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[GUIDE] How to setup L2Emu server with GeoData?

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You should get geodata files 1st from Internet. Google it, leater I prefer a good one.

Make a folder in your disk called "server" also put three folders here:





Take two folder into GeoRoot folder:

geodata - It's should contains your geodata files with geo_index.txt

pathnode - It's should contains your pathnode files with pn_index.txt


Go to server/l2emuproject-gameserver/config/main/geodata.properties

Change this...

# GeoData root...
# Example: ./../GeoData
GeoDataRoot = ./../GeoData


# GeoData root...
# Example: ./../GeoData
GeoDataRoot = ./../GeoRoot

Save and exit.


Congratulation, you configured georoot config.

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