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Posts posted by Mechas

  1. 7 hours ago, SWnet said:
    <!-- g_2011_christmas 크리스마스 트리 축제 2011 정홍섭 -->
      <DropEvent Name="g_2011_christmas" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="60">
            <Period Start="2011-01-26T18:00:00" End="2011-12-30T07:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix" DropProb="100.0">
            <Item Name="g_santagirl_red_sock" Amount="160" Prob="100"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="3"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="3"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2011-01-26T18:00:00" End="2011-12-30T07:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="g_2011_christmas">
            <SpawnTime Start="2011-01-26T18:00:00" End="2011-12-30T07:00:00"/>
    <!-- g_2011_christmas 행복한 케이크 이벤트 2011 NCJ10주년 정홍섭 -->
      <DropEvent Name="g_cake_event" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="10">
            <TickValue MinPlayer="0" MaxPlayer="1500" Variable="30"/>
            <TickValue MinPlayer="1501" MaxPlayer="2000" Variable="25"/>
            <TickValue MinPlayer="2001" MaxPlayer="2500" Variable="20"/>
            <TickValue MinPlayer="2501" MaxPlayer="3000" Variable="18"/>
            <TickValue MinPlayer="3001" MaxPlayer="3500" Variable="15"/>
            <TickValue MinPlayer="3501" MaxPlayer="4500" Variable="12"/>
            <TickValue MinPlayer="4501" MaxPlayer="9999" Variable="10"/>
            <Period Start="2011-10-01T00:00:00" End="2011-11-30T23:59:59"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix" DropProb="100.0">
            <Item Name="ev_happy_dark_chocolate" Amount="10" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="ev_happy_white_chocolate" Amount="10" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="ev_happy_whipped_cream" Amount="5" Prob="100.0"/>
    	  <TimeVariable Start="0" End="24" Variable="1" /> 
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2011-10-01T00:00:00" End="2011-11-30T23:59:59">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="g_cake_event">
            <SpawnTime Start="2011-10-01T00:00:00" End="2011-11-30T23:59:59"/>
    <WorldEvent Name="ev_happy_cake" Register="true" EventId="20110323" >  
               <Period Start="2011-10-01T00:00:00" End="2011-11-30T23:59:59"/>
    <!-- event_watermelon 왕수박 이벤트 _090819 김이영 -->
      <DropEvent Name="event_watermelon" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="60">
            <Period Start="2009-08-24T09:40:00" End="2009-08-31T10:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix">
            <Item Name="bind_small_watermelon_seed" Amount="50" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="bind_honey_watermelon_seed" Amount="1" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="gourd_nectar1" Amount="359" Prob="100.0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="3"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="3"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2009-08-24T09:40:00" End="2009-09-09T07:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="ev_watermelon1">
            <SpawnTime Start="2009-08-24T09:40:00" End="2009-09-09T07:00:00"/>
       <!-- event_julyseven 칠월칠석 프로모션 "오작교 지킴이" 견우의 사랑 주문서 드랍 _090826 김이영 -->
      <DropEvent Name="event_julyseven2" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="3600">
            <Period Start="2009-08-26T14:00:00" End="2009-09-23T07:00:00"/>
            <Item Name="ev_altair_enchant_scroll" Amount="33" Prob="100.0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="3"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="3"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2009-08-26T14:00:00" End="2009-10-28T07:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="event_julyseven2">
            <SpawnTime Start="2009-08-26T14:00:00" End="2009-10-28T07:00:00"/>
     <DropEvent Name="ai_event_pierre_baguette" Register="true">
     <Drop Tick="10">
      <Period Start="2009-09-20T10:00:00" End="2009-09-23T07:00:00" /> 
     <Items DropSequence="fix">
      <Item Name="event_herb_of_cream" Amount="5" Prob="100.0" /> 
      <Item Name="event_herb_of_cheesecake" Amount="12" Prob="100.0" /> 
      <Item Name="event_herb_of_baguette" Amount="15" Prob="100.0" /> 
      <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="2" /> 
      <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1" /> 
      <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="2" /> 
       <!-- event_six_party 6주년 큐브 이벤트 "6주년 파티 매니저_[event_six_party_manager]" _090930 김이영 -->
      <DropEvent Name="event_six_party2" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="3600">
            <Period Start="2009-09-18T18:00:00" End="2009-10-28T07:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix">
            <Item Name="ev_altair_enchant_scroll" Amount="33" Prob="0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="3"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="3"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2009-09-18T14:00:00" End="2009-10-28T07:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="event_six_party1">
            <SpawnTime Start="2009-09-18T14:00:00" End="2009-10-28T07:00:00"/>
      <!-- event_halloween 할로윈 이벤트 _091028 황석윤 -->
      <DropEvent Name="event_hw5" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="60">
