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Everything posted by Maxtor

  1. just to unhide the posts he made, and reply to new one (hidden)
  2. Ekoice, tell me how the hell liam found your pass?? Maybe he requested to change your pass from your email account? he has your email account?
  3. Maxtor

    pros admin

    uncheck this: Make this a recurring payment And try again.
  4. Maxtor

    Rukia Banned

    tell him to try again. Sorry for that , a noob banned everyone
  5. New Template, Do you like it? Please Vote!
  6. Gratz flare! epikoinwnise mazi mou gia na sou steilw to account ;)
  7. o a-style o opoios efage ban. afta
  8. to karma to ebgale o ekoice. egw giati na peiraksw to karma? Karma -1 By A-Stype Reason: vlk Ta siberasmata dika sas.
  9. I will start from post number 20.000# The next will say: 19.999# 19.998# 19.997# etc.. etc the Poster with number 1# will win a rapidshare account for 1 month!
  10. Take a look at my new site. www.loldot.com It will be updated daily with new pictures and news. ;)
  11. :D poli kala pame guys! An sinexisoume etsi tha eimaste top l2 forum.!
  12. i cant count each users clicks. But for example, lets say to reach 20$, you will need a month or more every day clicking .. Its very difficult.
  13. Κάρτερ ημών το εν της μηχανής, αγιασθητω το βολάν σου, ελθετω η μπαταρία σου, γεμισθητω το ρεζερβουάρ σου, ως εν λιπαντικον και επί της μηχανής, το στροφαλον ημών τον επιουσιον, σώσε ημην σήμερον και αφες ημην από τα μικροπροβλήματα των ηλεκτρικών, ως και ημείς αφιωμεν τις βαλβίδες ημών, στων αντιπροσώπων και των μηχανικών, αλλά ρήσε ημάς από τα ιμιτασιόν, Αμην
  14. please try again or tell me which post you cant see.
  15. There are two ways of hiding posts and topics. 1st is: - Additional Options... - Hide this post: Posts - Hiding threshold(Max 1000): xxx 2nd way is by using [ h i d e] hidden tag [ / h i d e] without spaces which will need minimum 200 posts. DO NOT COMPLAIN IF YOU HAVE REACH the "Hiding threshold" and trying to unhide the 2nd way of hiding.
  16. All donator and Platinum Member has become Lifetime. First post Updated. New Permissions added and some removed.
  17. All permissions has been changed. All Donator and Platinum Members past and new has become Lifetime! Minimum posts to see a hidden Topic or post is 200. This is FOR ALL hidden topics and posts who use this tag: [h i d e] 200 posts to see this [ / h i d e]
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