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Everything posted by lostos

  1. Nai den epai3e kai teleia, simasia exei oti kerdise omos. Dn 8a itan oraia na pigainame paratasi? Goal sto teleutaio lepto gia tin Liverpool 2-2 to paixnidi kai tote 8a eixe ligo parapanw endiaferon.
  2. WTF? Do I have to highlight everything I say? Thank you, please read every post more carefully, from now on. This addresses to everyone.
  3. That's more than a nice team, that's great. But, I have a few objections. I can VERY well crawl the web, looking for bugs (as you said I am an explorer) however, I can do more than that. I am ok with that, but I think that I could also help in programmer, by the side of MewMew, who you didn't add to as a programmer too. Add Mew to programmer and I think I can help too. Right now, I am trying to contact people that now a few things about injection. Moreover, explorers should be the same as translators, as its quite the same thing. So: Explorers/Translators: NOS, Bantito, TOLISWR7, evo, lostos(closed) Finally Koyfo, who's unspecified too, could help me reverse engineer some bots for servers with anti-botting system. I hope you take my suggestions into consideration.
  4. NO Cris STOP spamming he meant "getloosenoob", double posting is not fun. No offense, but pappi had already posted that. Epeidi den to katalabes, dn simainei oti einai la8os Simainei: 3ekolla,xalarwse, noob. Telos
  5. no, it's supposed to be "getloosenoob (= get loose noob)". Sounds nice, unless you don't know the word "loose". P.S.: My sig is the best: Η ΓΝΩΣΗ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΔΥΝΑΜΗ. Hell, whatever, the second one is really funny, it's a graffiti from a school it says: ΤΑ ΠΤΥΧΙΑ COPIES ΚΤΩΝΤΑΙ lol I can also make sigs, I 've made mine lostos sigs, with Photoshop, CorelDraw and another whose name I can't remember, but I am afraid that someone will copy 'em. LIKE ROOY DID.:P It is stolen, I've verified it from http://www.allcheats.ru Too bad for you rooy that he 's an older member than you. However, I've seen tutorials on how to make sigs like yours. Like userbars. Just search: userbar make Gratz, my sig sucks, I admit it, I 've told you the reason though.:P
  6. Maxtor, this one is for you: I strongly recommend that you add hidden text code with number of replies, just as in allcheats.ru, or at least, regular hidden text. That way, developers that crawl the web searching for bugs that came to light won't be able to see these bugs or exploits. Thank you
  7. 1) There's already a topic 2) New servers come from ready-made l2j server packs, so it's already fixed, even by the most noob admin. 3) Lock topic it is spam for the 1st reason, he probably dug it up from somewhere.
  8. Ty pou katalabes. Den exw kakes pro8eseis gia kanenan.:) Na kanw twra kai ena sxolio sxetika me to guide: Meta ta 50 lvl, einai kalo na pairnoume full buffs. Auto isxuei genika kai se olous tous chars, alla idietaira ston sph, gt exei xamilo cst.speed kai to paixnidi isos ginei bareto. Akomi na stoxeutete sto empower, wste na exete ta terata 1 hurricane+ 1 death spike Etsi exoume tin elaxisti katanalosi mp (oute surrender dn xreiazetai) kai grigoro gameplay. Symbols: auta exw egw se sph kai einai ta kalutera: INT+4, MEN-5 INT+4, MEN-5 WIT+4, MEN-5 (MEN-15) Einai simantiko na ta kanete sosta, gt blepw pollous exoun INT+4, WIT-5 kai lew OMG!@ Panta na afaireite MEN. To kako einai oti 8a pianei panta panw sas to sleep kai genika ta debuffs, opos kai dn 8a exete megalo mdef. Merikoi skliropirinikoi Spellhowlers exoun: 3xINT+4(pianei? aporw) Full Demon's set (INT+4) Kai TERASTIO matk. An antexete na balete SA se arcana mace (8a eiste apo tous elaxistous metrimenous ston official, bnb, kai genika low-rates) tote na balete acumen. Auta apo mena
  9. Ok, solution found(u were faster than me thanos), topic may be locked now:?P
  10. E GAMOTO DEN DIABAZETE TI GRAFW H MHPOS DEN THELETE NA KATALABETE? D E N TON KATIGORW GIA TPT APLA AS BALEI QUOTE. MIA PROTASI EKANA. NIOSTE ESEIS SPAMMARETE 1)Den ton katigorisa : Ma giati den diabazete ola ta proigoumena posts gmt s'auto to community kai biazeste na kanete reply? 2)Tin kali douleia pou tin eides? Copy-paste ekane 3)Evo dn se katigorw ka8olou, mpravo pou to ebales, apla balto kai se quote auto mono. eleos Evo DEN se katigorisa kala ekanes to "Eleos COPY-PASTE" proorizotan ston lycathroat tou bnb pou enw dn itan diko t guide ebale oti einai diko, simfona me oti les oti dn einai apo bnb forum TO KATALABATE?? BOULOSTE TO GT DEN TON KATIGORISA KA8OLOY. ALLA ESEIS EXETE BUG STON EGKEFALO. Ante giati ka8e blakas to paizei dikigoros
  11. Paparies exw akousei polles alla auti Alex1 itan monadiki (gia 3ekarfwma to eipa min pare3igise. Ki omos man, einai XEIROTERO ap'oso to perigrafeis. Paizw apo tote pou anoi3e o bnb ton septembrio 2005 kai 3erw polla pou ginontai. Tespa dn milaw allo, 8a m parei 1 mera na grafw oli tin istoria tou bnb. ase min faw kai kana ban) I LOVE BNB! BNB IS THE BEST. O KALYTEROS SERVER OLWN!
