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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. GREEK Τι πρέπει να κάνει ένας staffer: 1. Global Moderators: Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει το report section, να κάνει τα απαραίτητα actions και να κλειδώνει τα θέματα μόλις λυθούν. Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει τα moderation logs των υπόλοιπων staffers. Τυχών λάθη θα πρέπει να τιμωρούνται. Να διαβάζει τυχών requests από άλλους staffers, και να επικοινωνεί με τον administrator εάν χρειαστεί. Να συντονίζει (moderate) θέματα και απαντήσεις (topics and posts) σε όλο το forum ανάλογα με τους κανόνες. Να ασκεί ποινές (ban/unban/suspend) σε μέλη ανάλογα με τους κανόνες. Να αποφασίζει ποιος θα πάρει προαγωγή και ποιος υποβίβαση. (promote and demote vote). Να αλλάζει συχνά τον κωδικό και το email επιβεβαίωσης για λόγους ασφαλείας. Ποινή: υποβίβαση σε κατωτερη θέση,ή και σε legendary εαν χρειαστεί. 2.L2/WOW/LOL Moderators: Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει το report section, να κάνει τα απαραίτητα actions και να κλειδώνει τα θέματα μόλις λυθούν. Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει τα moderation logs των υπόλοιπων staffers. Τυχών λάθη θα πρέπει να τιμωρούνται. Να διαβάζει τυχών requests από άλλους staffers, και να επικοινωνεί με τον administrator εάν χρειαστεί. Να συντονίζει (moderate) θέματα και απαντήσεις (topics and posts) στο ανάλογο forum (lineage, wow, lol etc). Να αναφέρει στους Global Moderators τυχών παραβάτες για ανάλογες ποινές (ban/unban/suspend). Να καθαρίζει τα spams/bumps/insults/swears και να κάνει move τα θέματα στις σωστές κατηγορίες. Να κρατάει ενήμερα τα Sticky θέματα, να κάνει unsticky τα παλιά και ανενεργά θέματα. Να συμμετέχει στα θέματα ενεργά, και καθημερινά. Να αλλάζει συχνά τον κωδικό και το email επιβεβαίωσης για λόγους ασφαλείας. Ποινή: υποβίβαση σε κατωτερη θέση,ή και σε legendary εαν χρειαστεί. 3.L2Java/L2OFF/L2Client Moderators: Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει το report section, να κάνει τα απαραίτητα actions και να κλειδώνει τα θέματα μόλις λυθούν. (μόνο για Lineage θέματα) Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει τα moderation logs των υπόλοιπων staffers. Τυχών λάθη θα πρέπει να τιμωρούνται. Να διαβάζει τυχών requests από άλλους staffers, και να επικοινωνεί με τον administrator εάν χρειαστεί. Να συντονίζει (moderate) θέματα και απαντήσεις (topics and posts) στο lineage μόνο. Να αναφέρει στους Global Moderators τυχών παραβάτες για ανάλογες ποινές (ban/unban/suspend). Να καθαρίζει τα spams/bumps/insults/swears και να κάνει move τα θέματα στις σωστές κατηγορίες. (μόνο για Lineage θέματα) Να κρατάει ενήμερα τα Sticky θέματα, να κάνει unsticky τα παλιά και ανενεργά θέματα. (μόνο για Lineage θέματα) Να συμμετέχει στα θέματα ενεργά, και καθημερινά. Να αλλάζει συχνά τον κωδικό και το email επιβεβαίωσης για λόγους ασφαλείας. Ποινή: υποβίβαση σε κατωτερη θέση,ή και σε legendary εαν χρειαστεί. 4.Gold Members: Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει το report section, να κάνει τα απαραίτητα actions και να κλειδώνει τα θέματα μόλις λυθούν. Καθημερινά να τσεκάρει τα moderation logs των υπόλοιπων staffers. Τυχών λάθη θα πρέπει να τιμωρούνται. Να διαβάζει τυχών requests από άλλους staffers, και να επικοινωνεί με τον administrator εάν χρειαστεί. Να ελέγχει και να αναφέρει ποια θέματα χρειάζονται συντονισμό στους ανώτερους staffers. Να κλειδώνει τα παλιά θέματα, αυτά που έχουν λυθεί, και αυτά που βγαίνουν εκτός θέματος. (old,solved, and offtopics). Να αναφέρει στους Global Moderators τυχών παραβάτες για ανάλογες ποινές (ban/unban/suspend). Να συμμετέχει στα θέματα ενεργά, και καθημερινά. Να αλλάζει συχνά τον κωδικό και το email επιβεβαίωσης για λόγους ασφαλείας. Ποινή: υποβίβαση σε απλό μέλος (ή VIP) , ακόμα και ban/suspend σε παράβαση κανόνων. ENGLISH What staffers must do: 1. Global Moderators: Check daily report section, and do the nessecary moderation actions and lock solved topics. Check daily moderation logs of the rest of the staffers.Possible violations must be instantly punished. Read daily