Bind to the computer account 6. Код друга (необязательное поле) - Other code (optional) 7. Сервер - Server 8. Code from the picture (Tick Box) Я согласен(на) и обязуюсь выполнять правила сервера. - I agree (on) and agree to abide by the rules server. and then click on gold button to create it ... * The password must consist of at least one uppercase letter, one number and be from 8 to 14 characters. An example of a password '777582zV '. Patch : When you install patch please choose tick box with " English language " http://pl.rghost.net/38834436 ** ** Warning: To avoid the ban - do not run bots and cheat other programs before starting the game! It is possible that your anti-virus, mostly NOD or Avast, does not want to miss a file fire.dll, recognizing in it a virus themida. Please be informed that themida - it's not a virus and a threat to your PC is not it kriptovschik by which a client is protected part of the game, dll, encoded themid'oy, antivirus can not read, and defines a dangerous file. Without this file, enter the game you can not, so you should skip it.
  11. have ddos protection ? u was so happy when someone was ddosing other work ... maybe its ur turn now ?
  12. and whats so funny in this ? some retarded kids learn how to ddos from google and now they are "pro?" please whats the point of this ? somebody was working on this server and spend money as well... so whats the point of destroying someones work ? rly get life . In my opinion there should be a company who will have ddos protection where after atack the ip should be send to company where the atack is going from and then set owner of this server in the front of court
  13. its done all ready but in some place geodate has to be fixed
  14. you doing really good job from yesterday night ! keep working as u do and u will have best red vs blue server ever ! :D
  15. bump ! i have to say that admins took really care about this server : they change totally website ( i really like it ) the intro and the website also admin added today geodate because they order the new rams or something also on line was OK today ( around 100~~120 ) and its really growing up . So i would like to say that they are doing good job now and you can join this server with out losing your time ! ( Hope more clans will come )
  16. man u have noting to do there ... i was there and i love it but after 10 min of pvp i hate it ! NO GEODATE everyone is shoting u from walls etc. lets wait till admins are going to put geodate (if they will lol )
  17. balance = all archers and daggers + bishops 80 online = thats true rly nice done server = WTF ? there is no FCK GEODATE ! everyone is hiting everyone from the walls etc. this is destryoing the whole server cuz of that !
  18. there was 2 more bugs with adena x] he find only one but 2 more are still there so probobly he will need to have another 2 wipes :D
  19. 30 players online ... unbalanced server ... fail server . All people staying in town so no pvp at all (after 2 h we had 1 pvp ) nothing special dont join it u will lose ur time like i did
  20. the real online ? not the fake one ...
  21. dunno wtf is wrong there ? so its up or not ?
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