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Everything posted by ThoR

  1. man it supports kamael race?
  2. thanks for the upload.. but it doesn't work with me! :S
  3. :P thank you my friend! this server works great with me. One lil bug... don't open the map, cause you can't close him then... :P
  4. thx bro, auto me tis cameres itan poly gamato! ;)
  5. great job m8! ;)
  6. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool G-A-M-A-T-O apla!!! pou to skeftikan re *ousti m looooool
  7. wow! i've just tried this loading screen and i was amazed! I had this one before, but after my pc's format i lost it and so... btw THX!! :D
  8. nice work m8! if you keep practising like this you will create another better one! ;)
  9. nice work boys! keep up the good work! ;)
  10. indeed what??
  11. episis mporeite na ton ftiaxete me Sam Boradcaster Firebird: This is streaming audio software with a punch: SAM Broadcaster delivers professional sound with crossfading, gap killer, beat matching, volume normalization and 5-band compressor/limiter. Handles even the LARGEST media libraries: SAM is powerful radio broadcasting software, featuring easy-to-manage categories. Advanced playlist rotation logic and scheduling makes your internet radio station sound great, even if you are not in front of your computer. The most advanced streaming encoders: Able to encode aacPlusv2, MP3, mp3PRO, WM9 and Ogg - playing on Winamp, Windows Media Player, Live365, MusicMatch, and many more! Supports all major streaming servers, including SHOUTcast, Windows Media, Live365, SteamCast and IceCast. View statistics in real-time: Know how many listeners are connected to your radio station at any moment. This data is also logged for performance reporting. Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/23815644/SAM422.rar password: thegreekz.com
  12. ThoR

    Ip Server

    Deleted by Uploader...
  13. yes, when i designed the first one (Dragonic) i hadn't designed any other weaps, but when i designed the shining bow, i gave it all my talent... :P lol Way to EDIT the weapons in wich way you want! (Created by ME!) 1)After transform the systexture file in CLEAR mode, open it with Photoshop (you know how - there's a post of killer_007 on how to edit graphics) 2) After open it with Photoshop, see it in 100% zoom (it's natural zoom) and press Print Screen. Don't worry about the error, just press ok at the window's error and continue. 3) Open the Paint. Press Ctr + V (or else PASTE) and crop the image of the weapon/armor! 4) Save it as bmp or jpeg, edit it and save it. 5) Open this editted image, copy it and open the Photoshop. 6) When open the photoshop, press Ctrl + A to choose the whole image! Choose the name of the image from the board (on the right of photshop) 7) Paste the editted image you have just copied and then save it into the format you want to continue to encrypt the armor/weapon into the systexture file! This is how i created the dragonic, and the shining bow. The other work (the Shader) is made by Phoenix and N.W. devs
  14. it works 100 %! ;) It is TESTED BY ME! :) Once before 2 months, when we had opened a server, we wanted to have a personal radio for it, and so i tried this, and it worked!
  15. 1) Because you wanted this, i feel i must give you this, 'cause you have offered me lots of things! Well, solution, here is the way my friend! :D How to create an internet Radio Station (with Microphone support) - Tutorial : Visit that link (It's in ENGLISH) : http://www.poromenos.org/tutorials/icecast OR 2) Sam Broadcaster! This is streaming audio software with a punch: SAM Broadcaster delivers professional sound with crossfading, gap killer, beat matching, volume normalization and 5-band compressor/limiter. Handles even the LARGEST media libraries: SAM is powerful radio broadcasting software, featuring easy-to-manage categories. Advanced playlist rotation logic and scheduling makes your internet radio station sound great, even if you are not in front of your computer. The most advanced streaming encoders: Able to encode aacPlusv2, MP3, mp3PRO, WM9 and Ogg - playing on Winamp, Windows Media Player, Live365, MusicMatch, and many more! Supports all major streaming servers, including SHOUTcast, Windows Media, Live365, SteamCast and IceCast. View statistics in real-time: Know how many listeners are connected to your radio station at any moment. This data is also logged for performance reporting Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/23815644/SAM422.rar ---> Rar Pass: thegreekz.com
  16. wtf? Don't you like to send 10 sms for free? if you think it sucks, then find another way. Just thank nos and do the duck! NOS, i owe you friend! A big big thanks for this piece of shit... xexe :P
  17. thx m8! Very usefull!!! :)
  18. Don't say thanks to me, Spyridonas found it and gave me, then i gave it to Phoenix and so on... :P
  19. yes, but i can't find how to change the vote code... lol :P
  20. ty for the share. Now if you can check my request at your java site i would be grateful! :P
  21. Alla 2 yperopla stin dia8esi sas (to ena einai aspida) xD PREVIEW 1: (Demonic Shield) PREVIEW 2 : (Demonic Slayer Dagger) Se ligo 8a sas doso ta DDS files... Koyfo: Only in English
  22. oh ok thanks! :)
  23. oh ok, i'm so glad you saw that! :)
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