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[l2j] Czechgamers Freya 8x CZ/SK/EN/PL start 7.2.2011 Gaming portal

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TOP CZ/SK GAMING PORTAL start from February 7, 2011 New Freya server



# Experience multiplier

RateXp = 8

# Skill points multiplier

RateSp = 8

# Experience multiplier (Party)

RatePartyXp = 1.4

# Skill points multiplier (Party)

RatePartySp = 1.4


RateConsumableCost = 1


RateDropItems = 8


RateRaidDropItems = 2


RateDropSpoil = 8


RateDropManor = 1


RateExtractFish = 1


RateKarmaExpLost = 4


RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 4

# Quest item drop multiplier

RateQuestDrop = 4

# Exp/SP reward multipliers

RateQuestRewardXP = 4


RateQuestRewardSP = 4

# Adena reward multiplier

RateQuestRewardAdena = 4


# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Vitality system rates. Works only if EnableVitality = True

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The following configures the xp multiplicator of each vitality level. Basically, you have

# 5 levels, the first one being 0. Official rates are:

# Level 1: 150%

# Level 2: 200%

# Level 3: 250%

# Level 4: 300%

# Take care setting these values according to your server rates, as the can lead to huge differences!

# Example with a server rate 15x and a level 4 vitality = 3. => final server rate = 45 (15x3)!

RateVitalityLevel1 = 1.5


RateVitalityLevel2 = 2.


RateVitalityLevel3 = 2.5


RateVitalityLevel4 = 3.

# These options are to be used if you want to increase the vitality gain/lost for each mob you kills

# Default values are 1.

RateVitalityGain = 1.


RateVitalityLost = 1.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Pets (Default value = 1)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

PetXpRate = 8


PetFoodRate = 4


SinEaterXpRate = 4


Processors 2x QuadCore AMD Opteron 2352


HDD WD1500HLFS Velociraptor





czg top portal CZ/SK ? hm never lol, why top CZ/SK portal have interlude L2off server die?



Server worked 6 months and people were leaving because of a hole in the rules.

Selling acc in Hero voice.

Now that the new rules.

Otherwise, the population was just below the 2000th

  • 2 weeks later...

Witam chciałbym wam zaprezentować nowy Polski klan: Time To Die jest to świeży klan ale gramy wspólnie od kroniki C5 ( celes ), tak więc jeśli

interesuje was gra na CZECHGAMERS proszę o odwiedzenie naszej strony WWW.TIMETODIE.ESITE.PL tam też proszę o składanie wszystkich podań, o chęć przystąpienia do klanu. (Klan mieszany i nie koniecznie sami Polacy :) )


Proszę też o oglądnięcie naszego filmiku prezentacyjnego, z servera cerbeus, jest to tylko mała próbka tego co robiliśmy na "cerberusie" niestety nie kręciliśmy filmików z wielu innych Raid Bossów, takich jak np:






-Cherub Galaxia itp. itd


Tak więc zapraszam na stronę i miłego oglądania:


:D I hope it´s just a joke, History of Czechgamers: FAIL, FAIL, ULTRAFAIL, FAIL..... and now you come with stupid java?


Top cz server....i don´t think so, Czg was/is/will be the Fail forever, bcse of the stupidity of Admins/GMs in there.


Otherwise GL with this fail maybe you earn some money again.

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