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Everything posted by GunarStillis

  1. I have added it and now when I try to compile I get the next error.... When I click on the error it goes to notepad ++ file,how can i open it throw eclipse and fix the errors?
  2. it should be a datapack part,i added it to datapack and it gave me alot of errors, like lines that files doesnt exist..how can i fix them [if u want i can show u screen]
  3. I have added TvT admin commands. there when i Added the full code,it give me an error here : Is marked Red and it give script error,which i cannot compile. The Compile error is :
  4. I am still looking for help... Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  5. It's line 1747, which says error: Line 1741 : Line 489:
  6. ive applyed many, 4events, auto vote system and few more... how can I find the problem? P.S: I have just copied the l2jserver.jar to the pack and it gave me this error. I use l2j basic svns
  7. I have error when I try to run the gameserver. Freya CT2.5 any help will be great! thnx in advice
  8. I want to use an zone. for example " Emerald" how can I make that way,who ever port to this PvP zone, will have Auto flag which code should I add?[and where]
  9. I wanted to ask if someone can help me applying my patch. I got a patch file with event system,auto vote system and 5-6more things, i have got it from some online server,so its working 100%! but the guy ive got it from moving countries so he wont be on for 1month. all I need is someone to help me apply it on my package. I have saw guides for applying patches but none of them really helped me. I know it's a stupid question,but I need someone to help me.
  10. I have weird question,it will sound to noobish but thats what I find this forum for,to help me. I start learning about l2j,i wanted to ask..if i want to fix something.. for example make enchant new warehouse impossible. how do I find where to edit the l2j files...and how i can "fix" or "make it" work. P.S: I am learning for myself,not any l2J online server. any help will be great for me!
  11. Well I guess thats what i needed to know,thnx for information :)
  12. none helped me,but thnx for trying,close topic so spam will stop Thnx
  13. Since ur not offering your help,get lost of this post and don't even write,i dont really care about ur opinion.. :S sad
  14. Close thread please,I do not need help anymore,thnx anyone.
  15. I am looking for someone with High knowledge on Interlude pvp Servers, he don't have to know any java skills,or html,it canceled. Anyone who is interested to help me with my project [by sharing ur ideas] contact me!!
  16. Thnx but sorry I didn't saw I need it for freya client...I do not have "Disablers.java" file on my package... anyone also has ideas?
  17. ok thnx for info :) and if u can be more specifically.. Gameserver\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\handler\IskillHandler or Gameserver\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\handler\SkillHandler
  18. its on java,find a code for that and add it..u can't do it on xml
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