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Everything posted by Thelasthero

  1. o gallos pou trexei giro giro.To adelfato :P ton eidame ton oukrano lol!!
  2. xxa0x0a molis ton eida ton gallo trelathika kai ton ekana animation eleos?
  3. thnx menio for your support.I had a problem with the textures thats why i made the quick thing.Look in l2off section that i request help.And it isnt very good to get critical errors for hours trying making a weap with a test o server on a pc with 2.8 processor and 512 ram So say your opinion but be polite plz
  4. hmm its like the other one and it probably will be changed cause i'll add an armor in the same texture file look photos download here
  5. Welcome, Thelasthero. Private Messages: 0 Unread, 21 Total. Total time logged in: 2 days, 28 minutes.
  6. i made a texture of a weap a saved it as darkness1.clear.utx and made it darkness1.crypt.utx with l2decrypt.I renamed it to darkness1.utx and put it in the folder systextures.I made the client side and the server side and there was no prob but when i tried to wear the weap CRITICAL ERROR and in the error window it said (engine err=darkness1.mefisto_sword NULL).I asked kaali what to do and said to encrypt it with l2encdec 121.How to use this?Is there another way?
  7. TA kalutera Fonts einai Apo devian Art kai dn dexomai andirisi apla deviantart 4tw nazghoul ti sig pou ti vrikes kale?Eixa postarei to idio se allo topic
  8. to best font gia mena einai to Morpheus
  9. comme ci comme ca search in Toi raid bosses like antharas are overpowered we will make them tiny rats
  10. fuck i said take the letter and go to caradine!don't do other parts!
  11. hmmm noblesse=>go gmshop c4-c5 items the last one is the letter.Take it go to caradine in goddard and do the last part(talk to caradine and she will teleport you to lady of the lake) epic weapons=>i have an idea.We might add these in droplists of raid bosses Sor(Sword of Revelations)=>Lord of Aden
  12. me c to pira alla eixa anxos :P(to cambridge) sto sxoleio kana 19ari vgazo.18 7/13 kai pano
  13. deserve ban i sinexiste se pm re paidia fgs!
  14. Huh. First off, what makes you think that there are no leechers here? I'll give you a simple example: It doesn't work for any other kinds of characters because there are SEPARATE kinds of textures for each race/gender, if at least you knew anything about texture editing and opened the armors textures for each race you'd know that. Leecher much, eh? Now back to you, kaali.fr. To say communities like ragezone and postpacific suck is just wrong. Just because you've done a couple crappy models don't go out thinking you're some kind of god, I'll prove you wrong. This is what my team is working on: It'll be called the Epic Dark Knight Armor. It's not even nearly finished, and if they allow me to, I'm going to share this with all the communities around there when it's ready. So PLEASE don't give us this "leechers" crap when you don't know shit about anything at all. Mmkay? 1st very good job pyro 2nd i saw that.I decrypted some weapon files and armor files and i saw where every texture goes in the system files. 3rd What program do you use to make the textures?Is this Photoshop?
  15. hax0r i said sry for offtopic cause the prob was about a project i make(utx file) and i wanted to ask kaali ;) edit:anyway thnx for the help
  16. i send you a pm cause i have a prob if you can help me! sry for offtopic
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