requests/pms from the rest of the staffers, and communicate with administrator if nessecary. Moderate topics and posts in entire forum accordingly to the forum rules. Ban/Unban/Suspend members who violate forum rules. Decide/Vote for promotions and demotions of the rest of the staffers. Change often personal password and email for safety reasons. Punishment: Demote to lower staffer rank, or legendary if nessecary (innactivity or violation) 2.L2/WOW/LOL Moderators: Check daily report section, and do the nessecary moderation actions and lock solved topics. Check daily moderation logs of the rest of the staffers.Possible violations must be instantly punished. Read daily requests/pms from the rest of the staffers, and communicate with administrator if nessecary. Moderate topics and posts in forum accordingly to the forum rules. (lineage,wow,lol area only). Report at Global Moderators any possible violations for ban/unban/suspend. Clean spams/bumps/insults/swears and move topics to the correct place. Keep Stickied topics updated,and unsticky any old/dead/useless topics. Be active in entire forum, posting daily. Change often personal password and email for safety reasons. Punishment: Demote to lower staffer rank, or legendary if nessecary (innactivity or violation) 3.L2Java/L2OFF/L2Client Moderators: Check daily report section, and do the nessecary moderation actions and lock solved topics. Check daily moderation logs of the rest of the staffers.Possible violations must be instantly punished. Read daily requests/pms from the rest of the staffers, and communicate with administrator if nessecary. Moderate topics and posts in lineage 2 area accordingly to the forum rules. Report at Global Moderators any possible violations for ban/unban/suspend. Clean spams/bumps/insults/swears and move topics to the correct place. (in lineage 2 area only) Keep Stickied topics updated,and unsticky any old/dead/useless topics. (in lineage 2 area only) Be active in entire forum, posting daily. Change often personal password and email for safety reasons. Punishment: Demote to lower staffer rank, or legendary if nessecary (innactivity or violation) 4.Gold Members: Check daily report section, and do the nessecary moderation actions and lock solved topics. Check daily moderation logs of the rest of the staffers.Possible violations must be instantly punished. Read daily requests/pms from the rest of the staffers, and communicate with administrator if nessecary. Check daily for topics and posts who need moderation and report at staffers. Lock old, solved and offtopic topics in entire forum. Report at Global Moderators any possible violations for ban/unban/suspend. Be active in entire forum, posting daily. Change often personal password and email for safety reasons. Punishment: Demote to member (or VIP) rank for innactivity, or suspend/permanent ban for rules violation
  2. Do you want to remove legendary membergroup rank? If yes, all legendaries will be moved to VIP rank. If not, it will stay as it is... no change.
  3. you are right, noone born with knowledge, and everyone is allowed to learn as much he wants. we are not making competition who knows more. its a forum .
  4. so the voting went 67 to 35, which means that maxcheaters.com will become lineage 2 based forum. (with some extra games).
  5. big server owners know well how to deal with longterm servers, that wont fail very soon. I didnt ask then to moderate onother forum, they can find moderators/gms to do this job. All i ask is the ability/opportunity to use a space in maxcheaters dedicated to a new server made by them , and if they think they can work in background, they can use onother brand name , making sure they will get arround 500-1000 players in opening. Its like you have a company and you are making an offshore company (with other brand name) to do the dirty work , or to work anonymous. we give them traffic, players , and full donations, in exchange of reputation and population of maxcheaters. also about ddos boys, i believe they are capable to block the 99% of ddos attacks, from booters,as they already doing this.
