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Everything posted by CiapeR

  1. Again who deleted my topic from l2private servers? I make all with topic "Read Before Posting"
  2. Ok. If you can plis send me BB Code on PM :D Thx. And sorry it's my fall ;D
  3. Hello why and who deleted my topic http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/170962-l2viagra-pvp-customl2j-grand-open/?do=findComment&comment=2284509
  4. We will see :D
  5. When Start?
  6. When it up?
  7. All players come all time. Come and see. It's good server really. I Play 6 years and i think this is good server
  8. Server Is Good. Nice Balance and Features. Good Farm's and no bug's Join and See!!
  9. Look that! www.l2newclassic.com
  10. Good server. www.l2newclassic.com
  11. www.l2newclassic.com
  12. Maybe this is not l2gold. But also a very good server www.l2newclassic.com
  13. Hello there, We're glad to announce new interlude pvp server. The live date of the server is on this Friday also 4/05-12. We got a dedicated machine which will be able to hold 500-600 players with out lags. We're an active English speaking staff that cares about both players and server. That's why you should suggest us things you would love to see on this server. It can happen that the live date will be delayed but we'll inform you about that on Friday 4/05, the reason why it could be delayed is that we're changing some stuff on the server which we think will make the game play more interesting. But you should prepare, this is not a one month server. Experience: x1000 Skill Points: x100 Adena Rates: x650 Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant For: Armors: +6 Weapons +12 Normal Enchant Rate For: Weapons: 55% Armors: 45% Blessed Enchant Rate For: Weapons: 65% Armors: 55% Crystal Enchant Rate: 100% NPC BufferP,SE,EE,WC,BD,SS. Buff slot: 24 GM Shop:Weapons/Armors/Jewels up to A grade with Adena and Anicent Adena. Global Gatekeeper. Vote reward system. PvP/PK color & message system. Lv. 80 characters are rebalanced (Passive Skills). Special Quest for Noble. Low/Medium/High level Hunting Grounds. Spawn Protection. Olympiad fully working. Olympiad period 2 weeks. No lags. Uptime 99% Mini and Custom Raids. More info you get on http://l2conquest.net ======================================== I'm not the owner. I'm playing on this srv and its great.
  14. Fantastic Server. Good Balance Active GM No BUG"S!
  15. We Will wait ;)
  16. I changed my mind on this server. Playing on the nearly 1,000 people during the day. The server is a revised balanced. There are a lot of pvp and no zerg clans
  17. I don't have lags. GM fix it.. 300 Online!
  18. Rafal Can you give some scripts in pvp / pk / castle / top online that will fit to this page?
  19. The server is really good. All the time new players arrive. They are not killed by the older players. I highly recommend! Vote for Server!
  20. Server SUX. Archers are OP PPL with 80 lvl kill all newebies they leave... PPL Can't Log In. And Today I See Best Donat AM+ACU+4+AUGU DC SET AND TT FULL BB SERVER
  21. On server 10 Online Farm's Sux. System sux Really go play football don't play there.
  22. Online 60+ But New Players Coming Good Server But Dagers is better other class... GM Will fix it Everything is ok !
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