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pedia thelo ama mporite na m dosete mia gk p to teleport.sql na doulebi ixa palia mia tetia p tin ixa rithmisi ego xirokinita alla opios to exi kani kseri poso spastikia doulia ine opote plz ama mporite stilte m mia gk dokimasmeni gt epsaxa ke dn brika o server ine l2j epilogue

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Re file  pare mia opiadipote gk kai prosarmosetin stin sto pack sou... den einai kait diskolo.....


mpeneis px sto table me ta teleports kai blepeis poses stiles exei.... px 9....

mata de3iklik sto arxio SQL sou, kai blepeis poses stiles exei....(oi sitles xwrizonte me koma)  prosteteis afereis ari8mous  kai sot telos to kaneis execute... :)



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file exo katebasi 10 gk ektos oti oles ixan lathos execute ixan i sobara error mesa tous p theli na pedefto i error p dn ta ebriska....meta na to peraso xirokinita ine ligo bareto to exo kani idi 4 fores exo barethi :P gia afto leo ama kanenas eixe gk p doulebi se epilogue na m dosi ama mporis ta sql tis k to npc genika gia na exi idi perasmena mesa ta tp...ta ixa kani paliotera exo upload gia ena allo pedi alla dn ta brisko tora :S:S

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DELETE FROM `teleport` WHERE `id` >= '50001' AND `id` <= '50180';