            <Period Start="2009-10-28T08:00:00" End="2009-11-11T07:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix">
            <Item Name="ev_scroll_of_wooldie" Amount="100" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="ev_scroll_of_berdandi" Amount="100" Prob="100.0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="3"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="3"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2009-10-28T08:00:00" End="2009-11-25T07:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="event_hw5">
            <SpawnTime Start="2009-10-28T08:00:00" End="2009-11-25T07:00:00"/>
      <!-- event_save_tiger 백호살려라_100118 문성현 -->
      <DropEvent Name="ev_save_tiger" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="20">
            <Period Start="2010-02-01T07:00:00" End="2010-02-24T07:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix" DropProb="100.0">
            <Item Name="ev_scroll_of_tiger_c" Amount="50" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="ev_scroll_of_tiger_d" Amount="25" Prob="100.0"/>
            <Item Name="vitamin_of_cupid_event1" Amount="100" Prob="100.0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="4"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2010-02-01T07:00:00" End="2010-02-24T07:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="ev_save_tiger">
            <SpawnTime Start="2010-02-01T07:00:00" End="2010-02-24T07:00:00"/>
      <!-- event_gd1_item_give GD1 운명의 힘, 장착 아이템 지급 이벤트 _110501 배윤수 -->
      <DropEvent Name="event_gd1_give_item5" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="60">
            <Period Start="2011-05-26T08:00:00" End="2011-05-27T16:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix">
            <Item Name="ev_altair_enchant_scroll" Amount="33" Prob="0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="3"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="3"/>
        <NPC Tick="60" Start="2011-05-26T08:00:00" End="2011-05-27T16:00:00">
          <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="event_gd1_give_item5">
            <SpawnTime Start="2011-05-26T08:00:00" End="2011-05-27T16:00:00"/>
      <!-- tersi_event GD1 테르시의 빛 이벤트 -->
      <AgathionDropEvent Name="tersi_event" AgathionId="32" AgathionLevel="1" NeedAgathionCount="500" Register="true">
        <Drop Tick="60">
            <Period Start="2011-07-20T08:00:00" End="2011-08-10T16:00:00"/>
          <Items DropSequence="fix" DropProb="100.0">
    	<Item Name="tersi_light_fragment" Amount="1500" CondProb="2.0,20.0,20.0,40.0"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="0" End="2" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="2" End="18" Variable="1"/>
            <TimeVariable Start="18" End="24" Variable="4"/>
      <NPC Tick="60" Start="2011-07-20T08:00:00" End="2011-08-10T08:00:00">
        <SpawnTimes MakerEventName="tersi_event">
          <SpawnTime Start="2011-07-20T08:00:00" End="2011-08-10T08:00:00"/>
      <CoretimeTeleport Name="CoretimeTeleport" Register="true" Tick="0" Start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" End="2019-12-31T23:59:59">
        <Coretime Start="20:00:00" End="23:59:59" PriceRatio="50"/>
        <WeekDay Start="1" End="6"/>
      <FishingSetting Name="FishingSetting" Register="true" Tick="10" Start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" End="2019-12-31T23:59:59" EventMinutes="10080" BreaktimeMinutes="240" RecordTime="1" RewardTime="1">
          <Prize ItemName="adena" Amount="800000"/>
          <Prize ItemName="adena" Amount="500000"/>
          <Prize ItemName="adena" Amount="300000"/>
          <Prize ItemName="adena" Amount="200000"/>
          <Prize ItemName="adena" Amount="100000"/>
      <PCCafeCouponEvent Name="PCCafeCouponEvent" Register="false" Tick="60" Ordinal="-1">
          <Event Start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" End="2009-12-31T23:59:59"/>
          <AddedEvent Start="2009-03-25T00:00:00" End="2009-12-31T23:59:59"/>
          <CouponItem Level="20" ItemName="falchion"/>
          <CouponItem Level="40" ItemName="bastard_sword"/>
          <CouponItem Level="52" ItemName="tsurugi"/>
          <CouponItem Level="61" ItemName="sword_of_damascus"/>
          <CouponItem Level="76" ItemName="god's_blade"/>
      <PCCafeSetting Name="PCCafeSetting" Register="true" Tick="60" SettingSec="300">
          <Period Start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" End="2019-04-08T23:59:59"/>
         Point="100" RandomPointProb="0">
          <GettingPeriod Start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" End="2019-12-31T23:59:59"/>
        <HomePCCafe Point="100" RandomPointProb="0" GettingSet="false" GettingMaxSet="false" GettingMaxCount="36">
          <GettingPeriod Start="2009-01-01T00:00:00" End="2019-12-31T23:59:59"/>
        <DailyPCCafe Point="1000">
          <GettingPeriod Start="2009-03-25T00:00:00" End="2009-06-03T23:59:59"/>
      <VoteSystem Name="VoteSystem" Register="true" Tick="60" Start="1900-01-01T00:00:00" End="2037-12-31T23:59:59" GetVoteCount="3600" BonusTimeLimit="28800" BonusRate="100" PlayTime="14400" Value="4">
      <WorldEvent Name="event_hw5_world" Register="true" EventId="20091031" >  
               <Period Start="2009-10-28T08:00:00" End="2009-11-19T00:01:00"/>
              <RankingCheckTime Time="23:59:58"/>  


