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About Flek1caa!!

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    Kosovska Mitrovica

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  1. I Really Like It! Colors/Font...Everything is right
  2. Update Opening Date
  3. About servers: Server hardware: 2x Intel Quad Core E5504 32GB RAM 2x 300GB SAS RAID 0 1000 Mbps uplink. High Five x7 Chronicles: Lineage II High Five part 5 Rates: Exp х7 SP х7 Adena х7 Drop х5 Spoil х5 Quest х2 Classic server without buffer and gmshop Server hardware: 2x Intel Quad Core E5504 32GB RAM<br> 2x 300GB SAS RAID 0<br> 1000 Mbps uplink. Security of website and game servers is on highest level: There is a maximum protection from brute at kernel level and at level of protection of passwords in registration. Password retrive via sms. Even if someone have stolen your mail, he wouldn`t get your passowrd. We have own operating time in protection of the server from DDOS. On the game server there is a protection from packat hack, bots and restricted programs. The hardware on which each game server is established will provide comfortable game at least to 5000 players simultaneously. Full content of Epilogue - Freya - High Five Part 1-5: All elite clahall`s siege Full working Territory Wars Epic Quests (Freya, High Five). All new quests (Freya, High Five). All new skills(Freya, High Five). Ofline trade. Great Olympiad (High Five) - 100% working. Kratei Cube. Handy Blocker. Auction. Underground Coliseum. All (npc, pets, chars,items, etc.) 100% off server. Seed of Destruction, Seed of Infinity, Seed of Annihilation. Epic Bosses: Beleth, Freya (Full quests, hard stage, normal stage), Zaken (All types, day, night etc.). Hellbound works 100% like off server. All new locations (Watcher of Tomb, Dragon Valley, Lair of Antharas). Squad skills. Item options (Olf's T-Shirt etc.). Agation energy. Full HB realisation Ingame petition system Contracts, envoys ambassadors for clans and forts Taxes 11 level Quests and Clans Rim Paylaka for castles. All Paylaks and Kamaloks All elite clanhall sieges. Dungeons in forts and castles. Full TW realisation, including guards, ballists, lord quests, mercenary quests, Exact and correct badget distribution,preparation and captures of the earths. Buying and exchange striders on TW. Big forts, crafter`s capture method, path to the fort`s electrostation, electricity switching-off and other. Purchase of protection of a fort, defense of a fort, the goods, awards and another from head of logistics. Clan gates in castles Subclass certification. All instances (delusion chember, bosses, rewards, parties, åimes and turns. Secret Area in the Keucereus Fortress. Crystal Cavern.) Full 100% party duels. 100% working official tournaments 100% working epic bosses, like Baium, Frintezza, Valakas, Antharas and other. Full community realisation.Trader search through community. All dialogs and quests in english All skills, that can be enchanted 100% party search and party room search Traps in forts, castles, quests, instances, bosses. Clan ships, manual control, passangers control, actions on ship, pathes, flying away and arrivals to station, fuel consumption and other... And all other things, that are included in Higv Five chronicles, you will find it in game! Interlude x10 Classic server, without buffer and gmshop. Chronicles: Lineage II Interlude x10 Rates: Exp х10 SP х10 Adena х10 Drop х7 Spoil х5 Quests x2 Donate: Server without donate of items. You can purchase only premium accout, that will give you 50% bonus to exp/sp/adena/drop. Game build– Unique in the world of Lineage . Here works all, we are not working with java, only PTS : Full realisation of interlude: 100%off interlude. Off geodata. Full epic bosses realisation. Official skills. Balance of classes. Cursed weapon. Offline shop. 100% Hero skills Autoloot only adena Works all quests 1,2 profession for adena. No auto learn skills Max ecnhant +25. No window restrictions Website - Click - BTW. Server is not mine! Beta Phase Soon! LIVE ON 4th NOVEMBER!
  4. Dear, this is Yamaha YZ125 , http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelhome/31/home.aspx , you fail!
  5. thanks
  6. well there's no other way for good design , i dont know anyone who would do me that free , and i was planning to make some forum about gaming...i dont have much to offer couse i back into gaming world few days ago,and i forgot my old msn password and id :S and i want back my old forum so i need some design couse i lost last one...and i dont know to work Webdesign...i have really cool ideas but not much people to offer them to work with me :S
  7. I Want to buy this template tell me please what you think about it + Mods what i want + Icons / Header and anything i want They told me price : 50euros
  8. it would be nice if you create High5 smthn btw x5 - x10 Retail Like (+1 Dual Box)
  9. All Rights Reserved
  10. Galaxy Theme Razor Annhilation Theme Katha Visual Style
  11. Probably some BR's or Poor Kids , server suck
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