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TvT full buffs.


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Hello all. I have find realy interesting bug in server where is TvT and NPC buffer, TvT event must have too option " To Village" and system with waiting some second.Oh... i forget, my english is not perfect because i`m 12 and i live i Poland :). So, first u must dead, and waiting some second/minutes, next when you receive black background u must fast click " To Village " and u are in town :) u can`t target ppl and people can`t target you, so u can farm easy :) u can attack people with skills like Aura Flash or other mass skills.




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Fixed on almost all srvs.. on some srvs after u die during TvT u simpli fast re-spawn.. in some others servers the window with "To village" dont appear and on some others u click on To village useless cause won't teleport u to village.

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Veri gud icsploit mang, nevah heard of something like this.

























































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