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Everything posted by Yraser

  1. go back to the forum and read the topic properly lmao
  2. specialy when you have mana pots,if you buff medi on a mana pot sv youre a fuckwit you dont loose buffs when you enter pailaka or zaken tezza only for kama
  3. shadow and meditation serious business lmao
  4. files are legit beta just went up and the npcs and features seem limited for now so we gotta wait for things to be added i suppose
  5. they just changed to a host with better protection due to ddos threat
  6. up
  7. bump
  8. bmp
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdXEQ4NOC1s sieges 13 october
  10. im getting 700 ping with a 100mb connection from romania
  11. rujava with derpy +16 items from bews/beas from donation and shit the generic russian derp
  12. make it a max 5 minutes theyre gonna get bored with 20 min duration even 2 min would be ok cause they can keep them perma up when they get some enchants on d/s but lets say 5 min cause i guess not all players understand how it works and should be ok even for new players
  13. yeah im tottaly into that what i dont understand there arent any d/s on buffer right but d/s from players last 60 minutes thats what i understood from the description...why not just add them to the npc if theyre 60 minute duration, better change d/s duration to 2 min
  14. if youre gonna make d/s 60 minutes you might just well add them to buffer i suggets retail like d/s time or max 5 minutes to make it more interesting also i cant find info about mp please let there not be any mana pots ??
  15. Skirmishpvp.com 15.07.2012
  16. how am i supposed to do that? ._. im not part of the administration funneh how ppl think im admin on every server i play
  17. epics will be implemented there will also be a zone in wich d/s`s will last 2 minutes so ppl can play whatever style they like,retail like/or high rate setup with infinite buffs and when you exit that zone everything will reset to how it was before when youre inside that zone d/s will last 2 minutes sws/bd will also be reintroduced copy is working for the past months on cleaning the dc files cause apparently theyre a mess
  18. wooooo files are rly good but needs more ppl
  19. its probably gm only to check them before theyre opened to the public
  20. 37 minutes left daylight savings time
  21. http://www.lineage2h5.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?1-News-amp-Information info for every server here
  22. the one and only... ._.
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