  12. ti simasia exoun Virusakos ta rates? Tespa egw exw pai3ei kai se x125 pou epiane. Epairna ap'to gmshop kai ta poulousa groc. Ta rates dn paizoun rolo, apla uparxoun etoima packeta gia na ftiaxneis eukola server kai etsi e3aplonetai eukola to bug. Sumperasma: Empisteuteite mono to MxB.gr!
  13. 1)Den ton katigorisa : Ma giati den diabazete ola ta proigoumena posts gmt s'auto to community kai biazeste na kanete reply? 2)Tin kali douleia pou tin eides? Copy-paste ekane 3)Evo dn se katigorw ka8olou, mpravo pou to ebales, apla balto kai se quote auto mono.
  14. This is an exploit that actually works in many high rate servers! If you server has a gmshop, try it! It especially works well on no-weight servers. 1) Buy as many Greater Cp Recovery Potions as you afford to buy or till your weight load is full. 2) Sell them to the Gmshop Vendor. It must be double price(!), unless it is fixed. 3) Repeat these steps buying more and more pots, till you have loads of adena! NOTE: It may work with other kinds of consumables and items too, also from other shops. It may work on any server, no matter how low-rate it is, if there's a bugged gmshop. Some servers have this bug fixed, but even in them, you can find a vendor that buys things expensively... Thank you, lostos
  15. Ki omos den to exoun ftia3ei se olous tous servers, malista skopeua na psa3w simera mipos to exei balei kanei pio palia gia na to kanw post:P Stin anagki balte to kai sto Exploits English Section nato blepoun oloi. Sou lew l2Light na mpeis douleuei alla me cp pots. Tespa 8a to kanw twra new topic:PP
  16. Ti me koftei? Loipon bale to olokliro to post se quote auto me koftei, asxeta an exeis ston titlo "by croul" Tespa dikio exeis dn einai apo bnb akribos copy-paste to ekane autos sto bnb LOL!!!
  17. Full antigrafi apo to forum tou bnb ELEOS man http://forum.bnb.gr/showthread.php?t=17434 ELEOS AKRIBOS copy-paste
  18. Auto ginetai kai me cp potions, akomi kalutera se servers *no-weight*. Mew, swsta ta les, alla einai kalo wste na exeis e3 arxis top equipment. [Anti na parakalas san kalo noobaki gia adena (dn proorizotan to b proswpo se sena, einai geniko)]
  19. me AC-Tool ginetai ftiaxnontas script
  20. lostos


    Opios 3erei as mou to pei [kanei pm], den eipa na to dimosieusei. Den exei sxesi me warez kai tetoia, egw info i8ela na klepsw, kai mias kai dn anixneuetai einai to kalutero. Kai min arxiseis dn kleuoume info edw ktl..., gt kai me to la2brute auto kanoume (accs estw). Telos na pw oti dn skopeuw na to steilw se kanenan apo to site, i na dimosieuw kati pou to periexei. Ty. P.S. Ekanes esy search se warez kai to brikes? Den nomizw. Magaki to 3erw to site, to SC-keylog 2.2 esy pou to brikes ekei? Egw dn to brika, ta dl links dn douleuoun, an itan toso eukolo... Opou to exw brei links are broken.
  21. There are thousands of free sniffers on the web, they're easy to program and there are hundreds of free source codes and sample source codes for them, so even if you don't know much about programming, you can have one. As far as injection is concerned, I know some people who understand it and can help in the forum, I just don't know if they are active anymore. I will try contacting them via mail, but, if anyone wants, he can help.
