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Well, hello, i have succesfuly edited some weapons(vesper) and i was searching about vorpal textures, but as i can see, armors haves other "method", isn't that is easy like weapons (texture editing), right?


I just wanna know if are there any textures and how can i extract them and if they are not, a guide, help, or something that will help me continue....


Btw, i got the programs that needed to edit(i think so).

  On 2/8/2011 at 6:05 PM, SoFaKi said:


Thanks for checking it, but i have opened those files [Male/Female][Race].utx but i cant find and textures (With UTPT)


Ventic said on guide

You have to extract b(boots),g(gloves),l(low body),u(up body) files and F=female and M=male for those that don't what this mean..So now open UTPT and mmfighter utx..I saw you for example at male fighter..


The files i'm trying to edit are from freya client....



Btw... Uchiha Style Jutsu!


why you do with UTPT?? and is barely used this program, well at least I, only to others but not to extract textures, well I recommend you also use this program which will not have problems.


[share]Unreal Model Viewer [All Chronicles][updated 18/03/2010]

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