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About Katakeyna

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  1. +1, safe +4. I say +15 or +16 max would be great. Leave the enchant rate retail like, or 55% isn't bad too, with those rate, gonna make more challenge for players. About the epic, make a system, a farming one, like a hard zone, with low chance to drop them ( ike 1/100 ) And each mob have it's own drop. Or make a craft system, won't be bad too And if you make raidboss that drop them, make them drop like 3 - 4 or more, will be better if a whole party have to share the drop! And make some custom area too for the exp and the basic farm. Make a custom one for normal rb jewel, or make rb jewel only drop able from rb if they are better than the epic one, or vice versa if epic one are better than normal rb jewel about the enchant, put them in shop, but with a price that will make people go farm for adena as much as possible. Make enchant weap S price for like 30 - 50 kk each in shop.
  2. If it's really a L2 OFF, it would be amazing :D, I will join !
  3. thanks mate
  4. Thanks! IG and L2NET work great :D
  5. I'm pretty sure that will only work on L2j but thanks for the share
  6. Thanks for sharing, will help a lot of people! :)
  7. Great it work, nice tut! If you can't make it work, just read the topic again ad you'll get it =D.
  8. Hello everybody! I'm asking today for The L2walker Oog And / or In game for the server L2aethernia! I already searched and found nothing about this server for the L2w if and oog =S. I must be the first one =). The server Is C4 Moded C6! the server adress is : http://www.l2aethernia.com/l2site.php#Home I will realy thank you if you make it work or if you already have it! If you can upload the L2w if you made it work it wsill be realy cool! but if you are tired, should you put what to put in each file of which L2w version? Thank you a lot! Best Regard, KaT
  9. Welcome, Katakeyna. Private Messages: 0 Unread, 0 Total. Total time logged in: 11 hours and 8 minutes. hmmmm >.>
  10. 1107
  11. eww are you sure? i can't found it =(
  12. ASP => ASP Account Registeration System ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extract L2Asp.zip to your C:\Inetpub\wwwroot (or wherever you have as your IIS root directory, this is default) If you don't have Internet Information Services installed. Then you'll need to find your Windows XP Pro CD. Go to Add/Remove Program and select "Add/Remove Windows Components" -Select Internet Information Services from the list and install it. Open the conn.asp (from the directory that you just extracted to) with notepad and change the following: ms_sql_server_host_addr = "" //This should be set to your WAN IP. Leave it as if you want to just manually make accounts on your computer for your friends. sql_server_username = "sa" sql_server_password = "l2online" save and close the file. Open control panel, click administrative tools, then double click Internet Information Services. Click on local computer then click websites. Right click default websites and go properties. Click on the documents tab and then the add button. Under default document name type index.asp then press OK. Select index.asp and use the up arrow to move it to the top of the list then press OK. Close IIS and open internet explorer and type (where is your internal IP) Once the website comes up click register. Then enter a username and a password and click next. You have now made an account on your server. __________________________ So i can't make it work cause i don't have xp pro, i wanna know if there's another possibility .
  13. Hi! I would like to know if there's a way to make an account without asp, and not manually, I mean another way than ASP. I have some prob with asp and i can't instal it so that's why. I realy need help about this, thanks for reading.
  14. Hello! I'm truing to get a oog for the server L2luna ( http://www.l2luna.com/features.php ) but I phail! the reason is cause i'm realy bad at configuring L2w >.< so i'm asking for your pro hand etc .. to help me =P. Maybe i were using the bad version of L2w .. hum but if you have it, upload it or something .. it could be cool =) . Thanks for reading <3
  15. Lol your late =P, I already made it work .. Now i'm searching for a oog if it's possible =s, maybe you know how? =D
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