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[Help] GMMinLevel



Paidia, mallon kanw mia xazi erwtisi alla sto GMAccess.properties:

# Configure GM AccessLevels
GMAccessLevel = 1000
GMMinLevel = 1000
GMCanAltG = 200
GMCanAnnounce = 1000
GMCanBan = 1000
GMCanBanChat = 1000
GMCanShop = 200
GMCanDelete = 1000
GMCanKick = 1000
GMMenu = 200
GMGodMode = 1000
GMCanEditChar = 200
GMCanEditCharOther = 1000
GMCanViewChar = 200
GMCanEditNPC = 1000
GMCanViewNPC = 200
GMCanEditPriv = 1000
GMCanViewPriv = 1000
GMCanTeleport = 200
GMCanTeleportOther = 1000
GMCanRestart = 1000
GMMonsterRace = 200
GMRider = 200
GMFastUnstuck = 200
GMResurectFixed = 200
GMEnchant = 200
GMDoor = 200
GMRes = 1000
GMPeaceAttack = 1000
GMHeal = 1000
GMUnblock = 1000
GMCache = 1000
GMTalkBlock = 1000
GMTest = 1000
GMFortSiege = 1000

#Disable Transaction
# false = Transaction enable for GM
# Max,Min = Transaction disable for this range
GMDisableTransaction = false

# Minimum level to deal damage
#  (GM with level below won't deal damage)
GMCanGiveDamage = 90
# GM with level below or equal don't take aggro)
GMDontTakeAggro = 90
# GM with level below or equal don't take Exp/Sp)
GMDontGiveExpSp = 90


to GMMinLevel ti kanei? xD

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