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Hey All! I need fixed skill for my server !!!


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thelw fixarismena skill dld  posh wra na einai to anchor kai tetia giati p.x se emena twra  apo ton orc to madness einai 100% kai pianei kai se pvp!:S kai to seal of mirage kai apo necro episis to curse discord! Help plz gt exw kai atoma mesa :/

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thelw fixarismena skill dld  posh wra na einai to anchor kai tetia giati p.x se emena twra  apo ton orc to madness einai 100% kai pianei kai se pvp!:S kai to seal of mirage kai apo necro episis to curse discord! Help plz gt exw kai atoma mesa :/

Μεσα απο το datapack,βρισκεις το καθε skill και το κανεις αναλογο edit :(
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thelw fixarismena skill dld  posh wra na einai to anchor kai tetia giati p.x se emena twra  apo ton orc to madness einai 100% kai pianei kai se pvp!:S kai to seal of mirage kai apo necro episis to curse discord! Help plz gt exw kai atoma mesa :/

zitise na ftia3ei skills oxi buff time..
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to thema einai pws ta fixaro alla meta otan kaneis ena char exei ta misa skill mipws den ta ftiaxnw opws prepei ??? !!


Lipon peC m pos ta fixaris..kai tha s pw gt s bgazei auto to error..mipos perneis ena etimo file me ola ta skill kai ta pernas apo pano?


An theleis na fixaris to time..kane me add sto msn kai tha s dosw ena arxio kai ola ta ID skill tou L2.

EtCi tha pigeneis sto Data/Stats/SKill kai tha vriskeis eukola to skill p theleis kai tha kaneis edit to time,reuse time kai alla...


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I need fixed skill  for my server

Όταν λες θες fix?

Δηλαδή να λειτουργούν 100% και να είναι balance?

Αυτό δεν θα το βρείς , θα το φτιάξεις.

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