  22. No, it doesn't work, I've checked it months ago. It's not just any upstart server, you see.
  23. Silver Ranger in PvP Tactics: Silver Ranger shines in pvp due to his great dex (against fighter class) and just because he's an archer that can easily pwn any mage's head. So let's start: [supposing you have top equipment and full self buffs] If your opponent is a close range fighter then make sure you just hit n run. Also make sure to use stun shot and ONLY stun shot as the rest of the skills are just going to delay you, plus, you might lack mp in the end. You are pretty close to victory that way. If you happen to have much MP to waste then use double shot ONLY IF stun shot has effect on the opponent. Moreover, it's a nice idea to start your combat with ectangle. This will slow your rival down, and may as well frustrate him : P *If your opponent is one of the dagger classes don't you ever stand close to them, as they 'll quickly run behind u to unleash the deadly power of their skills. If your opponent is an archer, then it is all a matter of skills, buffs, critical chance, and MP. If your opponent is a mage, he'll be hitting the ground in just a few shots, so just chill, unless you don't succeed any crits, interrupts and stuns. Then, you are just unlucky. If sleep lands on you, your next skill after you wake up must be double shot, so you can interrupt his casting, and after that, stun shot. If you are affected by curse chaos, or anything else that decreases your accuracy, you 'll need a lot of mp so as to use power shot (useless, but you can't miss) and other skills. Good lack! Symbols: I don't really like symbols as they have (very) negative effects. However let's see what an SR can draw: DEX+4, CON-5 =|= cause you're an archer and your critical attacks are so scary and deadly. DEX+4, CON-5 =|= Cause u can shoot/run faster, and again, even more crit STR+4. CON-5 (That means CON-15 so that's why I hate those FUNKING symbols.). =|= Increasing damage in regular shots Personally, I use only one: DEX+4, CON-5 and it's quite nice and balanced. NOTE: Like mages, at the very beginning of a PvP, shoot a stunshot. If it lands, you have great potential in beating your opponent. You can also use Double shot, if but calculate your mp consumption before. A focus sa in your weapon is ideal, but when it comes to MP, which is a basic factor, a cheapshot bow comes very handy. That's all, hope I've helped a bit NOTE: SR is one of the best chars in PvP, and is very nice and easy going if you wish to bot, I've actually loved my SR. Thank you, more guides to come soon.
  24. Spellsinger guide FULL As an elf fanatic (but not a g@y) I have to post a guide for my favorite char. The SPELLSINGER! Leveling lvl 1-20: Begin the newbie guide quest (you have to kill Gremlins till they drop a blue crystal) and xp on gremlins till lvl 3. Then speak to the newbie guide so as to receive a bunch of spsng. Then speak to Nerupa, then to the main village newbie guide, and so you'll have some very useful for your levelling spsng. Then hunt just outside elven village until you reach lvl 8. Go learn skills (weapon mastery 1st, then wind strike etc. don't waste useful sp. Now you have some basic drops (gloves, boots, rings, maybe tunic and a lower staff. You shouldn't spend money yet, go xp at fungus and orc fighters, till lvl 11 or 12. Then just go deeper in the elven forest and xp, it's easy. IMPORTANT NOTES: Always learn basic skills, sp are really needed, DON"T WASTE THEM. Also, remember to hunt ONLY monsters you can rip on 2 hits, not more, not less than that. Downtime is the worst enemy of fast leveling. Sometime, when your newbie spsng run out don't rush and buy bspsng. Buy regular sps. If you want you can buy Bspsng at lvl 14 or 13. ALWAYS, have in mind you can have NEWBIE BUFFS. They are extremely useful, till lvl 24 or even 25(ww). ->Quest: The quest is very easy, search for a guide if you want, I can finish it in 10 mins or less. lvl: 21-40 Now you are 20 you'll have to do some shopping. If you have HALO money then buy top d equipment. If not,: BUY NOTHING! Only bspsng and nothing else! Just be patient and buy a book of 30k when you have spare money (lvl 22-23).(You have already bought a 14l one from lvl 14). Hunt mobs outside dion and level up to level 25. Then dress yourself in devotion set and level at those weird eyes outside dion again, till you can see they are completely blue. Then go xp at Gorgon's flower Garden, till level 31. Now you'll have to xp at the upper floor of Exec Grounds, at some orange basilisks, till lvl 33 or 34. Then go down on the trees, etc, till level 39. Congrats on your gr8 patience as you have no body-to-mind skill!!!! Well Done. NOTES: If you have top d equipment xp is way easier. So, my idea is to level up a dwarf, Artisan, (i'll post i guide it's very easy), up to level 20 and then start selling bssd and ssd. That's a lot of money. Same notes as before again. More,: Raid partys is a really good idea for xp. Try it out. Guide SpS 40+ Now you're 40 lvl and have learned the basic active and passive skills: Hydro Blast basic nuker's attack Aura Flare close range battle only (maybe solar flare too) for overhit Frost Bolt slows the opponent, useful to make your escape, hit 'n' run or slow down strong opponent Mana