     file, no test :   https://www.mediafire.com/file/swua1glqa8p1n9x/eventdata.rar/filehttps://www.mediafire.com/file/swua1glqa8p1n9x/eventdata.rar/file

  2. On 3/3/2021 at 12:49 PM, CubAfull said:

    Hi @guytis I don't know you and I have no problem with you or anyone. I liked @Mechas post because he is working fixing the npcpos, nothing more! 


    It's a shame that you misunderstood me and clearly my "Like" can be interpreted the way you did, but it's ok, I respect your opinion :thumbs-up:

    is a person with a lot of resentment. He never gives away anything, he always lives on other people, and when you touch the subject he assaults you, but since we are with the posts, I show what he lives me saying so that they see the kind of person he is...
    Report these attitudes several times, I never received any response from the moderators, I have put negative votes on it and mysteriously disappear... I'm not leaving it to you.



    On 3/1/2021 at 9:06 PM, CubAfull said:

    Hello guys,

    I'm looking for this files "Server Client Protection Source Codes!" posted by @Arias .

    Please @Sighed or @xeL can you please share this files? Thanks!

    try this, i dont test...
    serverguardsource (mediafire.com)

    • Upvote 1
  3. 16 hours ago, guytis said:

    Today I will begin to make an IDA database and publish it, so that it is easier to do things.

    Sell smoke?

