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Hi im curently having a pvp farm server and a low rate server and i wanna ask you would you like like 2 new dedicated hosted servers???



one Pure PVP easy to get items subs and etc and one mid rate with farm? like 30-45x?


give me your sugestions please :D

i have a dedicated machine with 24gb ram

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Personally i'll prefer a PvP server.. pretty easy to get items but u should invent urself something unique to make the gameplay interesting..


+Currency only adena & gold bars!

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Also i preffered a high rate pvp server, cuz for me, i have few time for play, so if i need to farm 2-3 hrs every day, for 2 weeks i'm gonna quit soon.


Some thing i suggest, if it is pvp server, dont make it +30 enchant stuff, make it max 16, and maybe a low enchant rate, so maybe could be more balanced, o some way hard to get enchants and blessed enchants.


Other thing, make something with raid boss, cuz on high rates, the usual raid boss, no1 kill them, normal i mean raids on ketra, varka, silent valley, hotsprings, some of blazin swamp, and some a bit lower could increase level.


Other example, make the toppest weapons expensives, s84, and the enchants make them low rate succes, but to dont broke the weapon, just low -2 enchant if fail, safe +3, max 16. With that people will have few weapons and maybe not so much ++++


Well i dont know if other people like this, but this are some suggestions.

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yy i like GvE server too,but not with fucking donators +30 skills lol(scryde)


OnTopic:I would prefer the pvp server too.i suggest you to open only one (for me the pvp on) and concenstrate on this

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Well yeah the PvP srvs is the best choice.. to make it more interesting u could add Rb's how other ppl said.. that drops rb jewels + blessed + ls... also make that when enchant fails item doesnt break but goes back 2 enchants.. how other ppl mentioned..

My opinion is that if u make farming too hard ppl won't join,so u could also make easy farm for items but hard for ls.. or something else just try invent something unique.

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BTW wich is the name server, to have it in mine to joing if u create a entertaining server :D


About the raidboss, make them hard, that need to be killed by at least 2 parties, respawn time like 2-4 days, good drop, make like 20-25 raids, so clans will need to fight to get them, so 2 parties killing the raid, 1 or 2 more defending if pvp comes :D.

Other thing, that the raidboss dont die by reflect damage.


Normal enchants 40% rate, blessed 55% or something like that, and if failed, dont break just lose 2 enchants :D. If safe is 3 or maybe for for duals have SA, and to 5 failed, that it return to 4, but to 6, if failed, return to 4, what i mean, that if any enchant failed, dont reduce from safe enchant.


If anyone dont understand tell me and i'll edit it :D

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I understood but..40% enchant rate on a high rate PvP srv? :/ lol no


About the raidboss, make them hard, that need to be killed by at least 2 parties, respawn time like 2-4 days, good drop, make like 20-25 raids, so clans will need to fight to get them, so 2 parties killing the raid, 1 or 2 more defending if pvp comes :D.


Also u ever thought if srv will get so much ppl that there will be so much parties at rbs?

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