Regeneration for levelling, sps has a great downtime, consumes many spirit ores though (they're cheap don't worry) Sleep most useful skil during pvp, helps you making your escape. Surrender to water basic nuker's attack, use before hydro blast, or any other water skill, lasts 30s Learn all passive skills, they're all useful. Level these skills alone (also learn ice dagger and freezing shackle) till level 56. Nothing has to change until here. Equipment: C-grade: Karmian robe set (it's cheap, you should be able to purchase it), and sage's staff (from prestigious items guild, not from private stores). Also get a sage's staff. B-grade. ONLY IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT: Here you have to make a choice: you can either buy a Blue Wolf robe set [+206 MP, +5.24% MP regeneration, -2 INT, -1 MEN, +3 WIT] or Avadon robe set [+5.247% Pdef, +15% Casting Speed]. The vast majority of people choose the avadon one as it adds cst speed without any other loss. However, the BW set adds much more cst speed, much more mp but you'll have a loss of INT (M atk). My choice is DEFINITELY Avadon robe. Also get a Valhalla sword, and if you have a nice sponsor (a clan or a buddy) get an avadon shield. Levelling level 40+ You're a spellsiger, you'll probably have the greatest downtime of all nukers, but if you're patient, it will get straight. Level 40-51: Death Pass (go deeper in higher levels till you reach cave servant captains up to level 51). It's the ideal place to xp now. No matter what others say, it's the best trust me. You'll probably get all mobs down on 1-2 hits maximum so you will have the minimum downtime, and so, the maximum xp. Then, and supposing you have top-b grade equipment (it's important to have a clan at this point) go xp to FG [Forbidden Gateway, Northern of Cemetary in Aden] at Doom Knights, or if you can't get them down easily, hunt drakes there. IMPORTANT: From level 51 and on, as you xp in common hunting grounds as FG, it is of critical importance to get full buffs (buffers near hunting grounds offer great buffs at 70k-110k adena). If you decide to hunt in fg, hunt only Doom Knights. Otherwise, you should level on cemetery, on "Something Orc Leader". After level 56 or 58, you have probably found a great clan with alliance. If not, leave your old clan, people won't ignore you. If this clan/ally is good, then they will often invite you for parties in catacombs or other similar. Enjoy! ___________ Level 61: Since you have found a clan, ask them to do with you the A grade equipment quest. More info about this quest http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/quest-more/supplier-of-reagants http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/quest-more/legacy-of-insolence PvP Tactics Your career as a regular pvper begins at level 64 or so. You have full-top equipment, and NOW you must learn all skills (except for the reeaaally useless ones! SpS vs Close range fighter. Your victory is imminent! If you're playing in a c4 server, then you don't have to worry about anything. You have two options: Either sleep, cancel (or reverse) surrender and nuke, and then carry on the same pattern (except for cancel of course) until your target is down, or, you can cast frost bolt to your rival and then just hit 'n' run (all chronicles). If you enemy is a tank that doesn't seem to be affected by frost bolt (and you are in c5+) then also hit him with Freezing Shackle. Many say that it's better to hit with Ice Dagger cuz you get damage+drain. However, Freezing Shackle is way more effective. The best thing you can do though, is hit with both. THEY STUCK! SpS vs Another Nuker Things are way more complicated here. Spellsinger's main advantage in combat was his great casting speed, which meant he would cast sleep first. But things after C5 have changed. You have to be way lucky to win this battle. Let's see: ->SpS vs Sps nothing to say here, depends on your battling experience and skills (not your character's) ->SpS vs Spellhowler Well, pvps against mages depend on the opponent's tactic. So, if sph starts with Silence, quickly cast ice dagger so as to interrupt his casting. If silence landed on you, you are definitely going to die. If he starts with death spike, hoping to interrupt your casting, hit "Esc" so as to cancel your own, let him hit you, and when he starts casting again, cast Solar Flare, Surrender to Water, Hydro Blast, Hydro Blast etc till you get an interrupt too, or till you rip him. ->SpS vs Sorcerer same as sps vs sps, but here, you have greater chance to win, due to your casting speed. ->SpS vs Necro Necros usually come along with their servitor. I am 101% sure you are going to die. If you are frustrated, go level a necro on your own:P ->SpS vs Overlord Overlords are both nice fighters (they can stun you with their blunt) and mages. They have almost every debuff. Before you even die (that's for sure too, they have a great M.Def, anyway) you'll get silenced, rooted to the ground, stunned, and so goes on. If you are frustrated, go level an Overlord on your own:D Other guides by me: Silver Ranger PvP Tactics Thank you, lostos
  25. Yeah maybe he did we can see who was an older member. Nevertheless that's not important. P.S.: edit, don't 2post
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