('Dark Elven Village', 50001, 9745, 15606, -4574, 15000, 0),
('Dwarven Village', 50002, 115113, -178212, -901, 15000, 0),
('Elven Village', 50003, 46934, 51467, -2977, 15000, 0),
('Orc Village', 50004, -44836, -112352, -239, 15000, 0),
('Talking Island', 50005, -84318, 244579, -3730, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Dion', 50006, 15670, 142983, -2705, 15000, 0),
('Floran Village', 50007, 17838, 170274, -3508, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Giran', 50008, 83400, 147943, -3404, 15000, 0),
('Gludin Village', 50009, -80826, 149775, -3043, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Gludio', 50010, -12672, 122776, -3116, 15000, 0),
('Hunters Village', 50011, 117110, 76883, -2695, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Aden [NE]', 50012, 159439, 21104, -3684, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Aden [sW]', 50013, 140434, 26222, -2530, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Aden', 50014, 147450, 26741, -2204, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Oren', 50015, 82956, 53162, -1495, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Heine', 50016, 107092, 219693, -3446, 15000, 0),
('The Garden Of Eva', 50017, 84543, 235022, -3756, 15000, 0),
('Cemetery', 50018, 172136, 20325, -3326, 15000, 0),
('The Giants Cave', 50019, 174528, 52683, -4369, 15000, 0),
('The Forest Of Mirrors', 50020, 150477, 85907, -2753, 15000, 0),
('Anghel Waterfall', 50021, 169026, 85272, -2092, 15000, 0),
('Dragon Valley Cave', 50022, 131355, 114451, -3718, 15000, 0),
('Lair End', 50023, 154623, 121134, -3809, 15000, 0),
('Lair Of Antharas', 50024, 173826, 115333, -7708, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower Entrance', 50025, 17192, 114178, -3439, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower 1nd Floor', 50026, 17724, 114004, -11672, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower 2nd floor', 50027, 17730, 108301, -9057, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower 3nd floor', 50028, 17719, 115430, -6582, 15000, 0),
('Cruma Tower Core Room', 50029, 17692, 112284, -6250, 15000, 0),
('Altar Of Rites', 50030, -45563, 73216, -3575, 15000, 0),
('School Of Dark Arts', 50031, -47129, 59678, -3336, 15000, 0),
('South Border', 50032, -61146, 99591, -3744, 15000, 0),
('Swamp', 50033, -14162, 44879, -3592, 15000, 0),
('Temple Of Shillen', 50034, 23965, 10989, -3723, 15000, 0),
('Undine Waterfall', 50035, -10972, 57808, -3717, 15000, 0),
('Waterfall (in)', 50036, -5162, 55702, -3483, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Coal Mines [East]', 50037, 155535, -173560, 2495, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Coal Mines [North]', 50038, 152375, -179887, 2495, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Coal Mines [West]', 50039, 139783, -177260, -1539, 15000, 0),
('Cave Of Trials', 50040, 9954, -112487, -2470, 15000, 0),
('Frozen waterfall', 50041, 9621, -139945, -1353, 15000, 0),
('Mithril Mines', 50042, 179039, -184080, -319, 15000, 0),
('South Coast', 50043, -37955, -100767, -3774, 15000, 0),
('The Northeast Coast', 50044, 169008, -208272, -3504, 15000, 0),
('Antaras Circle', 50045, 40246, 58785, -3634, 15000, 0),
('Elven Fortress', 50046, 29205, 74948, -3775, 15000, 0),
('Iris Lake', 50047, 51746, 71559, -3427, 15000, 0),
('Shadow Of the Mother tree', 50048, 47932, 39729, -3466, 15000, 0),
('Death Path', 50049, 70000, 126636, -3804, 15000, 0),
('Dragon Valley [Entrance]', 50050, 72317, 117736, -3672, 15000, 0),
('Dragon Valley [inside]', 50051, 84959, 110701, -3209, 15000, 0),
('Execution Grounds', 50052, 51055, 141959, -2869, 15000, 0),
('Giran Harbor', 50053, 47114, 187152, -3485, 15000, 0),
('The Partisan Hideway', 50054, 46897, 111567, -2069, 15000, 0),
('Abandoned Camp', 50055, -56742, 140569, -2625, 15000, 0),
('Gludin Arena', 50056, -88839, 142382, -3646, 15000, 0),
('Cliffside Estate', 50057, -94841, 147430, -2675, 15000, 0),
('Fellmere Lake', 50058, -66931, 120296, -3651, 15000, 0),
('Forgotten Temple', 50059, -53838, 179285, -4640, 15000, 0),
