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Everything posted by lliuke

  1. Well is not like a deathmatch "event". I want to put the teleport on GK and when you teleport somethink like you get automaticaly in event .
  2. Sorry but i am not so good at developing . Maybe you have a link for a rewarder ?
  3. Hello For some days i am looking for 1 good script topzone and hopzone reward for freya server . I tested couple of them but somes gives rewards on dualbox , some doesn't work at all . Maybe someone can help me with 1 good script please ?
  4. Hello everyone i have a little problem with eclipse when i want to add a folder and files to com/l2jserver/communitybbs it gives me this error and i don't know how to solve it : Get all resources operation failed. The working copy needs to be upgraded svn: Working copy 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Eclipse Work New\L2J_Server\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\communitybbs\BB' is too old (format 10, created by Subversion 1.6)
  5. Players teleport to a zone lets say for example Pagans Temple . Anyone who telepot there will have the same name and you can't teleport with party or see titles , etc and on every kill you get a reward .
  6. Hello i was wondering if i can find anywhere the solo pvp engine ?
  7. Thank you very much Fanky for your reply . Best regards to all .
  8. I was looking for soemthink how it is l2jfrozen on intelude .
  9. Hello everyone . Could someone tell me what is the best freya pack with source too arround ? Thanks in advance .
  10. I want to sell domain www.xlineage.com . Pm me with offers .
  11. Ok you started so : 1. How many days taked you to repair fear and silence ? ( and still not repaired ) 2. Did you put solo zone and i don't know ? 3. Who watched films when fear and silence was 100% ? 4. Tanks giving 1000 dmg in olly ? 5. I wasn't a dev couse i couldn't dev anything . 6. From 260+ players how many are now on ? 70 ? Who is the crazy guy me or you ?
  12. Guys i play this server for 2 days and its ok not much unbalanced by +12 items . Its ok with no lag and now are 100 online . Kindda hard with gcm's and gc's .... low drop on mobs and by vote is hard to take it couse low population ftm . But its ok for a freya server when all freya are craps.
  13. In my oppinion don't join on this server . The most unblanced server i ever saw . Tanks are like Superman in olympiad . Tanks lose just vs other tanks and none can win them . Daggers making 6k dmg from front and 10k back..... and admins say that "tanks are ok " I played there but stoped for this unbalance .
  14. Guys if you look carefully in the file that is uploded with the database you will see what i used :)
  15. Bobi that those acces levels are from account acces level not character level . Main Administrator account is : iepaaa :D
  16. Hello Guys , Here is the full database for elitegaming.es . Passwords the same are encryted in MD5 . http://fisierulmeu.ro/29FAEI9OYH4X/elitegaming-es-html.html Best Regards ,
  17. Not all xpath vulnerabily are usefull for injection .
  18. Nice share but on most servers is fixed .
  19. http://www.md5decrypter.co.uk/ P.S: I hope it is ok to post this link .
  20. Here is the 1'st part of the database + passwords for l2easynetwork.com . I didn't had time to decrypt the passwords. http://fisierulmeu.ro/29I2ILULWVOR/
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