  6. ill give you some positive tips for this idea: (sponsored servers) - Server owners dont need to advertise their servers, they will use maxcheaters.com brand. - Even succeeded server owners can use this option as a secondary server (they can use their already files from first server). - They still can use their own domain for frontpage. - They can have full moderation (lock,unlock, sticky/unsticky,remove/move,edit) access to their board. (only ban is by request). - Server owners dont have to share their donations with maxcheaters.com. They own server and all their donations. - We will get more and more players in this forum (more traffic, more famous). - Server owners have the option to use their brand name ,a custom one, or maxcheaters one (l2mxc, l2maxcheaters, l2rpg etc). Also to work in background. We can propose by big server owners like dexternet,averia,tales, rpgclub, russians etc. And i still havent mention server events section .
  7. votes are 9 to 6 until now. as you can see, im focusing on players, and not in profit. servers will benefit from events, and sponsored will get their space for nothing as exchange.
  8. have you read entire topic? did i say im opening a server?
  9. Do you want private servers to have their own board as shown in the picture: Yes or no Private server events will be a unique section for server events, made by their GM's/Owners . For example you can vote in a topic of server and get a reward, or simple bump a topic , or even participate on a competition. No post count, no bump limited, spam free. Of course the rest rules are the same. Sponsored servers will be administrated by their server owners, and gain fully access in their boards (in maxcheaters), MUST not have other forum except here. Also you can request to have your server under the name of Maxcheaters® (L2MxC.com, L2Rpg.com L2Maxcheaters.com etc) , without any kind of partnership or hidden fees (all donations and server is yours) . Ofcourse server costs are yours. Our job is to manage and host forum. So vote.
  10. i can give it back to you. please give me your information in pm., (email, password)
  11. so what do you request? you are the real owner of realtek account?
  12. - How to Sticky/Pin your Topic: 1st Step you need to create a topic only in these areas: Lineage 2 Private Servers: Private Servers [Previews] L2 Private Servers Lineage 2 Marketplace: Marketplace [Items & Chars] Marketplace [L2Packs & Files] Marketplace [Powerlvl & Support] General Marketplace: General Marketplace + subcategories 2nd After you create your topic you need to click "REQUEST TO PIN": 3rd Choose your option: 4th If you dont see button "REQUEST TO PIN" follow this step only: - Payment types accepted: Paypal (admin@maxcheaters.com) and Paysafecard (by contacting administrator). **Notice: The topic owner can request clean or lock of his/her topic.
  13. Sinnce its not clear Who is the owner, account wont get unbanned.
  14. do you mean this (2012 topic): http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/138211-%CE%BC%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CE%BC%CE%B5%CE%B3%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%B7-%CE%B5%CF%85%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9%CF%81%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CE%B3%CE%B9%CE%B1-%CE%BB%CE%B9%CE%B3%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%82-project-l2mxc/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/138216-the-teams-of-l2mxc-%CE%BF%CE%B9-%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%B1%CE%B4%CE%B5%CF%82-%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-l2mxc-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%BF%CE%B9-%CE%B5%CE%BD%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%B1%CF%86%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%B5%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%B9-%CE%B5%CE%B4%CF%89/
  15. we dont vote which game is the best or more populated, we vote about what''s best for maxcheaters.
  16. most players (lineage 2 community) dont speak english, other than their main language. some countries such as spain and brazil have many young players who dont understand english. remember what we said? we need more players here, because they are 100 to 1 (players to developers/server owners). also note that english are 3rd most spoken language: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_languages_by_number_of_native_speakers
  17. making forum "hybrid" is a big risk in this situation. i believe there is only one way (for start), by focusing on l2. let me see your comments.
