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hellbound [L2OFF] L2 DIEHARD


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-Empower potion added to Olympiad block list (you cannot use them.)

-Clan Levels fixed. It is now possible to level your clan all the way to level 10 in game.

-Striders/Great Wolves/Red Striders/Fenrirs/Great Snow Wolves/Snow Fenrirs feeding all fixed. They will now feed automatically directly from the owner's inventory.

-Pet evolutions fixed.

-Clan hall pet evolutions now allow any member of the clan to evolve their pet.(Previously only the leader could).

-Chimera drop rates fixed back to normal.

-red striders fixed to be able to equip strider items

-crown of lord made indestructable

-Blood alliance marks made indestructable

-crown of lord removed from all castle owners(must re-take the crown from chamberlain npc in order to recieve blood alliance marks).

-when you take the crown of lord from npc, he will now give you 5 Blood Alliance marks for clan level 10. you cannot take these again

-Blood oath marks are now purchasable with knights epaulettes from castle chamberlains.

-T-Rex adjusted to drop more icarus weapons,mats, xp, adena

-PI mobs adjusted to drop more mats, give more XP, and adena

-Clan NPC fixed so that you can not de-level your clan.

-Flame Icon fixed

-Touch of Eva fixed

-Touch of Shillien fixed

-T-Rex spawn timers fixed.

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Although the server is a bit lacking the populations. Blackhive along with players on the server have been putting an effort to find ways to improve the server and make it grow. He is trying to do what few Admins if any care of doing now a days. Spends his time trying to find ways to improve the server. I been on other servers, plenty of them and all i can really say is that he takes the time to listen to what players have to say. Weekends are the most fun as that is when there is sieges. Although not all sieges have activity at them the bigger ones do have a nice player count. As its a PvP server and not a PvE server you will not see many players as active as other servers. Most players do however log in for Raids + Sieges and sometimes organize PvP. I would really recommend it to clan leaders to give it a shot and see what you think of it. Currently there is 3 big alliances but hoping there will be a 4th or 5th willing to step up to the plate and provide competition. As i have been busy i have not been able to compile a video. However i do have this week off so i will do what i can and hope to get 2-3 10 min videos out for your enjoyment pleasure. This way you can see how the server is slowly growing.

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-Force of Destruction fixed so you cant use it in town

-Bot checking system turned on

-Armor Enchanting rate fixed up to +8. You can now try for it without using blessed after 3 (although the rate is lower as you enchant higher).

L2Diehard Staff,

GM Visionx  

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Kamael Skill Updates:


-Oblivion fixed

-Weak Constitution fixed

-Thin Skin fixed  

-Ennervation fixed

-Spite fixed  

-Mental Impoverish fixed


-Dark Cloud Mansion timers fixed.

-Dual DLE SA removal fixed.



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-Fixed rush impact, reuse delay 30sec, 50% land rate

-Fixed blink,reuse delay 120sec, 50% land rate

-Fixed warp, 30sec reuse delay

-Fixed soul shock levels+skill acquire

-Fixed Wild Shot

-Reuse delay rising shot = (25sec)

-reuse delay soul shock = (10sec)

-reuse delay twin shot = (25sec)

-reuse delay deadly roulette = (30sec). hp requirement changed from 10% to 25%.land rate changed from 50 to 30%*

-reuse delay soul cleanse = (120sec)

-special bolt requirement removed from all skills which use it

-All kamael skills no longer require souls to use them.


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-All resurrection skills and scrolls now require the target to be in party. Mass resurrection is CLAN ONLY. Read the skill description.

-Cleanse fixed to cure fear

-Soul Cleanse fixed to cure fear

-Fortress of the dead mob spawns removed from Raid boss status page

-ALL Jewel-dropping epic raids have had their random respawn window removed. They now spawn the exact time of their respawn after death.

-Autopickup added to Raid Bosses (this way only the party which does the most damage and is within range will recieve the item.)

-Doombringer Shoulder Charge and Rush Impact landing chance increased to 70%

-Rush Impact range fixed

-Bleeding shot landing chance increased to 65%

-Blade Rush landing chance increased to 70%

-Expose weak point trigger fixed to cast on enemy and lower pdef in addition to extra critical damage to that person(previously it casted wrong onto the person casting it)

-Mass Disarm land rate increased to 70%

-Quick Healing Potions now have 5 second reuse delay

-Dash now gives 40% runspeed boost instead of 66%

-Male and female soulhounds and doombringers lvl 81 skills fixed/added: archers will, fighters will, expose weak point

-Trickster lvl 81 skills fixed/added: archers will, fighters will

-Fortress of the dead mobs removed from raid boss status page

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