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Everything posted by GunarStillis

  1. I didn't understand what u mean by saying that O.o ,can u be more specific
  2. //admin > Item > Write Item ID + Number > Give Item To All Online Players ...
  3. I wanted to ask if anyone has any shares, or can tell me where/how to start to create custom Admin panel. if anyone can help ..thnx in advice
  4. whats wrong it shows that it checked and you still got 0/10 votes...
  5. I don't think it's possible, u have to wait for exprience java coders for that,sorry..
  6. try this, just add it to ur cancel skills... <cond msgId="1509"> <player olympiad="false" /> </cond>
  7. It means u can't sell that much of this item, it normaly appear when u try to buy 100 gbs or something also...edit the xml files of the item for that
  8. I tried to help,I guess u need someone with more exprience to help you,sorry...
  9. U can just write this code : sendMessage("Not enought Golden Apiga");
  10. just remove it,the code I gave u should do the work. but before u do it,backup ur file first.
  11. even if u add this code to the server ,remember there are pepole playing from net cafe which wont be able to fight others .... u better find good anti feed which doesnt includ IP connection inside...
  12. U can add this code,should be working only if ur zone is wroten at the hitman system... { final L2ZoneType zone1 = ZoneManager.getInstance().getZoneById(40001); if ((zone1 != null) && zone1.isCharacterInZone(this)) { addItem("PvP Reward", 10639, 1, this, true); } Code credits to : Zoey76
  13. what's that Hitman system at all... post the full code so we can try to help you...
  14. seem like someone went emo. There is the Basic L2J AntiFeed system..You can use it,just change the "True/False" Game>Config>L2jmods # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AntiFeed # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This option will enable antifeed for pvp/pk/clanrep points. # Default: False AntiFeedEnable = False # If set to True, kills from dualbox will not increase pvp/pk points # and clan reputation will not be transferred. # Default: True AntiFeedDualbox = True # If set to True, server will count disconnected (unable to determine ip address) # as dualbox. # Default: True AntiFeedDisconnectedAsDualbox = True # If character died faster than timeout - pvp/pk points for killer will not increase # and clan reputation will not be transferred. # Setting to 0 will disable this feature. # Default: 120 seconds. AntiFeedInterval = 120 If it's not what U was looking for let me Know so I can help u search another AntiFeed system :)
  15. what ur interested in,changing NPC color name, or the Txt [Lineage 2 name Buffer]... etc?
  16. Zoey76 helped me to fix the code, thnx. close topic :)
  17. I didn't really understand ur meanie. I tried to add Item to drop from pvp kills in speical areas,which I failed at...
  18. I have added this code to my pack and its not working...after trying to fix it 2hours... public void increasePvpKills(L2Character target) { if (((target instanceof L2PcInstance)) && (AntiFeedManager.getInstance().check(this, target))) { setPvpKills(getPvpKills() + 1); for (L2ZoneType zone : L2World.getInstance().getRegion(getX(), getY()).getZones()) { if ((zone.isCharacterInZone(this)) && (zone.getName() != null) && (zone.getId() == 40001)) { addItem("PvPReward", 14720, 1L, this, true); } } sendPacket(new UserInfo(this)); sendPacket(new ExBrExtraUserInfo(this)); } } The location is Primival Isle, but when i kill someone as flagged [pvp] I don't get any reward...
  19. something is wrong in ur config.java file, try to look at lines 2637/497 for an X not sure it's right but give it a try..
  20. I have installed it but its not working to me,i create npc etc,it show me "java error"
  21. yes the getvotes is showin the problem,but again,I don't have idea what to replace it with..
  22. I have added vote system,but its still not working in game. when i run gameserver.bat i get this error: If anyone can focus me where to fix/how to fix the problem it would help alot!
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