  18. Do you want Lineage II area will look like this? Expand categories, focus on lineage II ONly. Plan A: Lineage II A.> General Discussion [English] A1.>> General Discussion [Greek] A2.>> General Discussion [Russian] A3.>> General Discussion [Romanian] A4.>> General Discussion [Portuguese] A5.>> General Discussion [spanish] B.> Support and Requests [English] B1.>> Support and Requests [Greek] B2.>> Support and Requests [Russian] B3.>> Support and Requests [Romanian] B4.>> Support and Requests [Portuguese] B5.>> Support and Requests [spanish] C.> Hacks and Cheats [English] C1.>> Hacks and Cheats [Greek] C2.>> Hacks and Cheats [Russian] C3.>> Hacks and Cheats [Romanian] C4.>> Hacks and Cheats [Portuguese] C5.>> Hacks and Cheats [spanish] D.> Boting [English] D1.>> Boting [Greek] D2.>> Boting [Russian] D3.>> Boting [Romanian] D4.>> Boting [Portuguese] D5.>> Boting [spanish] E.> Private Servers E1.>> Private Servers Clan Halls E2.>> [Request] Private Servers E3.>> [Preview] Private Servers E4.>> Private Servers Events [spam for free] E5-EX>> Sponsored Servers example: E5.>> L2RPG.com (with subcategories and its own forum moderators) E6.>> L2MxC.com (with subcategories and its own forum moderators) F.> Marketplace [General] F1.>> Marketplace [items and Characters] F2.>> Marketplace [L2Packs and Files] F3.>> Marketplace [Powerleveling and Support] G.> Server Development Discussion [L2OFF] G1.>> [Request] Server Development Help [L2OFF] G2.>> Development Shares and Files [L2OFF] G3.>> Development Guides and Tutorials [L2OFF] G4.>> Private Projects [L2OFF] H.> Server Development Discussion [L2J] H1.>> [Request] Server Development Help [L2J] H2.>> Development Shares and Files [L2J] H3.>> Development Guides and Tutorials [L2J] H4.>> Private Projects [L2J] I.> Development Client Discussion I1.>> [Request] Client Development Help Plan B: Lineage II A.> General Discussion [English] A1.>> General Discussion [Other Languages] B.> Support and Requests [English] B1.>> Support and Requests [Other Languages] C.> Hacks and Cheats [English] C1.>> Hacks and Cheats [Other Languages] D.> Boting [English] D1.>> Boting [Other Languages] E.> Private Servers E1.>> [Preview] Private Servers E2.>> [Request] Private Servers E3.>> Private Servers Events [spam for free] F:> Sponsors and Partners example: F1.>> L2RPG.com (with subcategories and its own forum moderators) F1a.>> subcategories F2.>> L2MxC.com (with subcategories and its own forum moderators) F2a.>> subcategories G.> Clans and Alliances H.> Marketplace [General] H1.>> Marketplace [items and Characters] H2.>> Marketplace [L2Packs and Files] H3.>> Marketplace [Powerleveling and Support] I.> Server Development Discussion [L2OFF] I1.>> [Request] Server Development Help [L2OFF] J.> Development Shares and Files [L2OFF] (General) J1.>> C1-Interlude [L2OFF] J2.>> Hellbound (Kamael) [L2OFF] J3.>> Gracia (Pt1,Pt2,Final,Epilogue) [L2OFF] J4.>> Freya [L2OFF] J5.>> High Five [L2OFF] J6.>> GoD [L2OFF] K.> Development Guides and Tutorials [L2OFF] (add chronicle prefixes) K1.>> Private Projects [L2OFF] L.> Server Development Discussion [L2J] L1.>> [Request] Server Development Help [L2J] M.>> Development Shares and Files [L2J] (General) M1.>> C1-Interlude [L2J] M2.>> Hellbound (Kamael) [L2J] M3.>> Gracia (Pt1,Pt2,Final,Epilogue) [L2J] M4.>> Freya [L2J] M5.>> High Five [L2J] M6.>> GoD [L2J] N.> Development Guides and Tutorials [L2J] (add chronicle prefixes) N1.>> Private Projects [L2J] O.> Development Client Discussion O1.>> [Request] Client Development Help
  19. nothing is wrong: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/maxcheaters.com
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