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Everything posted by eSQUARE

  1. o kamael exei skill p allazei kanoniko weapon gia kamael weap sta low lvl.gia rapier thes ena one handed sword px samurai long sword c grade,damascus sword b grade.dark legion edge a grade
  2. Innova for new start with no bots.innova is for thoose ppl that no got good chars at retail.if you got epic's good gear ofc you will play on ncwest servers.
  3. ofc x1 dude what you think its pvp server...?
  4. The Path to Awakening Awaits! L2 Galleria is Open Now.Molis m irthe afto to mail alla m fenete einai tis NCWest o kainourios server oxi tou innova ... gia tsekarete kai seis.
  5. einai kalo gia osous pexete innova osoi exete acc ston official kai filous mporeite na mathete gia to god polla gia na xerete ti prepei n kanete kai na eiste 1 vima mprosta :P mexri n anixei o innova
  6. O official naia/chronos einai up twra ola m ta innactive acc plewn einai playable dld osei exete acc esto trial ston officia mporeite n logarete.kai osoi dn exete mporeite n kanete tzampa :P gl
  7. no dude i just wantd 1 pvp server till goddes starts but when i join on this server to check i saw evey1 leave every day 10-15 ppl droped in giran they items..and very low population..so this serv not for me.i want pvp not pve with mobs didnt saw serius pvp and i leave but for you gl there
  8. i thinking about mage or archer.both of this classes is good for mass pvp and make easy costand partys for xp/bosses.not that other classes is not needed but i have played all other classes for long time but mages/archers not much and wanna try it
  9. huh only 84k m def ???
  10. and what with this server Epic fail ???
  11. yes sure thats why every day 1-2 new guy's join on server and 25 leave ...cos its cool thats why every1 leave
  12. where you se gg 20 online but server is down :)
  13. Server's PC Crashed?
  14. Ofc not pts...Even goddes client didnt release yet
  15. Check this http://www.lineage2.eu/content/index/general-terms-of-e-mails-collecting.pdf
  16. No guys i dnt think its started they just build the l2.eu INNOVA server site.but i think very soon.
  17. not only vesper is much more like many ppl got Epic sets,vorpal,elegia set's+weaps full atri and 5-6 bilion,and also some ppls alredy sold they items and some epics and now they got more than 10bil
  18. What Class you think you will play on Goddes of destruction?And why?
  19. Experience Lineage 2 like never before Sign up for the beta and be the first to challenge the Goddess of Destruction! on http://www.lineage2.eu/en/
  20. ok maybe you right l2ws and maybe 1-2 more servers is with ru h5 files but not this shity servers like this one..
  21. Every day 2-3 ppl's join on server 10 leave ..too much farm and not like pvp server better remake it and make like x15
  22. Is it fair 3 s84 sets and 3 weaps?and i dnt want even to think if you mean s84 not vesper and its vorpal or elegia...
  23. McKain start play then in x1 server full of sh1t bugs and its not h5 is freya with h5 parts no1 cant make server yet with real h5 files go weste you time i give 2-3 months max on this server
  24. rly pathetic
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