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Server sucks!

L2net is everywhere and is used from everyone to this server!

Enchant rates are low but everybody has +16 weapon!

Many bugs....(Geodata, etc...)

Community also sucks, i was trying to farm and all time somehow some1 came and killed me again & again....(PK)

No Pk guards at farming zones!

Low community! (30-50 ppl daily)


The only possitive of the server is that the owner is a good, hard working for his server guy!


This is my opinion about this server!


Server sucks!

L2net is everywhere and is used from everyone to this server!

Enchant rates are low but everybody has +16 weapon!

Many bugs....(Geodata, etc...)

Community also sucks, i was trying to farm and all time somehow some1 came and killed me again & again....(PK)

No Pk guards at farming zones!

Low community! (30-50 ppl daily)


The only possitive of the server is that the owner is a good, hard working for his server guy!


This is my opinion about this server!

A Cheap lier.

We have 3 Active game masters at least (Hidden ones) to Guard and chase botters.

The fact that you cannot even understand the basics of a Game you spend loads on is none of my bussiness. You can farm much more better at Party farming area.

Godata is bugged? Oh common, Nothing better to accuse? Geodata are worth 200$ From a paid close source russian project.

Pk guards at farming zones? Parnasus is a huge area to farm, It cannot be you get pked everywhere...

Low community? Oh common! onlinej.png Just taken.


And I can proove you're Just another hater.




A Cheap lier.

We have 3 Active game masters at least (Hidden ones) to Guard and chase botters.

The fact that you cannot even understand the basics of a Game you spend loads on is none of my bussiness. You can farm much more better at Party farming area.

Godata is bugged? Oh common, Nothing better to accuse? Geodata are worth 200$ From a paid close source russian project.

Pk guards at farming zones? Parnasus is a huge area to farm, It cannot be you get pked everywhere...

Low community? Oh common! onlinej.png Just taken.


And I can proove you're Just another hater.



Someone got pwned?

server is fine, but yeah comuny sux, why the hell you need kill newcomers, i was raped over and over for a clan called ReQest, isn't funny at all get peked when you cant even buy all your S grade stuff.

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