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Guys, need IG bot on  C4 Frozen like a hell...someone have any idea how make it working...?

OOG working, but i need IG...


P.S. was found Guide for IG in frozen, but it is too old..


Thanks in Advance


It is very hard to start IG there cause its frozen


i don't know about some server sry... but u can do it with normal settings :)... i think the l2walker what use all here :) it's c4 server ?


i don't know about some server sry... but u can do it with normal settings :)... i think the l2walker what use all here :) it's c4 server ?


yes it is C4 server....but clienting working not like all serves, but something strange with engina.dat and engine.ini ....and for oog walkers is proctection taht says pasw is wrong, but it is right...there help for us bypassper by taurosan....or hwat his nick..


so have u got good system for IG ?


yes, i used some guide in this forum, i can run game, but wont loging in...when u trying to pres log, nothing happends

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