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Remember, remember..


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Guess you would like then.


Well, I didn't understand a shit out of what you wrote, although if you have any crap to say, do it out of my topic.

I respect the day, the sacrifices of a few people, and I will not accept e-people like you talking bullergs.

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coyote if u dont like other's option - no matter of they are taRDS- then dont open topics... make your own forum to open a hitler rule topic


Guess you're blind, since if you weren't you would obviously see that there's no opinion out there, just some stuff about niggers.

Oh and it's sad to see people talking about stuff they've got no idea about - in this case Adolf Hitler.

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you could ask for an explanation and then answer back..


Does his post require in-depth analysis in order for the reader to understand that it is 100% off-topic and offensive?

Anyway, enough with that, I am not willing to destroy my very own topic.

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as about the 5th of november...

Good you remind to this ass-holes some great events.

But they dont know what we celebrate for on 24 march and they will know about 5 november? kidin me

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