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[Guide] How to take ADEN castle without breaking the doors.


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This is not a BUG. Used in official and many private servers by me and my clan to take Aden castle.


In order to make this u need to be clan leader and have summon skill.

So u have to be wc, summoner, or make one of em leader for 1 day or be married to a summoner (so he can tp to u).


First of all u need to have a fortress with wyvern manager.

Ride the wyvern and go to aden castle. From the castle u will see some corridors ("roads") that lead to the outer walls of the castle (that are always open).If u are wondering what i mean go at aden castle and u will see :P


Those corridors have towers at their bottom. Land on one of them (deep down far away from the castle). These towers are far from the castle so they arent in siege zone.


When siege starts (or before), summon ur warcryers or ur clan members (wc will be faster cause they summon rest pt members).


Following the corridors there are 2 paths u can take. Choose any of them u like... One leads to throne room and the other at a balcony out of throne room. U will have to break doors ofc and kill guards but this way u avoid to brake walls, or fight defenders that are out of throne room or other attacking clans. :D


Hope it helps :D

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There wasn't a command that was like .gotoleader or something, where all members of the clan can teleport to the leader position?

This command exists only on some LoLservers full custom..

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This command exists only on some LoLservers full custom..


Arggg that was a good command :D, i remember where the leader went a pvp zone, and was only him, then all use command and 3-4 party around him :D

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Are u sure u can register for a siege to a castle when u have a fortress?

u can but when u take castle u lose fortress simple

@cannot see what ya talking about 250 posts is too much for me a non-spammer

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as noxy said yes u can but u lose the fortress and j.morva the only command u can find in normal servers is .gotolove (need to have wedding system enabled and to be married) or simple summon.

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if that is not working,u can always try to go in the back of the castels [there is a "secret" way] ex: giran castel. Go in the back of it,summon strider/wolf and try to glitch,its easy,relog if its needed.

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as noxy said yes u can but u lose the fortress and j.morva the only command u can find in normal servers is .gotolove (need to have wedding system enabled and to be married) or simple summon.


also .gotolove command was deleted on lots of servers to avoid some exploits.

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if that is not working,u can always try to go in the back of the castels [there is a "secret" way] ex: giran castel. Go in the back of it,summon strider/wolf and try to glitch,its easy,relog if its needed.


i repeat is not BUG so its working :D

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don't work if you try to recall after siege start.


At least on server where i've try you cannot recall anybody there.

You get not teleported out when siege start 'couse it is not combat zone so you are inside castle, but you cannot use recall or gate chant.


So if you want use that's "trick" you must recall all your pt before siege start

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