    Spanish, desde cuando tan generoso gustavo? Esperemos que sea asi, de paso contribuyo con los fix del npcpos... Me esta llevando hs esa mierda... Y con varios arreglos en la ai

    • Upvote 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, menma said:
    void CAuthD::SaveUserDataAndLogout(int nAccountID,int nUnk1,int nUnk2)
    	typedef void (CAuthD::*t)(int,int,int);
    void CAuthD::RequestLogout(int nAccountID,int nUnk1,int nUnk2)
    	typedef void (CAuthD::*t)(int,int,int);
    bool CAuthD::OnRequestLogin(wchar_t * sAccountName,int nAccountID,int nGameSessionID,int nAccountID2,int nAuthSessionID,CUserSocket *pSocket)
    	if(nGameSessionID == 0 || nAuthSessionID == 0 || nAccountID != nAccountID2)
    		CLog::Add(CLog::red,L"Wrong account session! account_id(%d) GameSessionID[%d] AccountID2[%d] AuthSessionID[%d]",nAccountID,nGameSessionID,nAccountID2,nAuthSessionID);
    		return false;
    	bool bSessionError = false;
    	IntIntMap::iterator iter = g_AuthAccountSessionMap->find(nAccountID);
    	if(iter != g_AuthAccountSessionMap->end())
    		if (nGameSessionID != iter->second)
    			bSessionError = true;		
    			CLog::Add(CLog::red,L"Wrong account session! account_id(%d) session[%d] != [%d]",nAccountID,nGameSessionID,iter->second);
    		bSessionError = true;
    		CLog::Add(CLog::red,L"Account session not found! account_id(%d) session[%d]",nAccountID,nGameSessionID);
    		return false;
    	CPremiumService::I()->RequestPremiumState(pSocket->GetSocketUID(), nAccountID);
    	typedef bool (CAuthD::*t)(wchar_t *,int,int,int,int,CUserSocket *);
    	return CALL_INSTANCE_METHOD(sAccountName,nAccountID,nGameSessionID,nAccountID2,nAuthSessionID,pSocket);


    hfdll.dll have this

    No problem with relog, try no use dll russian shit, use only eressea extender, and diferent auth, try use clean system client.

  5. 27 minutes ago, menma said:

    I used run.bat ai.nasc from cmd console.


    I try to make it by using l2npc.exe -c -e ai.nasc and have same result.


    Did you get it to compile? What version of Windows server do you have? I am using windows 2016 but the compiler for Gracia worked fine.


    UPD: The problem is solved, need to compile with standard scripts. The problem with re-login to the account remains.

    that is correct.... I did no test relog, i'm still working in the ai and npcpos, Then I do a test and post

  6. 1 hour ago, menma said:


    Decompieler work fine, but compiler dont start l2npc.exe i think. I put ai.nasc on folder and start it from cmd "run.bat ai.nasc",  i see l2npc.exe in process, but dont have output in console, ai.obj not created and dont have log folder in l2npc dir.



    And does anyone have a bug with re-authorization on an account without restarting the server?

    use the commands from the console, in cmd

  7. 8 hours ago, Souza762 said:

    Well I made one experiment here. I renamed Source.h to ai.nac and sucessfuly compiled. quest_pch need some fix. Ex: [bandit_and_railman]    649 Tested here with server and all seems fine. Now need correct the geodata, npcpos and superpoint.bin...


    l2npc log:


