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Well in official those classes have to be more balanced but..like most of you i agree we dont play l2 anymore but just a game looks like l2.

And i see the best mmorpg turn into the worst.

If i remember some thing about l2 (cause i get bored of it and i only kill some time on dev) , i ll remember the c3off time's and c4off.

Lineage get bad to worst us the chronicles past..

Wait for c8 they will add emo's too ;D


Kamael looks like gay,i have tested all the classes in multiple servers and the result is like..

Server1:Kamael overpowered        Server2:Kamael sux        Server1+2:Unbalanced classes bugs etc..

Yeah Check New Class In L2J Private Server.....Ok...Yes...Sure...And U Also Learned L2 In A Server x5000?


it's funny to see all those kamael critics who only played L2J.


All 3 kamaels are strong

And no they don't fly, lol.

Most of the ppl choose a free l2j server to play and for a l2j server kamael is a noob class.

I dont know how's in off server but i think its have to be more balanced.

And for the fly thingy , no they dont fly actually they get an extra wing and look like a bird and not a character :P

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