('Gludin Harbor', 50060, -89199, 149962, -3586, 15000, 0),
('Maphri\'s Thumb', 50061, -37689, 193124, -2208, 15000, 0),
('Orc Barracks', 50062, -90562, 108182, -3546, 15000, 0),
('Windy Hill', 50063, -84313, 87057, -3457, 15000, 0),
('Northern Neutral Zone', 50064, -10853, 75689, -3596, 15000, 0),
('Ruins Of Agony', 50065, -56235, 106668, -3773, 15000, 0),
('Ruins Of Despair', 50066, -20043, 137688, -3896, 15000, 0),
('Ivory Tower', 50067, 85332, 16186, -3673, 15000, 0),
('Northern Waterfall', 50068, 70833, 6426, -3639, 15000, 0),
('Enchanted Valley', 50069, 124113, 59232, -4587, 15000, 0),
('Sea Of Spores', 50070, 62425, 30856, -3779, 15000, 0),
('Sea Of Spores [Centre]', 50071, 54216, 23826, -5380, 15000, 0),
('Tower Of Insolence', 50072, 121685, 15749, -3852, 15000, 0),
('Cedric\'s Training Hall', 50073, -73145, 256520, -3126, 15000, 0),
('Einhovant\'s School Of Magic', 50074, -88406, 249168, -3576, 15000, 0),
('Elven Ruins', 50075, 48736, 248463, -6162, 15000, 0),
('Northern Coast', 50076, -101294, 212553, -3093, 15000, 0),
('Obelisk Of Victory', 50077, -99746, 237538, -3572, 15000, 0),
('Talking Island Harbor', 50078, -96041, 261133, -3483, 15000, 0),
('Ant\'s Nest', 50079, -26111, 173692, -4152, 15000, 0),
('South Entrance Of Wastlands', 50080, -17949, 205272, -3670, 15000, 0),
('Wastelands', 50081, -20893, 186060, -4108, 15000, 0),
('Border Outpost', 50082, 109699, -7908, -2902, 15000, 0),
('Blazing Swamp', 50083, 145835, -10995, -4424, 15000, 0),
('The End Thus For', 50084, 125439, -31083, -3862, 15000, 0),
('Aden Castle Cross', 50085, 147967, 4005, 4599, 15000, 0),
('Anghel Waterfall (Top Perch)', 50086, 174354, 90771, 1838, 15000, 0),
('Dwarven Tower', 50087, 106545, -175091, 1300, 15000, 0),
('Partisan Fall', 50088, 49552, 116839, -2131, 15000, 0),
('Devastated Castle', 50089, 178283, -15739, -2262, 15000, 0),
('Bandits Stronghold', 50090, 82662, -15977, -1893, 15000, 0),
('Coliseum', 50091, 150086, 46733, -3412, 15000, 0),
('Innadril Castle', 50092, 116207, 244184, -1084, 15000, 0),
('Alligator Island', 50093, 100887, 172943, -3724, 15000, 0),
('Pirate\'s Tunnel', 50094, 41602, 199340, -4636, 15000, 0),
('Devil\'s Isle', 50095, 42006, 208234, -3756, 15000, 0),
('Field Of Silence', 50096, 84904, 182410, -3670, 15000, 0),
('Field Of Whispers', 50097, 86519, 211911, -3764, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Goddard', 50098, 147591, -56359, -2807, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Rune', 50099, 45843, -47929, -823, 15000, 0),
('Varka Silenos Outpost', 50100, 125893, -40901, -3776, 15000, 0),
('Canyon 2', 50101, 193752, -46075, -2954, 15000, 0),
('Walls Of Argos', 50102, 184380, -62690, -3000, 15000, 0),
('Swamp Of Screams', 50103, 91317, -57174, -2991, 15000, 0),
('Beast Farm', 50104, 52816, -81617, -2751, 15000, 0),
('Valley Of Saints', 50105, 64352, -71206, -3714, 15000, 0),
('Ketra Orc Outpost', 50106, 130512, -72326, -3538, 15000, 0),
('Lakes', 50107, 144621, -105540, -3682, 15000, 0),
('Forge Of The Gods', 50108, 170193, -116256, -2084, 15000, 0),
('Cave 2', 50109, 190403, -108821, -3314, 15000, 0),
('Hot Springs Guild House', 50110, 141213, -122118, -1961, 15000, 0),
('Temple Of Pilgrims', 50111, 168618, -86602, -3021, 15000, 0),
('Imperial Graveyard', 50112, 187120, -75490, -2848, 15000, 0),
('Coliseum Ruins', 50113, -20800, 20906, -3051, 15000, 0),
('Hot Springs Region', 50114, 154482, -126560, -2311, 15000, 0),
('Lair Of Valakas Crystal', 50115, 190188, -106425, -810, 15000, 0),
('Forest Of The Dead', 50116, 63379, -48912, -3164, 15000, 0),
