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Looking for players on asterios


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Hey .. i'm sorry if i'm in wrong section , but i'm looking for english/romanian players that PLAY on l2asterios-argos

I'm just lookin' for some players to talk/to play with in game cause it's boring alone






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ffs .. none play there ?;\

hahaha you avoid ur rule






By the way , server isnt EU It is tm , so no have people from here  i think

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hahaha you avoid ur rule


By the way , server isnt EU It is tm , so no have people from here  i think


LoL Cloud he is just Bump(ing) his post.



I used to play there but i stopped due to lack of time.


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By the way , server isnt EU It is tm , so no have people from here  i think


Go die ><

It's TM not TK


and server already has 30 k people inside,hey

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6k? When I was playing there (the day after it opened) there was 10k.


But it's already a dead server. Wait for 15x RPG club

my wrong or RPG-CLub doesn't support english language?
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6k? When I was playing there (the day after it opened) there was 10k.


But it's already a dead server. Wait for 15x RPG club


Not really...




Status: 9168

Off-trade: 892

Rates: x5

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Lol you're retarded moron you were the one who said they had 6k people on.

Get a brain and read again.

I said there are minimum 6k players(in morning) but i didin't said there are only 6k players.

And even so, if you consider server with 6k players online a dead one , then what dex is ?

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