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[SHARE] Download the new host for authentication L2Walker!!!

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I have received several PM's here at the Forum relating to the L2Walker Verify Fail.


Below is the link to download the new file "hosts".




After downloading, simply unzip the file and add the following path on the PC: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


I hope it can be useful for you.


Att: MasterWalker


nevermind answering my question masterwalker~!!!


i have already found out thw way to make it verify!!!

tnx so much for the new HOST!!!!!

for those who still dont get it!!!!

just extract the new host on



masterwalker RULES!!!!



nevermind answering my question masterwalker~!!!


i have already found out thw way to make it verify!!!

tnx so much for the new HOST!!!!!

for those who still dont get it!!!!

just extract the new host on



masterwalker RULES!!!!




It was only you have read carefully the part of my post that says:


"After downloading, simply unzip the file and add the following path on the PC: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc"


Anyway, next time just have common sense and read fluently.


I have received several PM's here at the Forum relating to the L2Walker Verify Fail.


Below is the link to download the new file "hosts".




After downloading, simply unzip the file and add the following path on the PC: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc


I hope it can be useful for you.


Att: MasterWalker


Does not work for the EU server Naia


its normally that Kaspersky detectes a troyan??


Yes it is, you can download without fear.


Does not work for the EU server Naia


Well, the new host for authentication is that I posted this. I've done several tests on multiple servers, and usually are authenticating.

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