    02/26/2021 00:08:35.153, super point[Formation_FreeWay] node invalid [2]->[3]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.153, super point[ancient_05] node invalid [5]->[6]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[ancient_11] node invalid [2]->[3]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[ancient_20] node invalid [2]->[3]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_01] node invalid [5]->[6]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_02] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_03] node invalid [3]->[4]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_04] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_05] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_06] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_07] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_08] node invalid [1]->[2]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_09] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_10] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_11] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_12] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_13] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_14] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_15] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_16] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_17] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_18] node invalid [3]->[4]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_19] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_20] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_21] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_22] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_23] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_24] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_25] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_26] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_27] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_28] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_29] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_30] node invalid [4]->[5]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_31] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_32] node invalid [1]->[2]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_33] node invalid [2]->[3]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[deco_34] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.154, super point[kserth_air_vechicle_1] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.155, super point[lost_03] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.155, super point[lost_11] node invalid [3]->[4]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.155, super point[lost_49] node invalid [0]->[1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.155, super point[wagon_loop] node invalid [4]->[5]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.276, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[23790] : Undefined NPC[24_21_course1]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.277, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[23972] : Undefined NPC[24_21_course2]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.278, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24142] : Undefined NPC[24_21_course3]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.278, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24312] : Undefined NPC[24_21_course4]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.279, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24422] : Undefined NPC[anta01]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.279, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24490] : Undefined NPC[anta02]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.280, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24576] : Undefined NPC[anta03]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.280, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24662] : Undefined NPC[anta04]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.281, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24772] : Undefined NPC[anta05]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.281, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24882] : Undefined NPC[anta06]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.282, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[24974] : Undefined NPC[anta07]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.283, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[25054] : Undefined NPC[anta08]
    02/26/2021 00:08:35.283, ..\Script\superpointinfo.txt[25164] : Undefined NPC[anta09]
    02/26/2021 00:08:40.320, [d:\sources\work_ct26p4_0323\l2npc\ThreadSafeLibrary.h][1581] Invalid Class[0] sid[0]
    02/26/2021 00:08:40.321, [d:\sources\work_ct26p4_0323\l2npc\ThreadSafeLibrary.h][1581] Invalid Class[0] sid[0]


    Yes that is correct, npcpos, geodata, supepoint, etc, need hard work

  8. 1 hour ago, Bumble said:

    Thanks everyone for helping out!


    Alright, so after installing VS 2010, boost, Windows SDK 8.1, windows SDK 7.1, repairing my VS 2019 version and manually hooking up the linking libraries, it finally built. I hooked up the extender DLL to the binaries with CFF explorer, but when I launch CacheD I get a "My world is not declared in DBList" error?


    L2Server won't even start, gives an error right away:


    Runtime Error!
    Program: D\L5\hf_we_L2Server\L2Server.exe
    - floating point not loaded


    It's progress at least!



    EDIT: So the fix for not being in the DBList for cached, is to add the worldid value to the DBlist variable in cached.ini 🙂


    CacheD is up and running! I'll try to figure out what causes the L2Server error.


    I get the L2Server R6002 error when I use the one built by @CubAFull too


    not necesary hook, use same hook l2ext.dll, shit russian hook work well, only change name "myextendhf"

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Bumble said:

    Thanks for this, but I'm still getting errors 😕 This time, it sees the v80 in the project settings, but I'm still not able to build..





    try installing visual 2010, 2015 and v80 tools, in my case i have 2010, 2015, 2017, v80 tools (i dont remeber what type of library is...), and boost library. (sorry for my bad english)

  10. 2 minutes ago, etherian said:


    yes  but still no binary to use .dll

    of course, because is a open Project with too many bugs, download and compile, is simple....
    Two versión of extender gracia final and h5, have a "beta" build, only gracia final have a stable versión.

  11. 16 hours ago, guytis said:

    boludito, si queres manipular skilles o hacer cambio de Race por medio de AI, tendrias que extender l2npc...El dia que uses IDA y aprendas a crear una estructura y descompilar por lo menos una funcion lo vas a entender burro... ves que no sabes ni de lo que hablas... dedicate a descargar files y levantar server todas las semanas. mientras que los demas hacemos la plata ya hace mas de 12 años ;)

    PD: Mañana viernes 28 de febrero a las 20:00Hs te invito a l2killzone.com.ar. Para que recuerdes de lo que estas hablando jajaja

