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I need some help with the lyrics of this song:




That's what I've got for now. If I have any mistakes correct me. (?) = Not sure


New Lyrics[updated]



Rain is falling down

Worries crying down

You never told me how

To live without your heart

The pain killing me

Cause now you're far away

We said goodbye don't see?

Our heart is sweeping me


And I feel love

in every word in every smile

And I feel live

I am feeling deep in love with you(x2)


Far across the time

I feel you in my heart

My love will never die

See the world just in your eyes


I might not keep it clear,

In every of us

We said goodbye, don't see

Our heart is sweeping me


And I feel love

in every word in every smile

And I feel live

I am feeling deep in love with you(x2)


And I...

Feel love...

And I...

Feel alive...


And I feel love

in every word in every smile

And I feel live

I am feeling deep in love with you(x2)


Old Lyrics


Rainings(?) falling down

Worries(?) crying down

You never told me how

To leave me without your heart

..?.. killing me

Cause now you're far away

We said goodbye don't see?

Our heart is ..?... killing(?) me


And I feel love

in every word in every smile

And I feel live

I am feeling deep in love with you(x2)


Fire(?) across the time(?)

I feel you in my heart

My love will never die

See the world just in your eyes




We said goodbye, don't see

Our heart is sweeping me


And I feel love

in every word in every smile

And I feel live

I am feeling deep in love with you(x2)


And I...

Feel love...

And I...

Feel alive...


And I feel love

in every word in every smile

And I feel live

I am feeling deep in love with you(x2)


why you odn't search on lyrics sites ?

and just type the authors name etc.


or search it on the singers website?


dunno if there's any of this

There isn't any lyrics. I want to send them in one of these sites. I am searching for 30 minutes but I didn't found anything. The last website I found said help us find the lyrics, and I said whatever and I start listening to the song and writing the lyrics. Some members like magaki13, MasterDisaster, DarkSlayer are good in English, as far as I know.(and many other members who I can't remember now)

Rain is falling down,

Worries crying down,

You never told me how,

To live without your heart,

Pain is killing me,

Cause now you're far away,

We said goodbye don't see?

Our hand/heart just even me (Can't understand what he says there...)


And I feel love,

In every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.


Far across the time,

I feel you in my heart,

My love will never die,

See the world just in your eyes.


I might not (?) keep it clear,

In every of us (Not sure, I think he he says "every" like "eveeeery")

We said goodbye don't see

Our hand/heart just even me (Can't understand what he says there...)


And I feel love,

in every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.


And I feel love,

And I feel live.


And I feel love,

In every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.


Rain is falling down,

Worries crying down,

You never told me how,

To live without your heart,

Pain is killing me,

Cause now you're far away,

We said goodbye don't see?

Our hand/heart just even me (Can't understand what he says there...)


And I feel love,

In every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.


Far across the time,

I feel you in my heart,

My love will never die,

See the world just in your eyes.


I might not (?) keep it clear,

In every of us (Not sure, I think he he says "every" like "eveeeery")

We said goodbye don't see

Our hand/heart just even me (Can't understand what he says there...)


And I feel love,

in every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.


And I feel love,

And I feel live.


And I feel love,

In every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.

Thanks babe! <3

rain is falling down

worries crying down

you never told me how

to live without your heart

pain is killing me

Cause now you're far away

We said goodbye don't see

our heart is leaving me/live in me(?)


And I feel love,

In every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.



far across the time

I feel you in my heart

My love will never die

See the world just in your eyes


it might not keeping clear(?)

in every of us

we said goodbye don't see

our heart is leaving me/live in me(?)


And I feel love,

In every word in every smile,

And I feel live,

I am feeling deep in love with you.




thats what i can understand.. i do not know if I am right..

my corrections are close to AnimaAequitatis


i wants for this:




2012 - Foc incrucisat




You ain't never witness war when it comes to the streets

They come in a zen and hatred and the rest of your speech

Mark of the beast whenever is within the god

Ready ????? no comparison to millions of you they call dead

Pre-apocaliptic vision, incisions of microchips in children

For ????? secret surveillance is hidden to cities and villages

Neighborhoods, blocks and prisons

Tell us that everything's ok if we follow their religion




Vad girusuri siderale, le-nsir sub itinerarii

Ies subit din detalii, ce-s suplinite-n Stalin

Matricea-i scafald de volburi intr-un joc ocult

Sotron mut, aglutinand inc-un soc contur

Acum ca scad indicii, doar un salt implicit

Prin scalp se-nfige, capii legii's artificii

Pusi s-amplifice sacrilegii-n sacrificii

Ca sa sanctifice artilerii, start litigii!




Subsapte pe sanctuarul sacru,

Sadicul solist. O, ce salta satu'

Cinci dimensional ce ma-ncojoara

Incercuit in cip de cinci ori, hexagonal, stare interstelara,

Unind in vers un Univers, hiperspatii, medii lovind fratii

Glanda pineala captand frecvente din statii

Intunecate-n cap ca si-Obama

Ma transform in lumina, redirectionat pe veci de Karma




Ce decatlon e clica lor din Pentagon

La control pe Decalog si fac ce vor

Ca arabii-n Mecca te calca pe cap

Ceva de speriat ca mexicanii in America

Depinde cine prinde cantecu'

Robotii vor toti chip uman ca fiica presedintelui

Anti-partid sau antipatici, subordonatii telepatici

Vor capitalism la moda ca Ilinca Vandici




Date cosmice, data-i data de NASA

Dansul asta pe datura dau din aripi in zadar

Punctul zero pe calendarul meu

Sincronizat in intreg cu 12 spirale-n gene si ateu

6-6, al 6-lea soare din incinta???

Incepe lent sa rasara si prin alte strasse

Posedati protestanti, prost-documentati invata

Brigad-asta-i prima ta speranta




Inspira sunetu-n stern prin cuve cu ZEN

Hai striga ferm: Noi nu vrem curve-n Guvern

Ca orice pion e muscat de sarpe s-alte satre

Cu incizii-adanci prin cele sapte chakre

N-au jalbe sacre printre jerbe orfane

Intr-un precar sedentar plin de jertfe profane

Ce delir,e focare febrile de intemperie

Primite-n feerie prin dinte-n etnie




The secrets of the pharaohs to the code of Da Vinci

Calendars of the aztecs to reptilian ????? beings

Earthquakes to hurricanes predicted by Nostradamus

World wars to the death of a million with ?????

Genesis, the Revelation, invasions of our nation

Inflicting the son of Satan to nuclear generation

Kevin Spacey or??? these fools, man I walk with the whip

Change the K to an X just to ????? on that verbal hit




Vezi ca spatiu' ataca-n cicluri

2012 nu-i sfarsitu', da' nici ce stii tu

din sarituri de tigru

apoi taios ca frigu' sau ca briciu'

pregatit in cartier de ieri cu Mirciu

Pleci pe targa de parca

N-ai mai fi plecat

In stadiu avansat

De dezmembrat niciodata

Subsapte, ADN, Emil si Snephrue's anti sistem

zbori din cypher ca un stol de pizde !!



I tried hard to understand them, i need only a little help.


Reward: nothing.

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