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Posts posted by JaharakaL

  1. I was actualy with no-time to code one by myself, i've recieved Elfocrash Advanced one but i decide that its slow.

    So i've code one by myself based on PHP and Java.

    I want a vouch copy to check the files and then if they are fine,your topic will be cleaned and if they spam you again send me pm.


    I ask for the vouch copy cause i dont know who says the truth.Maybe the files are trash or maybe they are perfect.

  2. Dude the fact that you trying to broke my buisness with you useless mind without any knowladge of whats going on and without any information about me, its like to talk for cars when you don't even have idia how does they work.


    Useless posts must be cleaned. If you are not related with me and my system or you have no idia how they works you don't have rights to talk about it.

    Why did you ask for Vote reward then?
  3. You don't get it, really. 95% of the forum don't get it.


    You're just a average user who spends less than 1 hour on this forum and you can't see things which other users, who're more active can see.


    People getting scammed every day. The victims report them, scammers get banned.

    Then, make another account, bragging about what they've done, continue doing it under another nickname.


    Let's say, 70% of the forum users are kids under 17-18. They get scammed, then report, then emo cry all day long in the forum. Next day, same shit. Other day, same shit.


    So, conclusion? This forum is made for scammers. They do w/e they like, stealing your virtual money, opening servers, selling shared stuff.


    This post isn't directed to you, it's directed to the people who know what the fvck is going on and don't do anything to prevent it.


    For that reason, everyone from the mxc team has lost my respect.


    When was Finito here, he did great job. He wasn't playing around, nor giving a fvck about idiots.


    He was doing the best job so far, for me.



    Gi'auto, sas lew, gamieste averta

    Its so bad that iam spending my time on maxcheaters and iam with crossed hands cause i have limited privs..Finito was Global moderator and if i was Global you would see a clean maxcheaters.
  4. Fvck bromeo, he's not the only scammer here.


    Few real life friends of yours are scammers. Not that I give a dime about them, but what the fvck.


    This forum is getting more retarded each day passes.

    For which real life friend are you talking about?
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