WeirdSituation Posted December 25, 2010 Posted December 25, 2010 Hello again maxcheaters community. Mechanics * ace= all of the enemy team is dead for the moment. Beware spawn times but now is an excellent time to push. * aoe = area of effect, an ability which covers an area, rather than a single character. * AP = Ability Power. The stat which boosts the effectiveness of abilities. * aura = A 'passive' which applies not only to the hero who has it, but also to heroes within the given range for the aura. A shareable passive. * bd/backdoor= To attack the enemies towers and base without the cover of your creeps there * brush = The large grass in LoL which causes your hero to be hidden to people outside of the brush * buff = Typically a temporary increase to some stat(s) * carry = A character who, if played properly, wins late game fights for a team. Typically these heroes are weak early game and require a lot of farming. * CC = crowd control. Moves that interfere with the other champions actions such as stun, fear, knockbacks/ups and blind. * ]CD= Cool down, the time between using abilities. * champion = The particular character that you as the summoner control * dd = direct damage ability. Typically DDs are unavoidable: Click ability, click target, profit. For example: Annie's Q fireball. * Disable = A Disable is a debuff that usually prevents some kind of action on the player. Stuns, roots, silences are all examples of disables * DOT = Damage over time. * dps = Damage per second. Also referes to characters who job it is to deal damage (As opposed to support and tanks) * executed= killed by a tower with no enemy hero receiving credit for it * Farm = Farming involves the amassing of gold for player. This is usually best done by killing a lot of creeps and killing them very quickly. Certain Heroes like Ashe and Tristana are great farmers: The first has a +gold passive, and the latter has an AOE passive. * feed = A player who dies constantly feeds the other team (via the gold reward for killing someone). Being called a feeder is not a compliment. A player who is fed has a lot of kills. * grass = see brush * harass - to annoy the enemy with small bursts of non lethal damage, often forcing them to go heal or be set up for a gangk. * hero = non-canon name for a champion * humiliation= killed by a creep with no enemy hero receiving credit for it * IAS= Increased Attack Speed * juke, juking = When being chased, juking is to fool your pursuers. Typically this happens in the jungle. A successful juke could range from eluding the enemy by exploiting line of sight, or could simply cause the enemy to mistarget a spell. * jungle = to attack neutral creeps, allowing for 2 solo lanes and better ganking. * lane = the road like expanses that contain towers and lead to and from the bases * last hit = Getting the very last hit, or killing blow. * MR= Magic Resist. Works as armor against magic abilities, reducing the damage. * ms = movement speed * neutrals = The creep-enemies who live in the jungle * neuts = neutrals * passive = An ability which is not activated but helps a character. For example, Morgana's passive allows her to heal a small % of the damage her spells inflict. Passives usually apply only to the hero who has them. * pbaoe = point blank area of affect. The area of effect is centered around the caster such as Nunu's Ultimate or any aura. (not widely used) * Proc = refers to a weapon, item or ability activating with the "Chance on Hit" or "Chance on Use" effect (an ability or a spell). "Programmed Random OCcurence" * Root = A debuff which prevents any movement by a champion (summoner spells excluded) * Silence = A debuff which prevents any abilities being used by a champion (summoner spells excluded) * skillshot = an ability that fires a projectile that can be dodged. For example: Morgana's cage, Ashe's ultimate arrow * Snowball = an item that grows with kills, that can quickly become very dangerous unless kept in checked by death. * Stun = A debuff which prevents any action by a champion (summoner spells excluded) * summoner = Your representation in the game. Essentially you are the puppet master of your selected Champion and you have your own summoner abilities along with the champion's abilities. * support = Characters who job it is to support other characters: Healers, buffers, etc * tank = Character with a lot of HP and likely armor/resistance. Whose job is to initiate battles with the enemy players/turrets as to draw damage onto himself. * tp - summoner spell teleport used to traverse the map "I'll tp back in" * ult = ultimate ability. The R Ability. * unique = In LoL certain auras/passive are unique, meaning they do not stack. Locations (emphasis on Summoners Rift, the most common map) * top, mid, bottom = the lanes in LoL. * river = The river which cuts across the map diagonally in Summoners Rift * baron, nashor, worm = the big worm like boss that gives a noticeable buff to the whole team when killed. The big red skull on the minimap * dragon = the powerful neutral creep that provides gold and experience to the entire team. Located on the river near the bottom lane * jungle = The mass of trees and paths that exist between the lanes Chat Phrases * gg = good game. * gj = good job. * gl hf - good luck, have fun, usually an encouraging sportsmanlike phrase said before a game, * disc, dc = disconnect from a game. Common Team Chat Commands and Requests * b = back, fall back, they're coming for you * back = fall back, they're coming for you * bait - to deliberately appear in a position to be easily ganged so as to lure 1 or more players to be gangked by your team "go bait them in to the jungle" * base, basing = going back to base * bp, pill, pilling = blue pilling, going back to base * care = be careful, they may be coming for you * d, defend - to sit at a tower and/or inhibitor and attempt to avoid confrontation while stopping the enemy from killing the objective "I'm gonna d mid" * DD (alternative)= don't die. Also sometimes direct damage * focus = To target a player. Meaning that as a team you all will all focus on a specified hero to kill first. * gank - to go (often with more than one player) to try and kill an enemy, often by surprise "lets gank bottom" . An Ambush * heal - either the summoner spell, a champion ability, or the act of returning to base to regenerate HP and mana "you should heal" * Kite= to draw a hero away from a comfort zone such as tower or allies and into a gank, creepwave, or other painful situation * lom = low on mana * miss, mia = Missing, missing in action. Commonly used to describe when a hero is missing from a lane and may indicate to the team that a gank may happen. * oom = out of mana * pot = potion (sometimes elixirs too) * push - to gather up a creep wave and attempt to destroy an enemy tower "I'm going to push bottom" * QQ = meaning to tell some one to quit, often as a rage quit. Coincidentally depicts a set of crying eyes and has also come to mean "cry more" * raqequit = To quit a game in anger (Being killed, losing) * shop,buy = To go back to base to go shopping, can mean you should shop or they are shopping if you know anything else, tell me to add it. Quote
HellRanger Posted December 26, 2010 Posted December 26, 2010 A lot of this words-sentences you can see at more of online games i think. Quote
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