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Topic about a serious server.



Hi guys,I'm thinking to create a serious server with donate.But I mean really serious.I don't know if there are many people who play L2 now,but to be honest I like this game although is quite old.


So back to bussiness,I'm looking for good dedicated servers.

If anyone knows how can I create a donation system so the people who donated can get automatically staff they ordered.


I really liked L2 Elite in the past,but I'm planning to create it in l2j,since I don't know nothing about l2 off.

How can I create a beautiful webpage?(I only know about ucoz :(.This will ruin the server,I know.


I want seriously to blow away the competition in Hopzone.I'm thinking about a mid rate server maybe xp100,but really close to the official.And maybe another fun server x5000.


*I don't want to create the servers in order to play for my self,to have heroes players and fun with my friends.I see it strictly as bussiness.Even if I can earn in the beggining about 40 euros or 30 I would be extremely happy.


I really appreciate your help and I'm looking forward to your opinions.Pls be serious to your replies.Thanks for all.

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same prob.


WARNING Could not restore char data: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntax

ErrorException: Unknown column 'apprentice' in 'field list'

SEVERE could not restore in slot: 0

SEVERE Character could not be loaded (slot:0)


my nerves are suffering.Someone can help me?



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