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  1. Patch Available !! L2Afterlife is pleased to announce your Patch for download. Download the patch, create your accounts and get ready for 19:00 GMT 0. We wish everyone a good game! Patch Link: http://www.l2afterlife.com/downloads/ Account Creation Link: http://www.l2afterlife.com/account2/ Cloud.
  2. Dear players, We inform you that account creation is already available in L2AfterLife. Do not waste time and register in our game, be prepared for the grand opening on September 9 !!! http://www.l2afterlife.com/account2/ Cloud
  3. WE COMMING BACK SOON!!!! STAY TUNED!!!! GRAND OPENING 09/09/2017 www.l2afterlife.com Forum: l2afterlife.com/forum/ Facebook page: facebook.com/Lineage2AfterLife L2AfterLife is a high rate Lineage II Interlude [OFF] server that brings to the community another L2 experience! We will deliver a balanced high rate server to you, our community, that will cater to your needs! We vouch that we will ensure a stable, uninterrupted, fun and fair gaming experience. Server rates EXP/SP: 100x Adena: 100x Raid drops: 2x Epic raid drops: 1x Spoil rates: 10x chance, 5x amount Seal Stone: 50x (1x chance) Features Weight:x10 Enchant: 65% Blessed: 75% Curse Swords: Working Buff Slots: 24 Slots NPC Buffs : 1 Hours Buffs Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +16 Shop: up to Top B-grade. Shop farm: A & S grade Skills auto learn. Olympiad: Working / 15 days period Sieges: Working / 15 days period Auto Pick: Working AIO Buffer: 2 Hours Buffs Semi Epic: High Value Drops Farm/PvP Zones Epic/Raid Boss Information - Valakas: Level 80 - 264 h / Random + - 1 h - Antharas: Level 80 - 192 h / Random + - 1 h - Baium: Level 80 - 120 h / Random + - 1 h - Frintezza: Level 80 - 48 h / Random + - 1 h - Queen Ant: Level 80 - 20 h / Random + - 1 h - Zaken: Level 80 - 60 h / Random + - 1 h - Orfen: Level 80 - 48 h / Random + - 1 h - Core: Level 80 - 60 h / Random + - 1 h - Semi Epic raid 80 - 6 h / Random + - 1h - Barakiel: Level 80 - 6 h / Random + - 1h
  4. Account panel is working dude.
  5. - Added new Proxy for european players (located in France).
  6. Some player fraps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-dvoKPFjDg
  7. Respect the opinion of your friends out, what comforts me is that I always get positive messages of Spare saying that the server is very good, yet we are always trying to improve it and the STAFF is always active, something I have not seen in many servers.
  8. Well, people who do not want or can not afford buying a AIO usually look for a clan with AIO, it is now obvious that we create AIO's, as in much of interlude servers to make money, or you believe that players will make free donations will without any awards? The server has costs, any people I have created a server knows the value of the costs to ums server with good protection.And I know you're not in this topic by searching our server, but trying to put defects in projects, wish you good luck.
  9. We will be installing the proxy for European players today. I will announce when ready. Thank you
  10. Well, we give some trial for some OA's clan with a certain amount of online players, the server now has approximately 40 OA's, including those donors. The server does not have as many boxes as you might think, but I think I know what your order. I suggest that you enter the server and see for yourself the activity or not the server.
  11. Welcome to Afterlife Server Started 13 December 2014. visit us: http://l2afterlife.com and https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2AfterLife 600 ONLINE IN OPENING!!!!!! L2AfterLife is a high rate Lineage II Interlude [OFF] server that brings to the community another L2 experience! We will deliver a balanced high rate server to you, our community, that will cater to your needs! We vouch that we will ensure a stable, uninterrupted, fun and fair gaming experience. Server rates EXP/SP: 300x Adena: 300x Raid drops: 2x Epic raid drops: 1x Spoil rates: 10x chance, 5x amount Seal Stone: 50x (1x chance) Server TimeZone GMT +2 Server Hardware Cpu: Intel Xeon E3 1245v2 Ram: 32GB DDR3 Harddisks: 2 x Intel SSD DC S3500 6Gbps Network: 1 Gbps (OVH Data center, Amsterdan) OVH Anti-DDoS Protection PRO Features Weight:x10 Enchant: 65% Blessed: 75% Curse Swords: Working Buff Slots: 24 Slots NPC Buffs : 2 Hours Buffs Safe Enchant: +3 Max Enchant: +16 Olympiad: Working Sieges: Working Auto Pick: Working AIO Buffer: 2 Hours Buffs Semi Epics: High Value Drops Farm/PvP Zone: Giants Cave
  12. http://l2afterlife.com/ Start 13 December
  13. - Global Gatekeeper with port for everything from farm zones, quest zones to RBs zones (but with some distance from spawn, in case you die in pvp at a RBs). - Subclass quest with gold bars - Solo farming - The list of Raid Bosses have 80-85 (We call "Semi Epic Raids") - Olympiad gear A/S grade retail and RB jewels of course, restriction enchant. Enter the game December 13 and make your evaluation. Our group consists of experienced players, I believe you will like what you see. Regards, Cloud
  14. http://l2afterlife.com/
  15. Join us! http://l2afterlife.com/
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