('Rune Harbor', 50117, 38030, -38074, -3668, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 1st Floor', 50118, 115168, 16022, -5100, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 2nd Floor', 50119, 114649, 18587, -3609, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 3rd Floor', 50120, 117918, 16039, -2127, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 4th Floor', 50121, 114622, 12946, -645, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 5th Floor', 50122, 112209, 16078, 928, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 6th Floor', 50123, 112376, 16099, 1947, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 7th Floor', 50124, 115091, 12165, 2957, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 8th Floor', 50125, 111063, 16118, 3967, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 9th Floor', 50126, 117147, 18415, 4977, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 10th Floor', 50127, 118374, 15973, 5987, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 11th Floor', 50128, 112209, 16078, 7028, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 12th Floor', 50129, 114809, 18711, 7996, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 13th Floor', 50130, 115178, 16989, 9007, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 14th Floor Outside Door', 50131, 112714, 14111, 10077, 15000, 0),
('TOI - 14th Floor Inside On RoOf', 50132, 113098, 14532, 10077, 15000, 0),
('The Forbidden Gateway', 50133, 185395, 20359, -3270, 15000, 0),
('Cat Heretics Entrance', 50134, -53187, -250271, -7906, 15000, 0),
('Cat Branded Entrance', 50135, 46529, 170248, -4979, 15000, 0),
('Cat Apostate Entrance', 50136, -20248, -250791, -8163, 15000, 0),
('Cat Witch Entrance', 50137, 140404, 79678, -5431, 15000, 0),
('Cat DarkOmen Entrance', 50138, -19500, 13508, -4905, 15000, 0),
('Cat Forbidden Path Entrance', 50139, 12519, -248498, -9580, 15000, 0),
('Necro Saints Entrance', 50146, -41570, 209785, -5089, 15000, 0),
('Necro Pilgrims Entrance', 50141, 45251, 123890, -5415, 15000, 0),
('Necro Worshippers Entrance', 50142, 111273, 174015, -5417, 15000, 0),
('Necro Patriots Entrance', 50143, -21726, 77385, -5177, 15000, 0),
('Necro Ascetics Entrance', 50144, -52254, 79103, -4743, 15000, 0),
('Necro Martyrs Entrance', 50145, 118308, 132800, -4833, 15000, 0),
('Necro Sacrifice Entrance', 50140, 83000, 209213, -5443, 15000, 0),
('Necro Disciples Entrance', 50147, 172251, -17605, -4903, 15000, 0),
('Town Of Schuttgart', 50148, 87386, -143246, -1293, 15000, 0),
('Schuttgart Castle', 50149, 77394, -147197, -476, 15000, 0),
('Rune Castle', 50150, 21216, -49081, -1301, 15000, 0),
('Monastery Of Silence', 50151, 123743, -75032, -2902, 15000, 0),
('Crypts Of Disgrace', 50152, 56095, -118952, -3290, 15000, 0),
('Den Of Evil', 50153, 76860, -125169, -3414, 15000, 0),
('Frost Lake', 50154, 108090, -120925, -3628, 15000, 0),
('The Ice Queens Castle', 50155, 109060, -128655, -3084, 15000, 0),
('Ice Merchant Cabin', 50156, 113487, -109888, -865, 15000, 0),
('Valley Of The Lords', 50157, 23006, -126115, -870, 15000, 0),
('Pavel Ruins', 50158, 88275, -125690, -3815, 15000, 0),
('Plunderous Plains', 50159, 113900, -154175, -1488, 15000, 0),
('Stakato Nest', 50160, 89880, -44515, -2135, 15000, 0),
('Wild Beast Reserve', 50161, 57849, -93182, -1360, 15000, 0),
('Graverobber Hideout', 50162, 48336, -107734, -1577, 15000, 0),
('Carons Dungeon', 50163, 69762, -111260, -1807, 15000, 0),
('Race Track', 50164, 152610, -126325, -2230, 15000, 0),
('Windtail Waterfall', 50165, 40825, -90317, -3095, 15000, 0),
('Archaic Laboratory', 50166, 87475, -109835, -3330, 15000, 0),
('Fortress Of The Dead', 50167, 58000, -30767, 380, 15000, 0),
('Rainbow Springs Chateau', 50168, 141377, -123793, -1906, 15000, 0),
('Sky Wagon Relic', 50169, 117715, -141750, -2700, 15000, 0),
('Brigand Stronghold', 50170, 124585, -16024, -1180, 15000, 0),
('Lost Nest', 50171, 26174, -17134, -2747, 15000, 0),
('Primeval Plains', 50172, 8264, -14431, -3696, 15000, 0),
('Primeval Isle Wharf', 50173, 10468, -24569, -3650, 15000, 0),
('Research Facility', 50174, 6229, -2924, -2965, 15000, 0),
('Coloseum', 50175, 147566, 46786, -3408, 15000, 0),
('Arena giran', 50176, 73650, 142645, -3798, 15000, 0),
('Arena gludin', 50177, -87269, 142354, -3672, 15000, 0),
('schuttgard', 50179, 87178, -143388, -1319, 15000, 0),


Grafeis to


DELETE FROM `teleport` WHERE `id` >= '50001' AND `id` <= '50180';




apo kato ta tp kai opio uparxei to kanei delete k to pernaei apo pano etc dn 8a exoun prob ta tp.. mn peraseis auto.. ena paradigma s ekana.

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