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  1. Its true that the server has not had updates lately, however, i am still online almost every day doing for gm support to help players Our server is still top of the line, and far better than anything i have seen out there. A quick note about that dragon weapon update, and it being a cosmetic update. The update was the ambtion system (clan quests), which is a bit more dynamic then you are claiming it to be, and is actually a very big update Players work together to achieve goals in their clan, as a team, and get rewarded, yes they can choose to get dragon weapons, but they can also use it for other rewards such as changing SAs on their weapons with out losing/augs/enchants/Elements. The ambition system also allows you to use your scrolls you obtain to get Unity items, Unity items are unique versions of items you can give to your clan members (Unity Boss jewels) and they can not steal them, you can remove it from them with a command, or if they leave clan, it send them back to you. For more information about the ambition system and ambitous tasks you can click here :) http://www.l2equanimity.com/pages/ambitious_tasks.php
  2. The server is not dead We don't have the population we used to, there are still plenty of people on recruiting for clans, doing sieges, olympiad, trying to buy and sell stuff. :)
  3. Go for it, people can see your posts on the forums right now, the ones i didn't delete, how you been over stepping lately and went from the point of being someone trying to help the server, to someone who was being disrespectful and straight up insulting me personally.
  4. For the record, there was only a lack of updates as of 1 year ago after my son was born (pretty good excuse btw), anyone can look at our update history to dismiss your false claims Your ban was because you were spreading false information about the server, and saying i don't care about it, which i actually do. I spend time on the server every day to take care of customer service. So basically you are a cancer and see things in an alternate reality of what it really is and your arrogant non thought out posts are increadibly negative and are driving off new players by creating a false visage about the reality of things. People like you who are distorting reality = time wasters for me, as you know, i don't have a lot of time. So it saves time to get rid of you, rather to try to negotiate with you any longer then i already have.
  5. Thanks Thanks so much for posting Punisher :)
  6. Thanks again for posting. I tried a fresh install of our server, and didn't have any issues. Its important to note, we don't even use a custom LineageEffectsTextures.utx, its retail (for high five). Not sure how you would be getting this error unless you had your own version of this file, but i know you just said you did a fresh install. Have you tried doing a fresh install (not custom patches) and launching with l2.exe (renaming l2.bin to exe) to see what ti does? cause again thats the same LineageEffectsTExtures.utx as retail, its not modified on our server.
  7. Hello, and thanks for posting Is it the message that also says "wrong protocol version"?
  8. Thanks you for the kind words once again :) We really do appreciate it, we put so much time and effort into the server, and we want people to enjoy it!
  9. Hello, thanks for posting We have over 500 players online each day during peak times. Also weekends have more. however, please note there is usually around 100 to 150 shops in giran, give or take. However, you should take note we have been around for over 7.5 years now, now wipes. Any time/work/fun you invest in our server will stay here. Your stuff won't be deleted, and we have many unique features! Feel free to check out some of our features, many of which other servers don't have: http://www.l2equanimity.com/index.php?id=features Also we have many new player bonuses, that helps ensure new players such as yourself can build their character strong and catch up with older players easier you can read about it here: http://www.l2equanimity.com/pages/newbie_bonuses.php
  10. Sorry for that, you shouldn't have anymore problems :P
  11. Thank you for the positive post :D We have put a lot of work into the server, and continually do so every day. As always, our server keeps on improving, we are coming up on our 8 year anniversary in 2 months! Woo woo.
  12. Over 2 months, still nothing
  13. Just an update, its been 1 month and 20 days, they still have not completed my transaction
  14. I submitted cards December 17th 2016, it is now January 25th 2017, its been 1 month and 8 days and i have not received my money yet. However, i have done 20+ transactions in the past, and they have all payed out, this is the longest it has ever taken. I will re-post if/when the transaction has been completed.
  15. You're actually kinda funny :)
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