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My Vote Reward system (individual reward | Verry easy)+ how to install

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when i type .reward or .getreward my character just say these words in general chat. i did everything, there are not a problem my vote site runs perfect but when i login i have this problem. Please help me it's almost done!!!


first of all i go to the main page of vote system:



Second step. I give character's name to take the reward. Here i have to say that when i choose the server that i want to vote, automativly the site goes to the "vote site" i cannot push "Vote now" button.



Here i have to write letters exactly as i can see




Here i do this as you can see



and finaly i log in to the server and i write in chat box as you can see ".reward" but nothing happens.



i also see in my databse that this character "Dio" has already 2 votes. That means that i did not make any mistake in the connection. everything looks fine but i can't take the reward when i login. the command <<.reward>> do nothing.


Can greate banking.java file for L2JFrozen? This is BankingCdm.java



* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software

* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

* version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more

* details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with

* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers;


import com.l2jfrozen.Config;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ItemList;



* This class trades Gold Bars for Adena and vice versa.


* @author Ahmed


public class BankingCmd implements IVoicedCommandHandler


  private static String[] _voicedCommands =


        "bank", "withdraw", "deposit"




    * @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler#useVoicedCommand(java.lang.String,

    *      com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance, java.lang.String)



  public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target)



      if (!activeChar.getClient().getFloodProtectors().getTransaction().tryPerformAction("bank"))


        activeChar.sendMessage("You Cannot Use The Banking System So Fast!");

        return true;





        activeChar.sendMessage(".deposit (" + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena = " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " Goldbar) / .withdraw (" + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " Goldbar = " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena)");


      else if(command.equalsIgnoreCase("deposit"))


        if(activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(57, 0) >= Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA)


            activeChar.getInventory().reduceAdena("Goldbar", Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA, activeChar, null);

            activeChar.getInventory().addItem("Goldbar", 3470, Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS, activeChar, null);


            activeChar.sendPacket(new ItemList(activeChar, true));

            activeChar.sendMessage("Thank you, now you have " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " Goldbar(s), and " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " less adena.");




            activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have enough Adena to convert to Goldbar(s), you need " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena.");



      else if(command.equalsIgnoreCase("withdraw"))


        if(activeChar.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(3470, 0) >= Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS)


            activeChar.getInventory().destroyItemByItemId("Adena", 3470, Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS, activeChar, null);

            activeChar.getInventory().addAdena("Adena", Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA, activeChar, null);


            activeChar.sendPacket(new ItemList(activeChar, true));

            activeChar.sendMessage("Thank you, now you have " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena, and " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_GOLDBARS + " less Goldbar(s).");




            activeChar.sendMessage("You do not have any Goldbars to turn into " + Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ADENA + " Adena.");



      return true;




    * @see com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler#getVoicedCommandList()



  public String[] getVoicedCommandList()


      return _voicedCommands;




first of all i go to the main page of vote system:



Second step. I give character's name to take the reward. Here i have to say that when i choose the server that i want to vote, automativly the site goes to the "vote site" i cannot push "Vote now" button.



Here i have to write letters exactly as i can see




Here i do this as you can see



and finaly i log in to the server and i write in chat box as you can see ".reward" but nothing happens.


check your banking.java


I dont know so much but IFRAME/PHP not allowed in HopZone.

more then 70% of websites are made using php and i think more then 90% from l2 sites use it....iframes are used in any sites... but if you use it using a little css/javascript u dont see them....



man use in freya or no ?


when i made that code myserver was on freya....you can use it on any cronic but you may need to change some code in bank.java if there are any different classes...

ok guys i did it. it works fine now. but i have an other problem now...what does it mean?--->



try this:

clear the reward table from your data base and if you still get this error check if you modefied the php....you may have change something so is trying to insert into db when he should only update....


First of all i have to say that i used 2 seperated databases. Actually 3, 1 for login 1 for game and 1 for community. Because of the script i put the log in server in game server. For 2 days the vote reward system was working fine but today i cannot remember if i changed something and i take back in my screen this message.Yes i use Freya. I try to make these changes in bank.java


when i made that code myserver was on freya....you can use it on any cronic but you may need to change some code in bank.java if there are any different classes...try this:

clear the reward table from your data base and if you still get this error check if you modefied the php....you may have change something so is trying to insert into db when he should only update....


Thx man. I deleted every record in my vote table, i checked it again and works fine. I hope this is permanently


First of all i have to say that i used 2 seperated databases. Actually 3, 1 for login 1 for game and 1 for community. Because of the script i put the log in server in game server. For 2 days the vote reward system was working fine but today i cannot remember if i changed something and i take back in my screen this message.Yes i use Freya. I try to make these changes in bank.java



post updated ...read the 1stpost

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