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  1. I have trouble setting events. only drop the first item in the list. example 1: with this configuration just drop the item: event_medal [event] eventname=collector eventnpcname=medal flagsettingtime=3000 event_doing=1 dropitem_count=2 dropitem0=event_medal 3 dropitem1=event_glitter_medal 3 droptime_count=1 droptime0= 2014/12/10-18:00 ~ 2014/12/31-23:59 npctime_count=1 npctime0= 2014/12/10-18:00 ~ 2014/12/31-11:00 timevariable_count=0 example 2: with this configuration just drop the item: event_glitter_medal [event] eventname=collector eventnpcname=medal flagsettingtime=3000 event_doing=1 dropitem_count=2 dropitem0=event_glitter_medal 3 dropitem1=event_medal 3 droptime_count=1 droptime0= 2014/12/10-18:00 ~ 2014/12/31-23:59 npctime_count=1 npctime0= 2014/12/10-18:00 ~ 2014/12/31-11:00 timevariable_count=0 the remaining items not drop. only drop the first item. I use C4 pts. anyone know how to fix?
  2. This editor is used to edit l2 off geodata?
  3. Please tell me which geo editor to use
  4. Yes, I use GeoData for L2OFF.
  5. Yes, The GeoData will fix that?
  6. Hello, with a strider can pass doors of Four Sepultures. I use C4 PTS, any solution? Thanks
  7. you know how to develop other effect?
  8. Hello! I need to modify the skill cancel to not more than 50% of the buffs that currently has the enemy. How can I? This is your original settings in the skilldata.txt: skill_begin skill_name = [s_cancel12] /* [캔슬] */ skill_id = 1056 level = 12 operate_type = A1 magic_level = 74 effect = {{i_dispel_by_category;slot_buff;25}} is_magic = 1 mp_consume1 = 14 mp_consume2 = 55 cast_range = 600 effective_range = 1100 skill_hit_time = 6 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0.5 reuse_delay = 120 attribute = attr_none effect_point = -653 target_type = enemy_only affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end
  9. Yes, i need this. with extender or php.- The DN system fails when you switch to another race. -
  10. yes, I want them to go accumulating skilles
  11. Thank you very much for answering! With this function you can do, I only need to add the turn of the subjob0_class, as I do? function setCharacterData2($char_id, $genderId, $raceId, $classId, $faceId, $hairShapeId, $hairColorId) { global $cached_errors, $admin_name; global $cached_ip, $cached_port; $buf=pack("cVVVVVVV", 0x10, $char_id, $genderId, $raceId, $classId, $faceId, $hairShapeId, $hairColorId).tounicode_UA($admin_name); $cachedsocket=@fsockopen($cached_ip, $cached_port, $errno, $errstr, 1) or die($notconnected); fwrite($cachedsocket,pack("s",(strlen($buf)+2)).$buf); $len=unpack("v",fread($cachedsocket,2)); $rid=unpack("c",fread($cachedsocket,1)); for($i=0;$i<(($len[1]-4)/4);$i++){ $read=unpack("i",fread($cachedsocket,4)); $rs.=$read[1]; } fclose($cachedsocket); return $rs; }
  12. http://depositfiles.org/files/74bolmns1
  13. When a subclass ago erased all skilles and start to load the new class skilles. I need not to delete, that are accumulated. In the database yes accumulate. But the player can see all skilles only when restarting the server. Or when you "switch subclass". It's like the player needs to do a refresh to the database so you can see all skilles. -
  14. I have to make a server with subclass accumulative (principal + 3 subs) of any class and race. and that skilles se accumulate between of a subclass and another. I do it with this SP: set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_SetAquireSkill] ( @char_id INT, @subjob_id INT, @skill_id INT, @skill_level TINYINT ) AS DECLARE @subjob_acu INT SET NOCOUNT ON set @subjob_acu = 0 WHILE (@subjob_acu < 3) BEGIN SET @subjob_acu = @subjob_acu + 1 IF EXISTS(SELECT skill_lev FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND subjob_id = @subjob_acu) UPDATE user_skill SET skill_lev = @skill_level WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND subjob_id <= @subjob_acu ELSE INSERT INTO user_skill (char_id, subjob_id, skill_id, skill_lev) VALUES (@char_id, @subjob_acu, @skill_id, @skill_level); IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT skill_id FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND skill_lev = @skill_level AND subjob_id = 0) INSERT INTO user_skill (char_id, subjob_id, skill_id, skill_lev) VALUES (@char_id, 0, @skill_id, @skill_level); END But only accumulate when "switch subclass". When you subclass, the skilles of previous class is cleared and starts loading the skilles of the new class, I need you to stay all skilles of all subclass. is it possible?
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