    Estas muy lejos de tirar algo con fundamento, me gustan tus npc buff por cierto, que no diferencian de un summon y un player… esa clase de conocimiento tenes vos. No hace falta decir mucho mas.... Saludos el viejo que al menos es mas gente que vos, sabes cual es la diff entre vos y yo? Que yo no vivo de esto, tengo un trabajo real, y vos vivis de eso cagando gente, suerte con tus servers pederros, ha por cierto, jamas levante un server publico, al menos no para mi, si ayude a otra gente, esto es un pasatiempo para mi, no una forma de lucro, y si mi ayuda se la doy a quien se lo merece, lo que hagan después, no es problema mio… En fin nunca aportaste nada y no porque no quieras, sino porque no sabes una mierda de nada, segui usando ida pro... hay cosas mejores, y si vas s compilar un dll, dudo mucho que lo puedas hacer en ida, asi que fíjate las mentiras que inventas porque quedas peor de lo que sos, en fin un flaco ( te dicen gordo porque te confunde con el qyue le robaste todo, hasta los files ), resentido de la vida, que lo único que hace es bardear gente, y no ayuda ni aporta nada. Saluditos, preséntate un dia en lo de emi, y te voy a enseñar "cuantos pares son dos botas".
    Ha por cierto queres que te enumere las veces que tiraste los servers vos, entre los interludes pedorros, y los c4?
    Se habla muy bien de vos, cuando no te dejaban plata, los tirabas, osea mejor ej de un garca no hay. No tengo nada personal contra vos pero antes de hacerte el pro fíjate que no tenes nada de pro, jamas aportaste nada, y jamas lo vas a hacer, porque lo único que te funciona bien es la lengua a vos, para sacarle cosas a los demás, hasta la plata a tus propios players… Por cierto antes de que inventes mas boludeces, hace años que no juego lineage, pero la mala fama te la hiciste igual... y llega a oidos de todos.

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  12. On 12/4/2019 at 3:50 PM, guytis said:

    Hayy Ulises Ulises y de bueno no tenes nada jaja, no seas taradito que me hablas de una web imbecil,, jajaj lo que vos hiciste en una web yo lo extendi en una dll y las subs las metes por npc xD, ningun retrasado aca en argentina todabia lo hiso.. y vos no vas a ser el segundo!! 
    veni a visitar a emi cuando quieras, cada uno es libre de hacer lo que quiere!
    por lo menos demostrar tu grado de ignorancia que tenes que amenazar a una persona invisible en internet porque no tenes recursos para defenderte con palabras...
    anda a seguir limpiando baños negro mugriento :D
    avisame cuando vengas que te voy a ver, MO-GO-LI-CO

    Te falta cancha como para amenazarme, si fueras tan pro como decis Emiliano jamas nos hubiese pedido ayuda, segundo fíjate lo corto que sos, que hablas de "una dll" cuando tranquilamente el procedimiento es mucho mas fácil hacer lo por ai, si si editando la ai, haa pero cierto no tenes ni puta idea, solo robas cosas es lo mejor que te sale, en fin si te hubicaras en el tiempo, en su momento no había decompiladores-compiladores de ai que funcionaran bien, entonces se complicaba el tema... y la mejor forma era hacer la sub via web, te recuerdo que vos saliste del paly online, sos un flaquito como mierda raquítico, y te me haces el poronga? Yo que vos me cierro el ogt, porque si no te va a ir muy mal. Otra cosa tu server de mierda se lo robaste al gordo salame que se mato en un accidente ( si también se eso, no solo se lo robaste le borraste todo al pobre gordo restrasado mental ese muy parecido a vos ), por otro lado tus servers de mierda tienen el mismo problema de todos los servers de mierda que levantaste vos, tanto como emilinano, se pisna los skilles, si fueras un tipo "decente" tranquilamente te podría pasar todo el codico, para que lo apliques por ai, como corresponde, y tu puto npc de mierda funcione como corresponde, y no pise skilles. Dll…. aprende a mentir chabón, no hace falta ninguna dll para hacer funcionar un npc de subclass….

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